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600w Grow Journal: sage 'n sour, og kush, purple kush



9/23 day 2 (veg)
welcome to my new garden. this is my second grow, but this is the first documented one.

THis is a 600 watt garden with 2x purple kush (left) 2x Sage 'n Sour (mid), and 2x OG Kush (right). the purple are 3 weeks, Sage is at 2 weeks, and the Og is a month. YOu can see i have stared LST on the kush strains, but i will probably be leaving the young Sage'n sour alone.

I have all organic Fox farms soil, so i am currently not feeding them any veg nuts. I only planted these clones two days ago, so there should be enough for at lease 2 weeks.

When its time to flower i will be using fox farms tiger bloom with every feeding, and molassas every 3rd feeding.

My PH is currently 6 with 1tbl vinigar per 5gal.

here are some close ups

Purple Kush - looks dominantly sativa

Og Kush - a real champion for growth. with i had gotten her earlier to close those nodes a bit.

Sage n' Sour - very excited to see how this turns out. probably wont do much to this girl. maybe some supercropping (pinching), but only if time allows

Hope you all enjoyed. i am going to keep this alive untill harvest. stay tuned
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sick plants

sick plants

i discovered some sickness on two of my plants. on the purple kush i found some yellowish dots on sick leaves with what looks like burning. i am using organic soil, and not using ferts right now becaue they are only 3 days in that soil. first photo is out of room, second is in room.

second problem was with my OG, looks like another deficiency, N or Mg?

any help would be wonderful.


When watering/fertilizing, wet all the soil mix. You should get quite a bit of runoff out the drain holes. Then let the plant get really, really dry till just barely wilted. Check plants a couple times a day for any signs of water stress. Then repeat thoroughly soaking the soil.

Last picture looks like magnesium deficiency. Add 1 teaspoon epsom salts per galllon of water once.




9/25 (day 4)

gave some of my General Hydro Flora Nova to the plants today. low dossage around 500 i belive 3x teaspoons/4gal h2o. My LST is going nicly. its a bit hot in the room 81F/45Hum.

Here is a pic of the OG Kush with 4-5in branches comming off. should i tie those babies down, or let the branches grow taller?

in the other OG the secondary branch is 4"

and the purple kush is doing great. very very bushy

Sage n Sour is well, but not much to report. still small but growing.

let me konw about those branches. to tie or not to tie?


Active member
im wondering why there so branchy for that big old light you got (i like it)
looks like your LST will help them bush out though.
i like your strains OG is one of my favs'...
happy growing!


im wondering why there so branchy for that big old light you got (i like it)
looks like your LST will help them bush out though.
i like your strains OG is one of my favs'...
happy growing!

they were clones, and when i got them they were a bit stocky. nodes are closing up big time since its been 20" from that 600w HPS. hopefully it will just get better.


Over night after feeding those plants flora nova, all of my secondary branches grew between 1-2 inches. its amazing how well that stuff is working.


9/28 Day 7

plants seem to be doing well. they are growing a lot. i watered them with flora nova solution this morning. around 800 atm. ph is hovering at around 6. temp/humidity is 84/47. 600 HPS still blairing, i think i will get an exhaust fan very soon, those temps are not speeing growth, and when they flower, my house is gona stink with those temps.

still garden is comming along.

sage n sour

purple kush (sativa)

purple kush Indica

and the champion of growth Og Kush

probably gona go another 3 weeks in veg, maybe more, then flower. ill keep things updated.


10/3 (day 12)
The garden is coming along very nicely. Plants are growing very rapidly, and secondary growth is really taking off. node space is also getting much smaller thanks to a switch over to flora nova veg nuts.
saw some N deficiency, but i wont worry untill my next watering. i have stepped up the nutrients to 1.7tea/gal. temps/humidity is still 84/50.

i am going to veg for probably another 18 days or so. if i decide to use bushmaster later on i will veg for another 25 days at least. hopefully things will continue to run smoothly.
Full garden.

Sage n' Sour

Purple Kush sativa pheno

and the star of the show with well over 7 strong future bud sights and about 7 more on the way OG KUSH!
Purple kush indica pheno. really dense in there. i will get pics of the growth next time.



if you were working with my situation, how long would you veg them so they max out at 30-36 inches?


Veg 17

Veg 17

10/9 (day 17 veg)

still on the flora nova veg cycle. things are growing fast. probably another 2 weeks or untill they hit 18". i have been tying them down a lot, so they probably wont hit 18 inches till i let them.

OG kush lots of 2ndary growth

the indica Purple Kush. huge three leaf bush.

Dr Seuss

If you keep training your plants you could keep them under 18" for another month, you might just run out of horizontal space with that many plants...I have 3 plants that almost fill a 2.5x2, but are only 12" from the top of the soil.

They look great though, the crop should be promising!


10/12 (day 20)
Big update. plants are growing a lot, and we added a few things. two Mazar clones (in left corner of garden shot), and a few seeds from a friends bag of weed. she developed the strain and calls it "frankenstein." heat and humidity 82/55. also we have some buggers crawling in our soil. i think they are fungus gnats, or white flies. i wana get rid of them, but havent gotten around to it yet.

Still feeding them lots of Flora Nova Grow,and i just started using some floralicious plus. staying around 900-1000 PPM.
LST has paid off for me here are some top views of the real growers.


the sick og kush has healed well. we removed everything above the bad break and its shot up 4 really nice and healty branches

the almost healed wound


10/16 (day 24 veg)
everything was transplanted today into 5 gal bags. now im worried about height. they seem to be responding well, even though its only been an hour.

here is the canope shot. nice and even

soon im gona flip them. and start the aditional nutrient scheduel. we will see how that goes.

stay tuned. flowering will start very soon! probably next 3-5 days.


no got it from Lower Haight patients co-op. one is really indica, the other is very sativa.