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3 Way SbS, Amazon Bloom, Black Gold, and Ocean Forest Soils



Some shots of the best example plants just after the onset of flower.

Ocean Forest

Black Gold

Amazon Bloom

Ocean Forest is still ahead, shots will follow after the plants are pruned and staked today.


Alrighty, bit behind schedule with the posts, many apologies, but final data is expected by the middle of June :)

Some shots of the group of 3 that were the first to flower after staking and pruning:

Ocean Forest

Amazon Bloom

Black Gold

A 5' Bamboo stake is shown in each picture to the right of the plant for scale, shots are day 36 of flower.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey, about my previous post. I was never sitting in judgement. I passed along my opinion nicely and with a link to info. I dont want any harmful stuff in my herb. Thats was why i posted. Whoever runs a coop can do so and still be a shadeball about how he or she grows herb. Pgrs floramite and eagle 20 10 days into flowering is considered way too late by many. Im sure you grow wonderful herbs i just think youre taking the prevention too far. Just because a bug returns doesnt mean there isnt anything unsafe in there anymore. I dunno, just wanted to give my two cents i really didnt mean to be offense at all. No judgement at all, just simple opinions given based on years of experience and dealing with all these products myself. Ive used all the products mentioned includingg pgrs but the minute i heard they were removed from shelves i discontinued use. I want my meds to be used confidently for anyone who uses them.


I was saying that being informed is about more than simply being aware of what the media has disseminated about the issue, in practice, we haven't had problems with any excess pesticide residue (the coop has samples regularly lab tested) or physical / allergic reactions from patients. As observed before, at the end of our flowering cycle, the beginings of new infestations are often visible, these are removed with safe products like Mighty Wash and Green Cure, this alone would most likely indicate that the product is safe for patients, but the lab tests and patient reviews confirm it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Look i still run eagle myself. I just use it right before flowering and since doing this ive never encountered pm. Its up to you what you choose to do. As far as lab testing though, thats another awkward game imo. Ive had probably 6 diff ppl test my products. Only one of them did a contaminant/mildew/mold test unless you pay a lot more. Are all the lab tested items youve grown tested for secondary metabolites(pgr toxin), mold or mildew? Also sc labs(weedmaps choice) has proven over and over to be liars. Its all about money. The local club with the most patients has lab results through the roof on garbage greenhouse herb. 34%! Cmon!? We both know some greenhouse with barely any trichs cant return results like that. Another patient in the place looked at me like it was a joke too. Either way bro im happy to see your side by side. Im no longer a soil man myself but i still love seeing others kill it. OF always caused issues for me. People always said it "used to be different" have you noticed major changes with it? At my hydro store everyone stopped using it because people said they added some new filler that caused nute issues. This also was YEARS ago. Regardless, i wish you well the plants look happy as hell :)


Well there are "lab" results people put on posters, and then there are results from certified laboratories run by real professionals with proper GCMS equipment, the coop the is using the latter.

Yes, tests have been conducted for residual pesticides and molds, and the shatter is tested for residual butane, this is the direction organizations here in CO are headed towards who aren't struggling and trying to unload mediocre product through shady means, all it takes is a few people on the monied end of the pyramid who care about quality. They look at the expense of regular lab tests like any other expense of a properly run business, rather than looking at it as something that a business which isn't making a profit can't afford.

And the consistent result of all that testing:

No harmful residuals outside USDA or FDA (whichever is applicable to the given substance) approved levels, no mold or mildew, and THC %s from 20 (Blue Dream) to 29 (White Fire OG).

Not much more I can say other than that.

On the issue of "New" vs "Old" Ocean Forest: At some point, the company was forced to start sourcing one of its main components from a new area, as they were not allowed to renew their lease at the old site, I didn't use Ocean Forest at that time, so I am unaware of the difference personally, but people have told me the old mix had less perlite compared to mine, and that the new mix isn't as well suited to a "water only" feeding program as the old stuff.


A few things have set us back on posts, but the plants of course are growing along without me ;)

Moving to a new house, breaking in a new assistant, trying to ramp production up, all at the same time i'm trying to keep you guys updated.

Ocean Forest is still in the lead, pictures will be added to this post later, Harvest is scheduled for June 3rd.


thanx for the update. I've read that the amazon is more of a flowering soil and runs out of N fast, some folks swear by it but I can't get it locally so use the ocean forest with great results.


thanx for the update. I've read that the amazon is more of a flowering soil and runs out of N fast, some folks swear by it but I can't get it locally so use the ocean forest with great results.
From the results i'm seeing, I would agree with this conclusion, both the Amazon and Black Gold examples are displaying more advanced late flower yellowing than their cousins in the Ocean Forest.


Here are some shots of the plants before they were cut down on harvest day:

Ocean Forest

Amazon Bloom

Black Gold


Shots of the same plants, bucked and hanging.

Ocean Forest

Amazon Bloom

Black Gold

Shots of the plants dry will follow, along with average weight per plant, and smoke reports!


The trim begins! Here are shots of the totals put out by each group:

Amazon Bloom

Black Gold

Ocean Forest

Notes on totals: Ocean Forest looks to have the highest overall numbers, but Black Gold seems to have a more favorable ratio of large to small buds.


Here are some shots of example buds from each batch.

Amazon Bloom

Black Gold

Ocean Forest


And some close ups.

Amazon Bloom

Black Gold

Ocean Forest

After the trim is completed, i'll post numbers on average yield per plant, bud to waste ratio, etc, as well as smoke reports on each!

After a couple weeks, i'll be able to collect blind tasting data as well.

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