Crap?? Actual real information, instead of reactionary 'shoot yourself' type of statements like you make?R.A. said:Grat3fulh3ad, is this why you have so many posts? You post crap? Cool.
i rockHard stand by what i said.
In The Fat of the Land, originally published in 1946 as Not by Bread Alone, it is noted that such an all-meat diet is sufficient in itself,if enough fat is present. But a diet of lean mean alone, such as rabbit, will leave the either permanently unsatisfied, or with still other unwelcome symptoms which can be correted easily enough by taking in fat. Furthermore, the intestinal bacteria accommodate to the type of meat/fat diet. Similarly, an all-vegetarian diet will also be accommondated. The bacteria that are not needed cease to exist. It is when as omnivorous diet is adopted, with both meant and fruits and vegetables, that the problems commence. This kind of diet is , of course, characteristic of Western Civilizations.
In chapters on scurvy or blackleg, from the documentation, it appears that the causes of scurvy can be trace to the use of salted or preserved meats rather that fresh meats, and/or a lack of frest vegetables and fruits. Even the ration of lime juice supplied to sailors were insuffeciently effective. As to salt itself. the Eskimos called it evil tasting, disliking it even more than the partly herbivorous Indians. Stefansson himself kicked the salt habit.
Stefansson as have many other takes sjpecial note of the dramatic increase in sugar cumsumption, his figures showing in per capita increase from 7.5 pounds in 1791 to 114.1 pounds in 1941. Even higher at present at approximately 150 pounds per persn the inference of course protenially corcinogenic compounds. Stefansson follows this by some good words about whale bubbles and adds the old saying that a person likes eating what he is used to eating what he is used to eating.
In Cancer: Disease of Civilization?, Stefansson states that he initially did not encounter any sign of cancer in teh more primitive or stone age eskimos nor any tooth decay. The same kind of observations have been made about cultures or societies on an all vegetarian diet eg. the Hunzans of Asia. Again, it is civilization that intrudes.
I have the RIGHT to comment on any post I care to comment on.R.A. said:Look Man, i am R.A. remeber this handle.
crap is your comment on my comment on someoneelses comment. Get it?
Not your comment on meat and veggies.
i can carry out my own conversations. Try providing your knowledge to those who ask for it.
No it is not perfect. It is an emotional response with no logical basis. Rights have to be based on rules or morality. Your belief about the sanctity of life has nothing to do with the fact that the very concept of animals having rights is as flawed as thinking animals have morals or rules.2nd
My comment on "shoot your self" is perfect. Who needs a dick who thinks that his kind is the shit. The one with the right to what? I know about life and how precious it is.
You do not need "Actual real information" to know that. Or do you now?
That is incongruent with your previous statements concerning rights. If you were all about facts, then you'd understand that morality and rights are human constructs, just like religion.3rd
i am all about facts. This is the only way for me. Hence i believe in no god and the like. Karma n shit.
Yeah. I was a 10th grader... 20 years ago...4th
10th grader sarcasm?
No sarcasm at all. I mean it. After all, you failed to follow the flow of my posts and what i was reffering to. And here we are me explain all to you.
??? what are you, a 10th grader.
LMAO... I don't need your forgiveness, and your brain cells are not running around, silly... 'you should choose your words more carefully when you address me'... ROTFLMAO...Choose your words carefully when you address me. there are too many brain cells still running around in my brain.
I will forgive your thoughtless comments this time around.
R.A. said:you listen, perhaps i was kind enough in my first post.
Take your -k and stick it up your "only animal with the right to live" ass.
Your mind is in a state of error. So load your shotgun and do all the animals a favor.
Awfully uncivil??? Stay out of my way and you'll never know what uncivil is. I wake up in the morning only to smoke weed and shoot injustice in the face.
Like you said, don't discuss it. It's not why i posted. Just to let everyone know what a dickhead in case they missed it.
Peace out.
Good, so you acknowledge that there are more and less intelligent animals.R.A. said:Thanks for that post. It shows i am right.
Apart from one thing:
"No it is not perfect. It is an emotional response with no logical basis. Rights have to be based on rules or morality. Your belief about the sanctity of life has nothing to do with the fact that the very concept of animals having rights is as flawed as thinking animals have morals or rules.
That is the actual real information. You want a person to shoot themselves because you don't like their way of thinking. I think that makes you more immorak that the 'dick' you were railing against."
So you are saying that animals don't have rights and human do, because they made the rules and their culture produced a moral base for them that allows a rule to give the right to some one to kill even if there is no need?
Nice shit.
Are u aware of dolphins and whales. They are animals with rules and morals. Of course they can't speak human languages because of their communication organs. So **** them and their laws?
I don't give a f if it is immoral to tell someone of such beliefs to go shoot him self. It was more of a "what if it happened to you". On the other hand if he goes ahead and shoot him self, well, guns are not for stupid people.
By the way, respect is not earned with years on earth or posts on icmag. It is earned through experience and perception of the environment you are in.
I know, i know you have the RIGHT to answer any post. Quote, quote, quote ...
I think I've shown you more respect than you showed the person you told to shoot themselves...R.A. said:No,
but you keep misunderstanding my comments. I am not saying you don't understand, but it's easy in a forum discussion on such a sensitive matter.
For example you think that i need you to respect me. But i really meant that people don't seem to respect my comments because i am low on posts or age. Actually i am older than you, but like i said from my experiences it does not matter.
Also, we ended up here because you thought i commented on your diet comment, which i never did.
So, although it was a healthy converse, it turned out to be more of an attack, because my comments where to the point. i think.
If i am wrong i admit it. Today i was not. Taking it any further will make no difference.
Morals are not human values alone. We gave it a name and wrote rules on paper. that's it. It has to do with brain power. And how can u be so sure that there is not an animal out there with the brain power to realize that. Human is not the crown of creation. just another animal.
This is really the last comment on this thread from me. Hope u understand.
Thanks for the time.
C u around
marx2k said:And a good example of that would be...
So, what was that about attacking people on a personal level?![]()
Throwing blanket statements, without singling out any point or giving any counterpoints is easy when you have nothing to actually say but feel the need to reply anyway. Get back on topic and stop hijacking the thread with personal attacks.
Connoisseur said:As far as hunting is concerned, yes, it would be scientifically possible for me to live healthily on a vegetarian diet, BUT, animals DO taste good next to the potatoes.
Stoner4Life said:turn about is fair play....... and you've hijacked the thread by making it about being a VEGAN. this is a thread about HUNTING & you've got nothing lucid to say about it. YOU started by insulting EVERYONE you replied to.
BTW have you got some less than clever shyt to say about the bold type AND the capitalizations now?
YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN ON TOPIC HERE....... the veggies have rotted your mind
And because I like to stay on topic, I still enjoy hunting and fishing and certainly eating the meat it puts on the table.
Liam said:Stop saying farming is unnatural!!! It only shows us how stupid you are.
Ants are animals too. They raise and tend to aphids like we tend to our cattle that through breeding we created. Humans and everything we do is NATURAL. The only thing that isn't, is the fictional SUPER NATURAL shit idiots beleive in.
Hunting is a sport because even with those high powered rifle there is never a guarantee you will bag a deer. This isn't fishing in a fish pond, you can go hunting for days and never see a deer, let alone hit it.