Chicken wire would be definitely useless in this case hehe..
Hello there,
Nice plants buddy, as usual. It seems they don't suffer from the daily cloud ballet we have there, since a while now!
Promising batch
Glad to read you all again esben, che, bhangman..!
Will surely spend some more time by there.
happy gardening
I also saw an interview with the boy and his father. It was the funniest thing ever, the dad is super proud and he says his boy shot a deer when he was only five! Hes like "yea thats my boy!!!" haha
sorry for interupting your friend the_skunkist, hope to see some updates and pics soon, happy growing peace guys!
Very nice looking plants Skunkist..How is that ak..I have a very frosty sativa pheno of ak-48....I put my first plants this year, out of 11, 2 are still alive. the first 7 were pulled by some ripper. the next 2 were dug up by animals..1 dreamgoddess, and 1 Bog Medely plant remain...btw thanks again on that avatar help...,scrappy
The AK-47 hedge is simply beautiful and will be amazing soon. Can't wait for the buds!!!
I'm also impatient and curious about how this particular White Widow (I've seen indoors) will turn outdoors. However I'll see the White Russian by myself, thanks to your present . Glad to see the Belladonna received all your attention. That won't be your best yielder for sure (!!), but not the least.
The big pot's lady has an impressive trunk, indeed. We note this is the (1.92m tall friendly) giant's hand that's holding it!