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A Colorado Man Is Claiming He Killed His Wife Because He Went Crazy on Weed Edibles

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
File Under: This Fuck*n Tard setting us back another 10 years....

In a Denver courtroom on March 13, a man named Richard Kirk pleaded not guilty to the first-degree murder of his wife, Kristine. He doesn't dispute that he killed her—according to the statement of probable cause, Kirk, without being questioned, told the officer arresting him that he had killed his wife. But Kirk's attorneys argue that the legally purchased marijuana edible he had consumed before the incident had so clouded his mind that he couldn't be held culpable for his actions.

Even in a state still grappling with how to handle legalized marijuana, it seems like an awful lot of responsibility to heap on a product called Karma Kandy Orange Ginger—the candy that, according to the search warrant affidavit obtained by VICE, was listed on a receipt found in the Kirks' basement on the night of the murder.

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Troy Bisgard, the Denver Homicide Unit detective who responded to the scene last April, testified last year that there was a small amount—the exactly level was unspecified—of THC (and no other controlled substance) found in Kirk's blood; he did not speculate as to whether this played a role in the murder.


Well-known member
First case of this in , hmmmm... Ever.
"The weed made me do it" lying prick. I don't care if he was peyoted out of his mind, it was him that made him kill...


No judge in the world will rule that if you consume THC you can't be accounted for the actions you make

"Your honour I know I robbed a bank at gun point but I had consumed a load of cannabis and I'm no longer responsible for my own actions"

This will end up being a victory for pro cannabis because the judge will rule that when you consume cannabis its DOES NOT make you lose your mind

RIP kristine


ICMag Donor

Thinking I'm going to watch how this plays out.

Do know...
There are some fucked up judges out there that can only do what the DA tells them. I've delt with one of them pricks!


Active member
If he was ptsd from war , anything could of done it . But these chumps and anti cannabis people will love this and use this against us . You watch any driving cases cause that's a bunch of bs. Sober test me against other drugs or just sober ? Oh wait they did that and cannabis won . Google it


if it smells like fish
nice try ..just cause she nags and ruins your buzz you cant kill her...hell there would be dead women everywhere....yeehaw


Well-known member
He also had a bad back and was probably under the influence of prescription pain meds. It is just more exciting for newsies and politicos to blame weed. I have not seen a report yet that showed what and how much stuff was in his blood. Maybe that will come out in the trial. Oh and wifey was on the phone to 911 when he wasted her. That part caused a stir locally.


People need to learn to handle their shit I don't care what I'm on, I guarantee I won't be killing anyone.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Edibles have made me kill and eat my wife minus the whole killing part so yeah totally plausible.


Sounds like a rehash of the tweenkie defense to me.
Some asshole in the 70s got off cause he said he ate too many tweenkies an went temporarily insane off the sugar high.
The sad thing is most people who know nothing about pot will swallow this hook line and sinker.


3rd-Eye Jedi
on a serious note, you know how many dead spouses there would be if there weren't edibles?


Well-known member
He's just got a clever lawyer who said " here's a loophole where we can blame it on someone else "


Well-known member
If i am not mistaken there is precedent in the law that even if you are drunk as a skunk you are still culpable for your actions as you chose to drink and therefore anything you did because of that was still your choice. This would also be, in my mind at least, acceptable as an argument for this case as he chose to eat the edible and is likely using it as a bullshit reason to kill his wife.


Well-known member
Yep, you are still responsible for your actions but it would be harder to prove intent so he will probably get a lesser charge than murder on a guilty plea deal.
And at the same time throw the prohibitionists a bone.

Fuckin prick.

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