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54 acre marijuana bust in Fresno County


Active member
Wow, I'm shocked at just how much of LEO's story people fall for. In California it IS legal to cooperate with each other to grow your crop. Leo doesn't take this laying down and will say and do just about anything to make you think exactly as a good many of you are thinking out loud here, in this thread. It's our RIGHT to cooperate together, prop 215 spells it out clearly.

Keep in mind that this county and the city of Fresno are doing and saying everything they can to take away our rights. They don't care how it gets done as long as the MOB gets their way. One of those ways is in twisting the reality in news stories. Whether or not "in plain sight" has legal grounds isn't up for the county to get to decide. The counties so called emergency ordinance is a farce but, just try and prove that. Also take note that medical marijuana is mentioned last in the news accounts. Your mind was already stuffed with "those guys are guilty" by way of the story we were presented with. True, but far from the whole truth ! They tell you all about the guns, the outdoor grow, those who were arrested even the frickin name of the cross streets. They never once put the MEDICAL necessities and RIGHTS in the story, did they ?

Here's how the Feds get involved, see, the counties and cities of California have colluded and conspired to preempt California law by way of ordinances and regulations. They also collude and conspire with the Feds in these big meetings LEO has before LEO puts that chicken shit chopper in the air. Oh, and don't forget that just hours before this invasion, LEO also toted around the elite showing them just how unlawful we are. The elite love this bullshit, when they see it for themselves. Awe screw it, keep throwing away your rights, thinking that LEO tells a true story about the 56 acres.

There's no reasonably good reason that in California marijuana has to be hidden and you can't put your plants outside in the open for all to see. There will always be the criminal element in everything.

BTW, those caught were, whites, blacks, mongs and Vietnamese, all farmers and since this was done out in the wide open, how would you accidentally stumble into anything ? See, that's just what I'm talking about here, LEO and all their followers, known or unknown, keep on hyping the story.

Poor fuckers were guilty before they even had their trial. Time will tell for sure, or will it ?


has nothing to do with buying into the LEO hype, but it does have a lot to do with big buisness, and how greedy human beings become when millions of dollars are involved...

i used to live in a rural area and to protect their crops people would rig shotgun shells to go off, and hang fishing hooks from nearly invisible monofiliment lines from trees, AT FACE LEVEL.... this has nothing to do with leo hype and everything to do with personal experince. now i could be completely wrong, and this could be a group of pot loving hippies peacefully gathering and tending to their beautiful pot garden but once u get greed involved, things get ugly and violent rather quickly.

btw i doubt anyone here appreciates being called a LEO follower :nono:


Active member
When talking about business we're talking about a different set of rules and regs. These guys were not in business, it was just a bunch of farmers who rented "leased" some land for a good price. It's not unusual for very small farmers to rent land here in the valley and then do a co-op to sell their vegetables. Chances are, these people also shared the costs associated with the acquisition of the land. There's nothing wrong or illegal about it. What really happened is, the neighbors complained and then the sheriff took it from there. I'm sure the sheriff never checked to see if they had recommendations or not. The only problem that remains is, the damn ordinance that authorizes no outdoor cannabis.

When I wrote followers, I included even those who unknowingly are followers. Innocent to some degree but still following...until they realize it !! Stand tall for our brothers and sisters, give them the benefit of doubt. Medical cannabis is coming to an end in most of California by way of ordinances and regulations put in place by the cities and counties of our state. In the next few weeks, it may be illegal to grow cannabis at all in many of our counties. These ordinances are de-facto bans and are preempting our state law, with a good chance they will succeed. I've rambled on to long already, have a good week....


i do admit i jumped the gun in assuming these were the greedy, "bad guy" types of gureilla growers i have dealt with before..... i guess my own experiences have made me bias.

still think its not a great idea to have a grow-op of this size, i mean 50 acres of dank cannabis is hard not to notice. that being said, its sad we live in a world where cannabis has to be hidden. its such a major part of our lives yet many of us have to keep it secret from our closest friends and family. anyway i truly believe that the world is changing (and fast), and im looking foward to the future paradigm shift which we are going through right now !!


Active member
Awe, i don't really think you jumped the gun. The story provided by the media is misleading. I hope I didn't push anyones buttons, I only wanted to show us all that we can be easily mislead. Oh, and it's still possible that a few of these people had NO recommendations.

I agree, it isn't a great idea to put our cannabis in plain view. However, some growers have big balls and are willing to take the chance and challenge the law. One doesn't have legal standing in a case unless you're charged or are directly affected by that law "in most cases". I hope you're right Sum, and that those changes you write about will be good for us all....


Hey folks I live in Fresno, this operation is headed by asians. Their mistake wasn't growing out in the open or even growing in the same place that was busted a year ago. Their mistake was in shipping to other states. The amount of money made before the raid was more than sufficient to make it a very lucrative undertaking even after you figured in pen pay for those that go. I wouldn't doubt if there was a plan already in place to start again. I do agree things are getting out of hand here with LEO. They are upset because due the medicinal laws are cutting into the gangs profits, the gangs are getting more violent. So they target large out door co-ops and dispensaries. With the dispensaries out of the way then people go back to their dealers. The gangs get their money, become less violent and the police will pat themselves on the back and point to the drop in crime yadda yadda. The upside is that next year will get to attempt to put another legalization bill through. Wonder what the police unions vote is going to be...

All that being said anyone growing in any state takes some balls. But as long as you are blatant, greedy or cocky. Your fine. No one cares if you have 16 plants, no one cares if you have 60.. Honestly they have bigger fish to fry, if you get caught up it's only because of a) dumb luck b) Stupidity c) Drama thats it. Don't tell, smell, or sell. Not even your boys. He would never rat you out. Unfortunately your boy usually ends up seeing someone they fall in love have some kids and then he sleeps with her sister. Guess whos gonna get caught in the cross fire... Sorry for the rant feelin good at the moment :)


i live in fresno to but also it wasnt as big as it says it was. the plants werent on 54 acres. he owns 54 acres but the grow op was only on 1 acre and when i read about this weeks later it was talking about how they didnt take all the plants and no federal charges were made yet. also they have busted this same guy two years ago and have been watching him for a year already.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Holy shit!! Even if it was only 1 acre...I own plenty of acres and would like to do a 50x50 plot!! Never will though. I like my freedom.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Well if it was only an acre I guess we close this thread then...... Nothing to see folks, move along.

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