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900d's EZ Cloner knock-off ($25.00)



What up guys & gals, just thought I would share with you this cloner I built... the root pictures below were taken at 12 days from cutting and dropping into the collars. I hadn't been to see these for a few but judging from the size of the roots, I'm guessing they had been rooted for a few days (at least).

The two most beutiful aspects of this unit are the simplicity of use and the relatively low price. The unit consists of a 5 gal bucket w/ lid ($5.00), a cloner sprinkler head ($1.75), a 185 g/hr pump ($15.00), some 3/8" tubing ($2.00), and a scrap piece of PVC pipe ($1.00). As you can see, the PVC slips over the 3/8" vinyl tubing so it stands up straight.

Also needed are neaprene collars (bag of 25 - $15.00), although one could likely substitue something homemade here (i.e. piece of pool noodle, etc..) so I didn't add this into the price.



Simply drill holes in the lid to accomodate the number of clones you'll need at once. Use the little circle indention in the middle of the lid as a guide point for where the spinner head is and put your clone holes in a circle around that. Basically, the sprinkler spins in the middle of the clones and constantly wets them all.



You'll need a hole in the side (see where I have the metal tape) to run the power cord for the pump out of the bucket. I added a thermometer just to monitor for the first use but this is not really needed. My temps were at around 90 degrees and I had zero problems. I add 1 tablespoon of Hydroguard per gallon to plain tap water and adjust the PH to 7. The pump runs 24/7.

All I do is cut the clone, make another clean angle cut with scissors or a razor under water, then stick into the neoprene collar, NO ROOTING HORMONES NEEDED OR WANTED. You can see from the pictures, I give the bigger leaves a haircut to help with transpiration and I mist them one time once I get them sittuated in the bucket. No more misting is needed or wanted. Keep the bucket under floros (about 1' to 2' away from the tips) and VIOLA, roots..

One more thing, prolly a good idea to change the water after each use.

K.eep I.t S.imple S.toners...
Peace, 900d :joint:
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Dr. D

Active member
great job 900, always good to see some innovative home made stuff...always like to make it myself...thanks for sharing....peace


The neoprene collars come from the hydro shop. They are on Ebay too, but......

Here's what I do, get an NGW (national gardeners wholesale) catalog and tell your grow shop the exact item numbers you want. Just so you know, everything you would ever need is in that catalog (well... most everything..) They have it shipped to their place and you pay in cash..easy peasy lemon squeezy.

peace, 900d :joint:


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Oh yes!! That’s nice thanks for sharing 900doses…………….


you can also use a pool noodle cut into sections.. they have them in all sizes in the sears by me.


Active member
could'nt you get afew more in there?....man i would be ssssquezing for room..

nice job man.....I had to fork over the $$$$ for mine.... :badday: ...bummer...

Good growing!!!! :joint:


sako- here's some pics of the pump inside the bucket. The pump sits in the bottom of the bucket with the outlet hose centered to the bottom of the bucket. I used a 3/8" vinyl tube to go from the pump to the spinner, but since the spinner fits into air-line hose (5/16"?), I had to use two smaller some pieces of hose wrapped around the spinner to make it fit inside the 3/8" tube snuggly. The PVC was just slipped over the 3/8" vinyl to hold the spinner straight up...hope that makes sence...




Here's an updated pics of the g13 babies in the cloner, you can see new growth (lighter green nodes on top).. I wonder how long these can live in there off just tap water with hydroguard? My guess is at least 30 days...we'll see... 900d :joint:




issak- yes, one could surely fit more clones into the bucket lid. I just laid it out for what I needed...just lay the neoprene collars out on the lid to see how you want your spacing and quanity...peace.900d :joint:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hi, this is great, i have an idea for the neoprene collars which i have done....at garden shops you will find foam pads to put on the ground to kneel on when gardening, I just just a holesaw to cut some out then put a slit from the outer edge to the centre hole....im using one at the mo on a mini- mediumless dwc for 1 clone just to get a good root system before I Aquafarm it....
hope that helps some1...... Once again, great job 900doses.

big mike

Active member
nice job 900. Im going to have to put this bad boy to some use..
just one question if you dont mind..

Why do you cut the bigger leaves?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
hi mate, you cut the leaves to lower the amount of oisture loss...plants give out opuit from the leaves, its called trabspiration....alos, ots eaier on the cutting if it hasinbt got a load of leaf to support whislt simultaneously trying to root.
hey mate, check out my aero cloner too...im gonna bump it now for you...


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
love it 900d, neat & simple - looks great - thanks for sharing it.
(I try to construct as much stuff as possible too) cheers.


that's a really neat inventionand would be good for 215 patients

but it cant do this