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This ISP Chem91 turned out decent. Super fast flowering time. 1ST time flowering under the 630 LEC. Flowers are dense. This is 40 days looks like she will be done soon. . Will see how the smoke test goes.

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I read in this thread SkunkVA finishes flowering in 56-58 days. I read ISP's Chem 91 finishes in 63-70 days, does that sound right ? Why does it take longer, does it take longer ? Seed finder doesn't give a finish time on SkunkVA.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Harvest times are up to ea grower. I take my skva at 65 days. I dont harvest anything before 65 days. I take my ISP 91 at 70 days, she could go 75 days. Commercial growers want to get in as many harvest they can per year. To me waiting that extra week is better then taking them early.
Thanks Hammerhead.

REZDOG said:
Hiya Trop!
Here's my .000002,from my personal experiences:

Chem "D"- The strongest,by FAR,and stinkiest.
This is THE Clone that made all the others famous,and for
GOOD reason-it's some of the best indica I have ever had the pleasure to work with.
The others of the group (giesel,sister,chem4,et al.) all pale in comparison,frankly.

Chem#4- Great yields,muchmuchmuch lower grow odor,and since it's only,what,three or four years from-seed? It's still chock-a-block with that fresh,from-seed vigor we all love.
Roots like a fuckin' weed.
It's nowhere NEAR as strong as the Chemdog "D" Clone,and finishes in 70-72 compared to the 67-day Chemdog "D" Clone finish. Bulky as hell and holds its' weight,the yield/m2 is about the same as the Chemdog 'D" Clone-Outstanding,and imo world-class weight/m2 especially when using 1000w lights.

Chem '91- This one I don't have experience with personally.
Chemdog told me it was "worn out" and that he himself wouldn't bother with it any more. I've read that some people really like it, until I smoke it or grow it,I can't rightly say.
The "apothecary chem dog" cut that Arjan bought in 2008-9 to work with (read: "feminize") was allegedly the "'91 Cut"-and as I told him,the Chemdog line won't STS into femmd seeds,for shit. Three years later,NO GHS "chem dog" release,so it seems I was,um,right.

^^^ Is this true ? Have I wasted money on Bodhi's The Fuzz and ISP's IC91, both made with Chem 91 ?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ea of us have to decide what we think is worn out. I have no issues with Chem 91. I wouldn't say she is worn out. No you have not wasted your $$..
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Thanks Hammerhead. I read different things and the opinions seem to vary a lot. That's the reason I asked. I have 3 of each of those going. Have you smoked The Fuzz or ISP's Chem 91 ? Are they potent ? Do they taste good ?


Active member
Thanks Hammerhead.

^^^ Is this true ? Have I wasted money on Bodhi's The Fuzz and ISP's IC91, both made with Chem 91 ?


I have the fuzz. Actually it's mom is not the 91. He was given fake Chem 91 cuts like 3 times I think, and the mom of the fuzz is actually the jb cut.

Anyway I was bumed out the mom wasn't the 91 but I have seen pics it looks great, and I asked a couple people they said they like the fuzz.

Tons of people say that isp 91 is supposed to be good.

I'm trying to snag a jb cut of the chem to send to a find to do genetic sequencing and see if the jb cut is in fact the 91 but looks different from a different path traveled or if it's a different cut totally. When I look at the jb cut its leafier but until I have them both to grow and test my best guess is they are the same just different from different paths. The 91 itself seems to look different depending on who grows it, I find hammerheads looks quite a bit different than good old dogs cut, but maybe that's just me.

I'm glad I know someone who's into all the science crap, I can get the answers without all the extra nonsense


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And keep in mind....rez was a fukn dooshbag of the highest order and never said anything that didn't serve himself...in addition he was not half as smart as he or others thought..I wouldn't even consider any opinion that piece of shit bastard has spewed...
And those opinions were formed before the last straw...not in reaction to it

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
And keep in mind....rez was a fukn dooshbag of the highest order and never said anything that didn't serve himself...in addition he was not half as smart as he or others thought..I wouldn't even consider any opinion that piece of shit bastard has spewed...
And those opinions were formed before the last straw...not in reaction to it

The "apothecary chem dog" cut that Arjan bought in 2008-9 to work with (read: "feminize") was allegedly the "'91 Cut"-and as I told him,the Chemdog line won't STS into femmd seeds,for shit. Three years later,NO GHS "chem dog" release,so it seems I was,um,right.

G`day Folks

Why is it that the Chem family can be reversed by every man and his dog these days ?
Was Rez inept , or protecting his empire by discouraging people from trying to make S1s and fem Hybs ?

Grew some Mullum Super 5 x reversed Chem D last summer .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
I fully agree with Subrob...most everything in the Rezdog quote above was misinfo & idiocracy. He was just pretending to know & didn't know. The Chemdog '91 reverses just fine and drops boatloads of pollen from big hanging' balls in my experience. Plenty of folks have made CD'91 S1 & fem seeds.

Yeah Elmer...Rez was inept...like he said, he had no basis for talking on something he didn't know about. He never had or had experience with the CD'91.

Overdose~ JB's '91 was way different than the CD'91sva...totally different plants...ran them side by side many times...I have pics buried in the archives...I wouldn't bother with the JB cut personally.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I know this is a bit off topic, but not sure where else to ask.

I just got a chem d clone and the Tmv (Verigation not Tmv) symptoms are a bit crazy. Is the any way to help reduce them?

Thanks and I apologize for the off topic post.
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Active member
If it's verigation you are speaking of, I've heard of peep fixing it up with extra cal mag in veg or epsom foliars. Also, from past reading, chem d is a cal-mag hog if mEmory seve's. I've not run the clones so this is just something I remember reading. I'm sure the more experienced heads will chime in.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I know this is a bit off topic, but not sure where else to ask.

I just got a chem d clone and the Tmv symptoms are a bit crazy. Is the any way to help reduce them?

Thanks and I apologize for the off topic post.

If it's verigation you are speaking of, I've heard of peep fixing it up with extra cal mag in veg or epsom foliars. Also, from past reading, chem d is a cal-mag hog if mEmory seve's. I've not run the clones so this is just something I remember reading. I'm sure the more experienced heads will chime in.

Yeah I would start there with some cal/mag foliars. A pic is worth a thousand words though...


Well-known member
I've researched TMV and cannabis and couldn't find one proven case. Pretty sure it's just an old stoners tale.

"Nutrient deficiency symptoms may cause a temporary or variable yellowing in specific zones on the leaf. Iron and magnesium deficiencies are common causes of this."


Foliar right at lights on (best time to spray anything on your plants - edit: unless specified with something like neem oil which will burn your plants) with epsom salt and a touch of dish soap or another wetting agent of your choice.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Chem D is 1 of the worst I have had with that trait.. It can make her look like shat. I never tried to fix the D. I have fixed others using epsom... SKVA doesn't have it.




Well-known member
I have mixed feeling on the subject of tmv and cannabis .
No confirmed testing with standard methods.
Nice plant HAmmer.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Cron

TMV is a boogie man .
Have a look at the old thread here about it . Dude who started the thread and convinced so many growers they had TMV .Came back years later and said it wasn`t TMV after all .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

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