That rolled over to 2nite so I'll let ya know Starting material is questionable, 4wk SourFunk that eagle clawed pretty bad and made some beans from a hotshot, put in the pantry week 3 for resination, it did go all sticky on me so should work..
They turnt out all flat :/ havent eaten any yet just finished em a lil while ago, save em for the mornin since Master will be out of town by then haha.
Merry Christmas brother
Brobro's got the epilepsy.
My new 2x4 that was on drippers is now an ebb & flow. It's the second day and the seedlings are doing well. My solution was a little on the strong side @ 550ppm. I am hoping they will do ok until they get a little bigger.
What thread is that in?
What's the starting TDS and how old are the seedlings? Straight out the tap I get ~350-400, so that seems mellow to me.. I way underfed my seedlings this round, wondering what we shoot for @ seedling stage.
then I went back and noticed the underlined link. Interested in what this is all about
here it is again
AN SB HUNT )) definitely gunna cruise through that one.
Tyson...she's pretty srs that one.