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4,000 watts 64 plants, Ready Set Grow :)


New member
Hey man. Clean setup. :) I love those side-wings, you going to add side light on those? :D

How often you need to water when those babies are in full bloom?


New member
Blaze amazing stuff.. I wanna get lost in that jungle!! Cant wait to see it green up the place. I want your gardening job!! HAHA phew.. I waay blazed on my outdoor atm so dont mind the bliberish


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Haha - I realize that bud, I look forward to the time when I can put this kind of effort into a grow. I am still very green and have many things to learn =)


Centrum said:
I have never had any luck using a mix the whole way through.
I always had to add some tea eventually they love to eat and it seems there's never enough food even in the best mixes.

Wouldn't hurt to have a back up tea ready. Would really suck to see such a nice set up run into food problems.

Take care

hehe, i know you just looking out for him, but blaze has run this soil only mix for years now. trust me, you dont need any teas or anything.
i run the same mix thanx to Blaze.
its a beautiful thing not pissing around with PH meters, or mixing teas etc etc.
just... water. :)

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Professional as always. I'm willing to bet you're in the construction trade... maybe I'm wrong.

What strain?



just stopping in again to say WOW! thats the cleanest nicest room i've seen in a while

you are killing it man :laughing: :joint:


Active member
NZjay said:
oh man... i love this pic bro!


I almost posted the same thing...


That rooms so clean you can take your shoes off!! Im deff pulling up a chair for this one. Nice setup man, simple, yet effective. :joint:


wattup blaze,dont believe i missed this one for so long.good for stoners like me you started this a lil early and me being late as ususal im strollin in just in time to see the wheels start rollin.;)
i already know this is gonna be a bomb ass show tagged up.usualy i wouldnt have read through all 11 pages catchin up just a couple in the front and a couple of the last ,but this is a blazeone thread so i blazed one and read the whole thing.
super clean setup,im almost positive i already know the strain,and ur building skills are probably the best ive seen.
idk if you remember when i was a noob here and i use to be drillin you with questions LOL.but you helped me bro,i modeled my perpetual after urs and not to toot my own horn but my room is pretty o.k now.runnin 5000 watts in flower(mountin my 6th this week i already have it) 2400 in veg and im flippin 20 into 12/12 every two weeks.thanks for all the help when i needed it yo,im tagged up and waiting for NZ 's country ass to pass me some of that erkle ;)
haaaa wattup NZ my brotha.
peace fellaz -Y-
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