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6kw/12 hood basement build, new member!


Thanks for the kind words fellas! That was my goal... cleanliness. To feel like you're in a lab everytime you come in.

I'll have my shelving by the end of the week, I've been working on the outdoor gear everyday lately... I've got my interior doors, conduit, lights to hang, I'll get back to it this week and get you guys some more photos :D


Doors put on, more wire in rest of basement pulled, outlets in places wired in, cleaned basement, organized, started 40+ seeds over the weekend from Fractal, Barney's Farm, and Purple Snowman (no idea where it came from).

Got hoods hung, 2x6 on ceiling with hooks... Not enough room for 6 lights unless I put in new hoods. Might be 4 Cobra's per room.


Few sticks of trim to finish darkening my room off, some seals for the doors (this week!) and they're in flower. Stuck 'em under 12/12 last night.



Well 5 weeks in and the bitches are looking good, battling mites but that's what I get for moving them around and pets. Oh well.

More pics, rooms are finito' with the delivery of my shelves yesterday

Partial-finishing rest of basement

The "drying closet"

Trimmed in PVC trim... 3 1/2" x 3/4", won't pull up moisture from the floor and caulked in will provide me a really easy way to clean... Everything's SEALED!

36x72 bulk wire rack, in place. Can ya tell I built the room for the wire rack? Haha

With "addon shelf kit" for cloning/seedlings to get them away from bigger veg plants

It all doubles as under, and over, storage. I should be able to virtually keep everything in these rooms and out of the regular basement, away from visiting eyes and kids.


This makes the blue collar in me hard as hell. Kind of gay. Sorry about that. Nice build out. :)


Active member
Respect with that build-out, that would take me literally months to complete.

Update pics are due brother :)



Hey folks... This last month was rough for me. But, I will update with a few pics of my progress... and some bud pr0n.

Installed 4 of these Oak doors for bedroom, 2 closet doors, and the boiler room

Barrowed an airless sprayer and hit the walls with 10 gallons of Watertite to make it at least feel semi-finished and give a bit of a humidity break through the concrete. Going to finish these walls eventually, but for now... they're white.

This is a Bubba Kush I cut down 10 days ago along with a Northern Lights x Big Bud, and a question mark. I cut down 5 White Russian last month, 2 Purple Snowman, and I have one Strawberry Kush tester that's ready to come down.

Unfortunately for me, the Purple Snowman were fresh from seed. 5 weeks into flower, I find this...

The plant was doing VERY well, VERY dense and great bud to leaf ratio. Then it hermied. It seeded out the plant that was behind it, and itself... the rest of the plants only have a few seeds to each whole plant. But these two are turning into BHO.

I had a bunch of time off work in December, family visiting, plus the holidays... I took care of the girls but didn't spend much time doing anything else.

I'm down in numbers right now to only 7 plants -- (had to clean house, shit happened to a former friend... former being the key word, get the idea?). But I paid for a few patients to go get their cards so by the end of the month I'll be back in the 60-70 range (I hired a babysitter ;))

Glad y'all like my room. Want my honest opinion 6 months later? ... I'll never build indoors again. Ever. Dollar for dollar, I could have -literally- put up a 30x90 greenhouse and just focused my efforts outside (but.. I wouldn't have seen a return for a minimum of a year, so I guess it's paying for itself)

I'm not meeting my product goals... I wanted 6-8oz a plant, I'm averaging 3. The White Russians were my best (the ones the cat pissed in a few pictures up) with around 6oz each.

I switched to Humbolt County's Own nutrients with fair success, though one plant responded poorly and is looking pretty rough... I flushed it the other night and it's starting to bounce back.

All in all, I'm still chugging along... I didn't know you guys were actually anxious for more pics. I'll do my best at home tonight to document where I am right now (including the new bedroom + bathroom I built, closets, work room, laundry room, etc.)


This is the aftermath of emergency clean-out...

Moar down!

Meet Strawberry Kush

Tops were about 4" across and 9-11" long

8.5x11 sheet of paper



New member
Sorry to hear about all of your mishaps sho.
I had a similar issue with a hermie from a strain I thought was close to bulletproof but evidently it wasn't.

It's easy to become cynical in this line of work (regarding your former friend) but it's a lesson to everyone who grows.

Thanks for sharing and stay strong!


Active member
ICMag Donor
was up with your spot brother?

all is good?

Nice updates!

hermies blow - I've had seeds every run cause I test plants for breeders... w/e - hemp seed is healthy :D


All is well, here's an update :D


3 Strawberry Kush, 3 Texada Time Warp, 3 Bubba Kush, 3 Unknown

Bonus points if anyone can guess which is which


Well few months by, more down... I just put in my order for --

8 Growlite Karma's
6 more Lumatek 1000's
and a dual 600 Lumatek for MH vegging over T5's

Plus a pair of 8" fans and some ducting... wooohoo! $4300 morning. Will pics up when the freight arrives at work :cool:

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