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60x6o LED BudMaster - Continuous Grows


Day 21

By now the plants have almost filled the cannopy...one of them I got slack with and couldn't quite control (somango)...one remained a little small (one of the AKs)... well...all of them a little smaller than I had envisaged, but it's OK :)



you probably noticed I re-jogged the plants a few times but kept constant from here on.

Rear left is the Super Lemon Haze. Showing signs of nute burn. Done a little more research recently and apparently she can suffer from this. Rear right is one for the AKs. I think front left somango (stretchy one).

Fast forward a few weeks - and here they are, strangely all of them starting to look like a couple of weeks away from ready and ripe for harvest??? At Day 39?? :comfort:



So ...all caught up with the past now...grow is live!

I am today on day 48...I have checked trichomes and all plants are mostly milky, with already a few ambers? :canabis:One of them is @about 10%amber...

I will feed only water for next few days and start countdown. I need the space as I have 2 autos (auto blue and cream of the crop auto) as well as an easy sativa to go in there!

I will post some more pics over next couple of days on how they are doing. signing out now..time for a big fat :joint::rasta:


Just this guy, ya know?
Wow I wish my autos were like yours hahaha. Great job! Grats on the move too, those always stressful. What is the white stuff in some of your pictures on the dirt? Is that diatomaceous earth?


Wow I wish my autos were like yours hahaha. Great job! Grats on the move too, those always stressful. What is the white stuff in some of your pictures on the dirt? Is that diatomaceous earth?

You are right on all accounts...it was VERY stressful...and it is DE! ;)
Stole it from wife's food cupboard...
Shhhhh :laughing:
One of the problems of moving indoors i find is the bugs that inevitably come in...in past i have used neem and natural soap spray...but i have to say, more impressed with results of DE, will defo keep using...if I am not found out! :hotbounce


I still have a few to move indoors to finish off...

1. An Easy Sativa (though my kid cracked a branch 4 days ago....). About week 2 since flowers showed. Grown really nice apart from that and only one which seems to not care about cold and rain? Will defo give these a strong go nx yr outdoors

2. A Sin Trabajo Auto. It is very small though, really not liked weather. Probably about day 50 from seed or around there.

3. An Auto Blue and a Crop Circle Auto, both about week3 since sprout.

Will move them in a makeshift area today...the makeshift area incidentally is being worked on..it will become my 12/12 space, it is about same depth as current one but about twice as wide. I will finish off the super lemon haze etc. grow by sunday. I will then move the autos in the current 60x60 tent and use it as an autoflower tent + veg tent for phenos.


Also...since current grow i am planning on extending no longer than another 10 days, i have popped some more seeds, straight into bio bizz light mix.

Photoperiods - for the cupboard (new space)
1. Lemon kush
2. Blueberry
3. Mango
4. Special kush #1
5. Ayahuasca purple

Autoflower - For the tent (current 60x60 space)
1. Purple Express Auto
2. Auto Blue Amnesia

When it will be all sorted, you will notice tent will have white light and the cupboard pink. Both are Budmaster II LED.

Happy sunday smoking all!


OK, as pictures as promised. Took them out to check trichomes properly in better light. Looks like not much changed, all are pretty much cloudy now..no more ambers really to speak, though I am still getting fresh pistils in all plants.

Day 48

Pure AK? AK 49? (I think the latter as smell more reminiscent of AK47?)



Pure AK?

Top view

Not long to go, getting excited!!!


Also because...here are the next generation!!

'The Photos'

'The Autos'

I'll sign off and go do some dreaming...

Till they sprout...have a good time folks! And if you are watching..please chime in with comments/advice...even the silent stoned post readers...:biggrin:



HELP!! mis-hap :-/

HELP!! mis-hap :-/

Had a bit of a problem the other day while making my make-shift area a little more permanent...the timer didnt switch the lights off!! I only noticed after an extra 3.5 hours.....will this cause a problem?

I have monitored closely the last 2 days and it seems to be throwing more pistils....on EVERY plant?? Connected?? Will it add to budding time? Nanners??

Gonna go...need to stop typing and chew some nails....:peacock:


Just this guy, ya know?
Oh crap bro, I am too new to know any of that type of information. I would try asking in the infirmary https://www.icmag.com/ic/forumdisplay.php?f=83
I would think it might go back to reveg, but if it's only 3.5 hours that wouldn't be enough for full reveg? Like you say, it might throw up tons more white pistils like a final push. I wish I could help more :(


Man, great help, thanks so much!Finally managed to find some relevant posts (not so great at searching net :) ) ...looks like if it happens only once, it should be ok.
I'll take them out for a proper once-over tomorrow just looking for bananas....
Thanks again and much good karma coming your way from me! :)


Quick update on how things are going!!! I chopped down all the photos...3 out of the four were only around 20% amber, the other still on around 10.. but that will do me, i need the space for the plants from outdoors!

The Easy Sativa is doing well, she is all on her own in the 60x60 space@12/12.. i do not have recent photos unfortunately, but i will post soon.

I have added extraction and fan to the cupboard, all at 18/6. The 2 Autos (Crop Circle and Auto Blue) are adapting well and starting to push with growth!not sure how big they will get, they were almost 4 weeks old in september outdoor weather...but hopefully i'll still pull an oz or so off each!

they are with the young girls incidentally!!!! All have germinated, although the Ayahuasca purple is born a mongrel unfortunately...i will give her a chance to pull through on the window sill in low light, but i am discounting her for now.

here's how things are looking


I have also made some cannabutter with the trimmings of the 4 plants...used the adapted 7-easy steps method (the one with the 8hr boiling)...I am hoping to try some this weekend..i shall report back! :)


Quick Update!

I thought I would provide some photos of the photos as they were cut. As I said, they came a bit small, but lesson learned. The smell has been delicious and they are in jars curing now.

Pure AK

She smells sooo sweet, even now! Should've revegged her...





Weird colored leaves...but looking forward to trying this one!

And AK49

And here is the Cannabutter in the making... I can say, not too strong, but 1 portion is like having 4 big reefas one after the other - perfect!



While I wait another week or so to produce the smoke report on previous crop...here is how things are developing.

60x60 Tent - Week 3

The Easy Sativa is all on her own! This is a week old, I am now in week 4. She is starting to show some Nitrogen deficiency, but I do not really want to feed her any more nutrients, she is only supposed to go 5-6 weeks?

Cupboard 100x60

In here things are a mixture. Here they are as they were last week. Crop Circle and Auto Blue adapting well, as are all the other babies, looking nice and healthy seedlings!

But I had to re-pot them and the soil had been drenched in the rain as the bag had a hole I didn't know about? The photos only got this soil, the autos got a bit of this and normal higher nutrient soil beneath. I was worried it might be too hot for them, buit today noticed a bit of green returning, so my guess is they have worked through the damp soil and are now reaping benefits? We shall see in a few days...:chin:

The photo seedlings took a bit of a battering, showing clear signs of over-watering (yellowing leaves). Still seem to be growing, so hopefully not too bad. The soil is starting to dry to more acceptable levels, hoping it hasn't knocked them back more than a week or so? I shall post new photos for new week after I take some photos later.

Have a good day all - if anyone is reading!! :tiphat::biglaugh:


Just this guy, ya know?
I have also made some cannabutter with the trimmings of the 4 plants...used the adapted 7-easy steps method (the one with the 8hr boiling)...I am hoping to try some this weekend..i shall report back! :)
What kind of trim did u use for your butter? I used very fresh, 3 day dried trim, and my butter came out VERY green and tasting of chlorophyll :(