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Well-known member
Nice link. I checked all the videos/pics. The life in that soil is fantastic. This video is impressive:

I really appreciate the kind words, I spent alpt of time building this bed. I'm not very experienced in autoflowers either but I think I've found a whole new respect and love for them. Hope you are having an amazing day, cheers 🍻


Well-known member
I prepped the bed today. Planted a few cucumbers in there. Plan to plant mostly bush beans here.


Well-known member
!!! I hit my newly harvested bud and checked out this thread. The fire and green chair are speaking to me. Looking like you got a nice spot.


Well-known member
Premium user
You've been kicking ass in those garden plots this spring. You have put a lot of work in, and I can't wait till you show us how it all turns out. Your work ethic is out of thi9s world.

I, sadly, haven't planted a veggie garden this year. Health concerns. So it's really nice to see one from the start.


Well-known member
You've been kicking ass in those garden plots this spring. You have put a lot of work in, and I can't wait till you show us how it all turns out. Your work ethic is out of thi9s world.

I, sadly, haven't planted a veggie garden this year. Health concerns. So it's really nice to see one from the start.
I hope your health returns friend, I will keep you updated on my garden and posy plenty of pictures for you. I know how it is to not garden I did it for a few years and I felt like I wasn't complete without one.


Well-known member
Planted a shitload of bush beans and string beans today. Almost 100 plants. Had 12 left and it started pouring rain. Hopefully Tomorrow I'll get in the rest of them. Soggy wheelbarrow full of compost soil mixture lol


Well-known member
Bell Pepper is growing fast,

That's a bunch of food. Is it just for your family? Do you can any of it, or gift the veggies you don't plan on using?
All of the above, this year I figure alot of folks will be facing hardships as the cost of living is 300% more than it was 30 years ago and wages have only gone up maybe 5%. This area is already struggling so I wanna put up a farm stand saying free vegetables donations are welcomed. Pay what they can afford. I'm sure some people will appreciate it and I'll be storing canned veggies as well in my basement. I could also potentially sell to a few local restaurants especially the green beans.

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