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70,000 watt grow house busted

  • Thread starter stonedeconomist
  • Start date


Verite said:
Cripes stealiing electricity they were going to get caught before harvest anyways..

Oh no they weren't. That's common practice for large scale my man. Nobody pays for electricity unless they have to. I've seen 50k warehouses and multiple 15 - 30k houses with stolen power. Also 30k warehouses with paid for electricity. All operating for YEARS. Nobody cares and nobody stops it. In cali of course :tongue:

Also 70k is about 350 amps - not 500+ ;)


1TokeOverLine said:
Also, dead-on with the amperage - residential transformers are doling out 100 amp service, 200 amp service usually has to be ordered for plasma cutters & welders, etc. How many common residential homes are using those? :pointlaug

200 amp service is nothing special. No special phone calls to anybody but your personal electrician. 100 amps is the standard on any home unless you're living in a small 1 bedroom apt like me. I got only 35 amps :pointlaug


My little pony.. my little pony
.. and what planet are you talking about? Juice stealers are busted left and right and its in the news daily. Stories on big ops busts are also in the news and theres has yet to be one of them that appeared to be in operation for more than months. Find one big operation bust that describes how the operation went on for years undetected and I'll gladly eat crow.. I've never heard of one.

Also not sure how youre doing amp math but the avg 1000w draws 9.5 amps.. times that by 70 and you get 665 amps.


gets some
Verite said:
Also not sure how youre doing amp math but the avg 1000w draws 9.5 amps.. times that by 70 and you get 665 amps.

1000w lamp on a 240v circuit is only 5a give or take. Your figure is accurate for a 120v circuit though.
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Verite said:
.. and what planet are you talking about? Juice stealers are busted left and right and its in the news daily. Stories on big ops busts are also in the news and theres has yet to be one of them that appeared to be in operation for more than months. Find one big operation bust that describes how the operation went on for years undetected and I'll gladly eat crow.. I've never heard of one.

Also not sure how youre doing amp math but the avg 1000w draws 9.5 amps.. times that by 70 and you get 665 amps.

I'm living on planet earth my man. Juice stealing is the NORM for big grows in cali. All these stories of big busts are from something i predicted to my friends a long time ago (rampant snitching). Not from stealing power.

Basically when people are doing illegal things for money when they really don't have the heart to do it, OR, when they really have a lot to lose - they're placed under a lot of pressure to relieve themselves of certain consequences. They'll do anything to lift that pressure and that includes "co-operating" The other reason is general sloppiness. The way the commercial game has been played has to change because the busts are teaching the public what to look out for.

Essentially it turns John Q.Public into an unpaid informant. Those who want to survive have to be less greedy and smarten up. No more visiting houses once a week, no more blowing up EVERY room in the house. No more blacked out windows, uncut grass, overflowing mailboxes, and unused garbage cans in the front yard :biglaugh: Those who don't adapt will go down soon enough and those that are doing their thing but still linked to other groups of individuals that are caught - need to shut down asap and move on

But anyways..

If you want proof i guess i could tell you about all the money people i know have made, and will continue to make. But that's kinda like bragging on a another mans dick by talking about all the beautiful woman he's taken down ;) If you want to hear something from me personally... well.. i don't kiss and tell :tongue:

Btw most if not all commercial ops are done with 220/240 wiring so the amps are slashed in half. That leaves 1000w at about 5 -/+ amps


cannabismavin said:
1400 plants.. stolen electric.. blah! giving real non criminal people a bad name,,,

nah... I see it as a divider between the commercial, non-conforming growers and the legit med growers with 4, 6, or 8k watt grows who pay for their juice and who stay within their allowed local guidlines. I'm fine with the bacon chasin 70.000 watt power pilferin guys....puts a perspective on my modest med grow :joint:
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Resident pissy old man
What no one has really mentioned here is the amount of heat generated by 70,000 watts. I figure it is 245,000 BTU, which would take 20 tons of a/c to cool. Need to tack on another 100 amps for a/c. These guys had to have had about 3 200amp services to handle this.

I think back on the 3 800sf apartments that I owned in Florida. Each had a 200a service. What an opportunity I missed. No renters to fuck with, just 3 apartments full of plants. Oh well, Florida sentences you to be drawn,quartered and then incarcerated for 200 years.


Active member
First......remember that if they are flipping the 12/12 cycles between rooms the required total current needed at one time is halved.

Second.....Yes, this was purely a money making deal by Chinese immigrants. They were growing in a style that was handed down to them, not having the expertise to deviate in any way.

Third.....I would bet my left nut that this bust is related to the one a month ago in So-Cal by Chinese/Vietnamese immigrants.

Next time try growing trees, and keep your clones at another local, (I'll bet half those 1400 plants were clones waiting for the next round) then you can stand before the judge and say, "but it was only 50 plants your honor".
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My little pony.. my little pony
Im still waiting to see just one news story where they indicate it was going on for years undetected. If its as commonplace as you say it is " the norm " then there should be plenty of news stories to pick and choose from to prove me wrong. The fact there isnt says volumes. Next I suppose you'll blame the too busy media for selective reporting?


Lucid said:
1000 @ 240v = 4.5amps * 70lights = 315amps

Those figures are fine in theory but just try finding ballasts that are really that efficient. I've still got older 400w ballasts gathering dust that are rated at 4.25A and if I could be bothered to get out of my seat to check my new 600s I'm sure they'd be rated at close to 6A each (on 240V).

HID ballasts are a pretty inefficient way of using electricity.

Mind you, I'm just splitting hairs here - 70k is still an awesome amount of juice whichever way you look at it. Maybe they should have just used a shitload of candles! :joint:


Note how the "70kw grow house" thing relies on counting bulbs. You only run them 12/12, no sense in doing them all at once.

35kw grow house.


Verite said:
Im still waiting to see just one news story where they indicate it was going on for years undetected. If its as commonplace as you say it is " the norm " then there should be plenty of news stories to pick and choose from to prove me wrong. The fact there isnt says volumes. Next I suppose you'll blame the too busy media for selective reporting?

Listen, man. Believe what you want and i'll continue to know what i know ;) I know what i've done in the past (i have no grow now), i know what my friends/associates are doing, and you know what you read in the news :tongue:

I mean you no disrespect but I think we're on two completely different levels of knowledge when it comes to big ops.

For the record i'd like to say that everybody who goes big isn't stealing power - some steal, some pay, and some use generators. Not everybody knows how to do it, and many people are ignorant of the risks involved. Just about all the people i've met who know how to do it - do it. People i know are still in business with no issues from the law or the electric company. Nothings changed except they've gotten more places and stole more juice..
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hmmm takes my 2000w room 15,000BTU to keep 70's.....so yah thats bull...no way 70,000w...in a hanger lol


thats more understandable but still alot of cooling needed :)....unless your in the north pole or something

_Dude said:
Note how the "70kw grow house" thing relies on counting bulbs. You only run them 12/12, no sense in doing them all at once.

35kw grow house.
cant' understand... wanting to do a grow so big, then do it outdoors this time of year.... for the money they had in the house and fixtures... a nice plot of land in bfe would have been the smarter way to go i think.... w/ access to acres and yes there enough remote places to buy and not have a single plane or copter flying over but as for bashing them... man hate to see people doing this just for money... there is so much enjoyment in growing that if you can do this without getting addicted to growing then you have no real love for cannabis :joint:


yamaha_1fan said:
I say very tough. 70K watts of lighting is 583 amps not including the timers, pumps, fans, blowers, and the AC needed to cool the place down. I just dont think the house could supply 600 amps. most houses have 200-400 amp service. Even if you ran half the lights at one time, thats still a huge demand.

Naw, lets get real for a second although you may not run your lights on 240 electric, guys running 70 lights do ... at 240 a light uses 4.8 amps, so your looking at 336 amps worth of light ... of course they were running half at a time that one is a no brainer, much easier to keep the house 'comfortable' lol. So now were down to 168 amps of 'lights on'.