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30 years ago....


30 years ago I was 15, I remember the first albums I bought, one of them was "imagine" from John Lennon, I didn't like the beatles that much, prefered Jimmy Hendrix, Velvet Underground and other bands that had more "soul" in my opinion. That didn't change much, I still find most of the "tophits" you hear (over-and-over-and-over) on the radio boring and not worth listening to.
I drove a citroen 2cv4 van at the end of the 70's and used to go to all the festivals around, and there were many.
Got arrested for dealing hasj and weed in those days also, imagine, in Holland, lol, and I had to work in an old folks home for 150 hours as (alternative) punishment.

...Hmmm...and the girls, sweet memories.:p


Hey... Good to see all the "immature-challenged" stoners popping in!

I bet there would be some wild and interesting stories told if we all ever got together round a campfire sharing our different herb....


never gave it a thought until now, but 30 years ago was worst of my life ... fresh divorce, 9 days in trauma ward after a spectacular motorcycle crash that was famous for years in central illinois ... :pointlaug ... and then, buried my Dad ... life is better, now ... :woohoo:


Thirty years ago I was 21, married (didn't take,lol) and had been smoking dope for ten years. My daughter was less than a year old and now SHE is 30 and we get blazed together. Yuppers, I yam so old that I fart dust but thank God that I am very immature,I have THAT going for me! :moon:


Lol, I do know that girls don't fart, POMH, my daughter informed me of that fact many years ago! :biglaugh:


30 years! I was 23, tokin' for 8 of 'em, working fresh outta college for a pharmaceutical co. way before employee drug testing! (good thing!) Took most of those 30 years before figuring out I could grow better than what I was buying. Now I'm self employed, married, kids, house, the whole nine yards, and thanks in large part to sites like this very happy with my life!!


Active member
Took me 30 years to figure that out also. The money I could have saved..........

not to mention my lungs from smoking nasty shit!


30 years ago I had a garage full of BSA's 500 singles and Triumph twins.....hair down past my shoulders...etc etc ..young, full of beans and didn't have a clue!...lol...being 18 years old for me was like that.

one day I came home from a long ride after putting a new front end on the Beezer and my Dad was washing his car....I popped the centre stand and the front forks and front wheel rolled half off..I laughed, you should of seen the frozen shocked look on my Dad's face!....18 in the 70's was a buzz...lol


30 years ago I was 17 and knew more than my dad about life........ :pointlaug


Active member
30 years ago I was twenty-something, had a day job, and (playing congas) in a gigging/garage band. What a blast... <sigh>


Active member
Hello all,

30 years ago this night I was in US Navy bootcamp but was on emergency leave.

I had not even gotten high yet-not for a few more months.

Seems like I have lived many lives since.

I like where I am now-life is good and I am a fortunate man to be sure.



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