Here's a few pics, these Bozily Leds are doing great in veg and seedling and mothers. The 300w doesn't give off any heat, the plant will grow up to it. The 800w is awesome my ECSD mom has grow really well under it. I'm looking to get everything back together to start a grow this mounth....Ive got about 8 nice SLK clones and 6 Lemon Tarts. I'll probably stagger some more clones about 30 days behind those and some other seeds will be popped also. I'm gonna start my own indoor thread for my grows, but I'll keep the Bozily plants kept under it. So far so good, I'm also using a inkbird to control temps cloner. I've got a ton of exciting stuff to add to the growroom!!! Lots of possibly things I can setup and new products
You gotta get the 800 or 1000w. I'm using it in flowering right now. I'm using my 300 for vegging and moms. You'll love the bigger one. I've got another thread you can see the buds getting big under it.
Yea the small 300w is very hps like. The 800w is more so white color kinda like the SP 250. The lil 300w I just use for mothers mainly. But the 800w seems like a pretty good light. But I'm not comparing them. I'm just testing and see what you get. That SP 250 I already know it's gonna produce nice rock hard buds!!!! I mean the SP 250 is kinda in another league, no offense but the ibolizy 800w I'm using in flowering as we speak. I'm kinda seeing what it gives me and I'll honestly tell the consumer my opinion after flowering. I got plenty of room to put some more Mars Hydro stuff up if you'd like!!!?? I had to buy a dehumidifier, it's kinda set me back on funds. I think you can get some nice plants if you have a few of these 800w ibozily. I moved everything to new thread. WVs some of this and that, in the Indoor Soil forums. I've got several Leds testing including the SP 250. I figured I'd just do all my grows in that thread and keep it going!!