hearing rumors of gorilla glue hitting 33%... I have yet to see a strain with that much thc ever...anyone have a list of strains that can hit that high..i personally don't believe it ....yeehaw
If talking percentages, only percentages of active ingredients makes sense. The second someone says a percentage of plant weight is a particular active ingredient, they are bullshitting you. Lots of con artists operating in every walk of life, don't expect the weed scene to be any different
From what I learned it is very hard to get over 30%. No matter how close the bud is trimmed and manicured there is always plant matter within the bud that make it hard to get over 30%. Now the THC extract (chemically) would be a different story. That should be a wild ride. Has anyone played with pure THC extract?
The lab was probably measuring THC-a, not THC. THC-a numbers are higher, really because it is a heavier molecule due to the attached CO2-moiety that is present pre-decarboxylation.
I've seen a validated test sample at 32.1% THC-a, so approaching 33% THC-a is not out of the realm of possibility.
Chimera, are you saying that you believe a third of plant weight can be pure THC?