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30 diesel clones run .


Active member
hazy said:
sup wb. What kind of diesel do you have?
I'm a big diesel fan. got a nycd that's extremely sour lemony. great buzz.
Got a SD ibl, and a StrawDxNYCD.
One thing they all have in common is they stretch like a big dog.
I'm getting overgrown with diesel right now. I have 7 diesels taking over my closet.
I'll be looking in now and again to see what's up.

hi Hazy,
sorry for the slow response but i was on work far from my home for about 10 days.

thanx to stop by this diary, the Diesel i have is from "weedseedshop.com" where my friend bought it more than 2 years ago( he sprouted 3 and had 2 females, keept 1 as the mother for her stinky phéno and not bad global healt and condition since this days we made many harvest and "mother clones for us and many friends )but i'm sure it's a cross beetween seeds from soma or another good source because the buds and the plant really looks like their own descriptions ...... (40 euros with shipping):laughing:

BUT I HAVE TO SAY that i'll buy some beans from Soma and Reservoirseed very soon ( around christmas i hope :jump: ).

it is really not easy to describe the taste and smell of my diesel but to say something Soma says, "exotic smell, exotic high" or something.... :violin:
i mean very special, nothing compare with a" business-skunk's " smell, well, my english is so bad, very hard for me to make a correct description :cuss: .....................................................

for the stretch, the pheno i have is a monster-stretcher too !!!

i'll put some juicy pics later today, keep an eye....


.WB. :muahaha:
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Active member

youve got 24+ plants in that spot? thats gonna be a damned forest any time soon!! lol

love it though, cant wait to see more!!

Hi FID, nice to stop here,
you are RIGHT, i just come back home and, yes, it's a damned forest man!!
i'm going to prune them seriously later around tonight and show pictures of before and after pruning as a man does on another forum (and i found it so nice ......




Thats a nice little setup you got there. I found when doing sog its best to let all the clones stay in the humidity dome till they all get about the same amount of roots since once u take them out of the dome they will all start growing at the same rate.. But ya lookin good bro cant wait to see your results.. i got some Reefermans Sour Diesel witch is (sd x ssh) x sd. And its my favorite strains ive grown so far. Very good for SOG.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Your grow looks really sick man. Cant wait to see them fill up with flowers its gonna be exciting. Diesel is some bomb ass smoke, be eazy :joint:


Active member
Tonatiuh said:
lookin good WB i'll definetly chime in and give you any advice i can,im no master or anything but i do like to give back to the site that has done so much for my grow.aint that what its all about ;) you already have some really talented peeps in here that will definetly help ya out as well bro.ya just gotta ask if you think ur startin t see a issue.dont wait till it gets bad ya know bro?
hows that old saying go...somethin like..."only the squeaky wheel gets oil"...,meaning talk up and we will gladly try to help you fix any problems you might think you see.
peace my man.

hi Tonatiuh, i really appreciate your attention about my grow, i try to undertstand how this plant grow in the best condition in my environment, and it's not easy sometime, i'll sure ask for some help very soon, and don't be afraid bro' , i do not speak good english but i'll not be shy at the right moment.

very nice to see that people with skills are happy to transfer their knowledges to sincere beginners who have a passion for this legendary plant.

pics from today come soon.. :yoinks: ....

wish all is growing nice for you Tonatiuh :ying:


Active member
Hi ICMaggers !!!!

update around day 12 of flow....
first pic is: zamal female from regular seed from a friend who grows it outdoor for years now.

second pic: a few experiments, clones puted straight in the pellet and in the allmix soil in party glasses, it works very well and no humidity dome to maintain moist...

biggiesmall male that i'll keep to take some pollen and polinise a few branches of diesel and zamal to have something different to try and maybe back-cross some diesel or BGS

pic 4: BGS male fan leave

pic 5: sex

pic 6 : BGS unsexed

pic 7: ground-side after prunning

pic 8: pruned diesel clone

pic 9: the same one top-side

pic 10: diesel clone before prunning

pic 11: another unpruned one

pic 12: the room 10 days ago...

pic 13: the room yesterday before prunning.

pic 14: a view before prunning

pic 15: a view before prunning

pic 16: the room yesterday after pruning, i cut around 750g of stem and leaves.

wish all is nice for you friends.
and feel free to give me your comments , advices and opinions.


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Active member

pic of today.

mostly indica bagseed.

same one's fan leave.

four tops unsexed "biggiesmall" cause toped at 10 days old from seed when had only 2 pairs of leaves. i'll made a pic of the 4 mains stems later.

no underwear to let the air passing through and clear any place to hide for bugs.

Cheers all'.



Active member
Pittsburgh Kush said:
Grow is looking good. How large are the holes in you net?

hi PK.

welcome onboard :rolleyes:

the holes are squares of 15cm each side, the total surface of flow is 1.4 square-meter, i mean a square of 1.2meter each side.




Active member
pics of today...:

the last unsexed bagseed (mostly indica)

4 tops biggiesmall female since this afternoon !!!

the same , 4 main stems.

bagseed mostly indica first's hairs

biggiesmall first't hairs

diesel clone.




Active member
in the veg cupboard... :bashhead:

diesel mother 3 months old, just take 11 cuts from her minutes ago...

same plant, side.

drosera capensis "carnivor curiousity"

diesel clones and unsexed bagseeds seedlings

22 cuts from diesel BGS and mostly indica bagseeds

Potos clone i have just repoted.

Potos clone new fan leave.




Active member
update in pics..................

group :

diesel gently budding :

one more :

another : ...

many more small bud site on the supercropped plants than on the non-supercropped plants that's for sure, but it hurts my fingers, pinching all these plants one by one !!!!

very healthy ,mostly indica bagseed

the very early-topped biggiesmall with 4 main stems ( i cuted one to keep a mother 2 days ago...)


wish it's nice in your gardens friends .....



Active member
Hi ICMagers !!!

update in pics........... :bashhead:

zamal suspected to turn into a HERMI after the first zamal seed did it.
then i put her/him in quarantine in the kitchen...

dagerous fake sex !!!

same :

suspected zamal (pure sativa) and male bagseed mostly indica (mostly indica), 2 extremly opposed strains, i like this idea.

same :

one of the biggest fan leaves i ever seen , will go at my friend's house with the male BGS to keep some pollen to cross later.............


good vibes for you all'



Active member
thebandit777 said:
Very nice White Box, I'm pullin up my chair bro, Nice set-up too..
Good luck with this thread white Box..
Stay safe and well

thanx for the nice comments Thebandit777 and welcome onboard.

try to be clear and simple in my descriptions along the thread , despite my hawfull english......:cuss: not easy sometimes.




Active member
19st day update (2 days ago pics....

19st day update (2 days ago pics....

update in pics.....

BGS after prunning.

mostly indica bagseed after prunning.

diesel mother flowered for 24 days or so.

pinched fan-leaves.

diesel mother top-side.

no underwear but pinched fan-leaves.

a corner...

a view.

part of the group.

Cheers all'.



Active member
Hi Growers !!!

few pics, cause i like to show IT :rasta:

yesterday's group pic

a bit like me, don't you think ??!!

indica bagseed


same BGS , have 4 main stem cause i topped it at 10 days old and only 2 pairs of leaves, then: 4 main stems :jump:

indica bagseed fan-leave.

disel clone top-front-side.

same clone top-back-side.

another one...

a random diesel bud.

new toy in the veg cupboard : an envirolite 200w /2700°K brand new, given by my friend !!!!!

the diesel mom seems to like this new sun... :muahaha:

the drosera don't stop to grow, i'm gonna divide it in many small plants as i read that it multiply itself like that , by divide a piece of itself like a small adult plant ready to grow alone...

nice flowers but very short lifetime : half a day !!!

one more thing to say but the most important : TRICHS ARE COMMING !!!!!!

i hope... :badday:



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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice update w/b thats a nice lookin clean tent you have goin bruh...can i ask if its bought or you made it?sorry if i already asked :bashhead: sometimes i forget ...
i just got a homebox xl but havnt set it up yet,just seein if thats around the size it will be...im tryin to fit maybe 20 in if i can.
anyways great lookin plants my man,im always lurkin in here even when i dont have the time to post.keep up the good work.peace


Active member
Tonatiuh said:
nice update w/b thats a nice lookin clean tent you have goin bruh...can i ask if its bought or you made it?sorry if i already asked :bashhead: sometimes i forget ...
i just got a homebox xl but havnt set it up yet,just seein if thats around the size it will be...im tryin to fit maybe 20 in if i can.
anyways great lookin plants my man,im always lurkin in here even when i dont have the time to post.keep up the good work.peace

Hi Tonatiuh,

nice to see you around Man, always a pleasure.

the tent for the flowering is a doctorstreet 120X120X200. it's the cheapest on the market, i bought it 129euros including shipping fees on ebay around may of this year.
i think 20 is a good amount inside the flow tent with these dimensions, i puted around 30 but next time i'll do like you : btw 20 and 24 plants not more.

the veg room is a very small cupboard in my kitchen that i set up with mylard, an old grand'ma fan, a turbo-néon 2X55W and since yesterday (thanx to my very good friend) an envirolite 200w (6 tubes)...

enough for a mother , a few cuts and sometimes experiments.....:laughing: .

Cheers Tonatiuh.
