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600w, SLH, Alaskan Ice, Kings Kush.


New member
your mix appears to be a bit too hot...the burnback looks like an overfert to me....my kings kush was grown in foxfarm happy frog with foxfarm organic nutes and i pounded her with them...never showed burnback like that...which leads me to believe they are getting way more than they need i'd give a really heavy flush to all and let them calm down a bit they will be stunted but you can still save them if you act quickly...anyone else agree?
Thanks for lookin' in Thesius.
I am gettin' worried, last night I checked my girls and the 3 KKs are lookin bad sickly, my Alaskan Ice is startin to show issues but the Super Lemon Haze still looks fine :dunno:, I don't get it.

Guess when I get home tonight I'll flush em' out and see what happens, thanks agian.