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600W Vertical


SC, It has been a great thread you started. I hope your takedown goes well and that your new home will be just what you need.

Everyone, with your great contributions and wonderful pics...Thanks! It has been a treat!!! I hope this will continue on into the future.

Stay green


Thanks Alphacat dude, it is a mystery why hardly anyone does it really. May have something to do with hydro stores practically denying the existence of vertical growing so they can sell more reflectors and cool tubes (unless of course you want to drop thousands of £$£$£ on an ecosystem or similar then they can help you) but who knows? lol

When I purchased bulbs and ballasts and inquired about wired up sockets without hoods, the grow shop clerk hesitated, almost not wanting to sell it. I told him they were going to be hung vertically and he said, "I don't advise you to do that." But I insisted and we didn't go into it further.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Most lamps now are universal, horizontal or vertical, but some are still sold that are one or the other

It should be on the glass next to the screw, if there's nothing it's universal
When I purchased bulbs and ballasts and inquired about wired up sockets without hoods, the grow shop clerk hesitated, almost not wanting to sell it. I told him they were going to be hung vertically and he said, "I don't advise you to do that." But I insisted and we didn't go into it further.

:noway: lol those grow shop guys are too funny. probably never even heard of a vertical grow, but for damn sure seen people with the most amazing results just because the plants were fed AN nutes. they should save their :2cents: and buy a gumball at the end of the week.
. . your grow . .

. . your grow . .

. . hi, i've just been looking at your grow, amazing, it's really beautiful, nice work amigo, i'm just finishing off a lil'vertial myself with two 600 watt hps, i've put some pics up for you . .


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Active member
Hey guys :wave: sorry I aint been around and I'm in a bit of a hurry just now but I'm pretty sure Bush Dr wil have answered most Qs, will try and answer some next time I get the chance. Marlo Stickyfingaz and DrPressure those are looking great nice work :yeahthats
Just a quick update tonight while I've got minute or three. I did cut one of those plants just after the last update which would have been 9 or 10 weeks, gave a couple oz to desperate mates and easily had an oz left over for myself :joint: lets hope the rest are like that too :woohoo: forgot to take harvest pics but here's a bud

oh and it's pretty nice weed too :D looks like that and stinks soooo bad just like an old nepjam I had once. No hiding this stuff in your bag, peope will know.

I chopped another two the other day and they'll be dry in a coupe days, the one in the pics below has buds that are almost black really special looking weed, tried some in the vap and it's a special smoke too. Nugs are pretty solid on this one


these next two are still going




I chopped this supersilverhaze a couple days ago, it's leaning on the shelves and the main cola on the right is facing the other way so you can't see it but it's quite big.

here it is jst after the chop

this pheno smells amazing, lemony lime hazey sweetness very pungent and sticky.

and here's the other SSH pheno again it's leaning away from the camera in the first pic



this one has the metal shop rubber funkiness with some lime in the background also amazing smelling.

Hope I didn't break anyone's dsl with those pics. I'll be back with more when the rest are down and hopefully a happy weigh in too. Take it easy :rasta:

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Nice work SC ...... I have some Karmatrain @about day 50 flower, I'll put up some pics when I cut them

drpressure....... there's a heck of a lot of light not getting reflected back on to the plants by not boxing in m8 ...... wasted light and the buds are not getting lit from the back ...... a few hrs work and some mylar would see the yields shoot up ..... just an observation nice grow otherwise


New member
This is an extremely interesting method to grow with. I'm truly impressed. I think I will have to start thinking about constructing a rig for my tent. good work. gonna keep on the lookout or more vert grows.




Well-known member
Great stuff SC, i've had a SSH for 7 years..........love it!

Bush i noticed you here while i was checking out bonecarver's thread, good luck with the KT and DG.


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Hi Cloneman ..... they're doing really well, I managed to stretch them and now supporting the buds is my main 'issue'......less than 10 days now and bulging more everyday



I have been thinking about running two of these systems side by side as an experiment. One of them with two HPS and the other with an MH on the bottom and an HPS on top.


Well-known member
Hi Cloneman ..... they're doing really well, I managed to stretch them and now supporting the buds is my main 'issue'......less than 10 days now and bulging more everyday


Yep the KT's a busty girl, she needs at least a GG bra!


Active member
Oi oi! I'm back! Nice to see you Osirica, Whodi, Cloneman (both phenos of SSH are really amazing!), BrazilGal, LJB and of course BushDr. So any closer to getting a vert forum?
Anyway, need to try and find the cable for my camera before I can upload a wad of pics. This was easily the biggest harvest I've ever had by at least 30%! I haven't had the chance to weigh it all (only got a tiny set of scales) but I reckon a gram per watt was easily reached and left behind and the weed is the smelliest and strongest I've grown. It was also the most simple grow I've done too, from now on I'll be rocking Vitalink softwater Coir G+B with Buddy in flower a bit of liquid silicone and phdown and that's it. I'll be starting a new lot of cheese and double strawberry diesels and maybe some psychosis in the next week or two so we'll see how this set-up does with indica doms. Right I'm off to hunt for the wire.

Ok a few pics of my keeper NepaleseRoyalMassacre, this one was a big yielder with very dense buds and smells intensely of coffee. In the jar it smells like a continental breakfast, coffee toast croissant orange juice, and when you toke it like someone is actually drinking coffee in the room. Doesn't half look like cheese too. Pure sativa in effect, you'll being doing stuff before you've even finished the spliff, spring cleaning weed. Also party weed, very euphoric and speedy. Loads of bananas but no seeds.







that's what I had left after 4-5 ounces had gone



Active member
Excellent stuff man not bad for 'the smallest', that's going to be a beast. We're gonna need a bigger jar!
lol that's the only downside to vert growing I can think of, had to spend a few bucks on new jars this harvest.

If your camera has a little button with a tulip looking symbol on it then that's the macro button which is for taking pics within a couple of foot. If your cam has different functions flip it to 'P'. That and holding the camera really still is about all I know about photography lol