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3 nightmare kush (aka white s1) and 2 ogkush abusive


Active member
looks like she's coming along nicely matey!;) Whats your pre-lim impression of the Airpots man? & do you still bother with the Bendz for lst'ing. Cheers! ;)


looks like she's coming along nicely matey!;) Whats your pre-lim impression of the Airpots man? & do you still bother with the Bendz for lst'ing. Cheers! ;)

airpots are 10/10 so far .. faster growth heather plants ect ect ..

i havnt used the bendz for a long time i just use string now .. 2bh ive no idea were i put the bendz lol ....

airpots were make for lst lol u can tie the string in the top holes on the pots lol
those roots look super healthy cheesy..im defo goner get a few to try myself...how you found them with drip? or top feeding? the fbxks looks nice man..any smells of her yet? was it grown from seed or clone? looks killerskunk esh

thanks again for sharing..great stuff



those roots look super healthy cheesy..im defo goner get a few to try myself...how you found them with drip? or top feeding? the fbxks looks nice man..any smells of her yet? was it grown from seed or clone? looks killerskunk esh

thanks again for sharing..great stuff


ive been top feeding by hand and its sound just have to do it slowly . will try drippers next with them ....

cant smell a thing mate still got this cold ..


might just have to give in and try those airpots after seeing those roots :)



might just have to give in and try those airpots after seeing those roots :)


i only repotted to the 12ltr air pot 21 days ago .. from a 2lt pot ..

do it mate run 8 6ltr air pots on the wilma ...
forgot about the cold hehe....i just spoke to steve and dropped your name..asking him about the coco situtation we spoke about..all is well plus :) i be spending over 500 so free del...wicked ..thanks...your goner have some monster buds bro...I wish they did 4ish ltrs in the air pots..ive found droppping to 3.5 ltrs i havent lost much in yeild if flowered at the right time of course......i didnt want 6 ltrs :( ...I wouldnt mind trying a few doobies of the fbxks.. pop back soon


forgot about the cold hehe....i just spoke to steve and dropped your name..asking him about the coco situtation we spoke about..all is well plus :) i be spending over 500 so free del...wicked ..thanks...your goner have some monster buds bro...I wish they did 4ish ltrs in the air pots..ive found droppping to 3.5 ltrs i havent lost much in yeild if flowered at the right time of course......i didnt want 6 ltrs :( ...I wouldnt mind trying a few doobies of the fbxks.. pop back soon

great news .... next time u ring steve ask him to get some 4 ltr airpots made .. as they got the,1, 3, 10ltr . ect made to size just for the shop


fuck me son! (no homo) those roots have exploded, so these airpots are all there cracked up to be then... Might have to stick a couple in this run alongside the regular 6lt wilma sqaure pots and see how all goes... Nice1


love it bro, heres a few from a lil mother cut of yours, outdoor




enjoy weekend cheese bro!



This pic shows very well one of the key qualities of The White that Krome always pointed out - unlike a lot of white strains, this one produces proper glandular trichomes whereas a lot of whites look so frosty because they have a lot of headless triches as well as glandulars, making them frosty looking but nothing special.

The more I see of the Nightmare, the more I want to try it myself, great work guys!


yeah, heres another showing that. headless triches contains no actives i heard, as the power should be only in the heads


funkymonkey did u injoy the nightmare kush chopped @ day 54
the 1 i have growing in my tent here im going to take a little longer and check each day with my x300 scope . want to bring her down around 50/50 amber/milky
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Oh hell, I forgot all about that, I promised a smoke report and never did one, really sorry.

Here's my best attempt at a mini one, I can remember it pretty well.

The appearance was extremely attractive, a small but rock hard nugget absolutely plastered with resin, not the 'furry' appearance of Dutch white strains, just tons of trichomes, easily up here with the frostiest plants I have grown personally (Trainwreck, Actual Sativa, Kentish Creme) and had a strange feeling to it, not icky sticky, but definitely tacky, something I associate with well grown and properly dried product. Calyxes were large and fully developed, colour was a pale lime green indicating a proper flush, certainly no excess of chlorophyll in this bud, can't say much about calyx to leaf ratio because this sample had zero leaf, just a mass of big calyxes, I don't care for the taste of leaf so this was another aspect I liked.

The smell wasn't in your face like a Skunk but was rather nice, to my nose it smelt very Kushy and smooth, a little sweet but also hashy, quite a complex palette of odours with an overall 'Kush' character.

I hadn't had a smoke for about a month prior to sampling this bud as I had some legal issues so my tolerance was fairly low. I rolled it into one fairly large joint and smoked it at around 10.30AM. The effect was instant and very pleasurable, gave me a big shit-eating grin and had a nice balance of head high and body buzz, no raciness about this one, a very comfortable and relaxing experience. I had a really happy day due to this bud and the high lasted a good few hours, I remember blasting out some psychedelic rock tunes for a couple of hours, something I only tend to do when I'm baked, toasted, frazzled and generally mushed up. This shit definitely does what it says on the tin.

The taste was like the smell - smooth and sophisticated, it smokes smoother than you would expect from the appearance, buds with such high resin coverage aren't often this smooth, no coughing with this one and big hits don't tickle the throat. Genetics or good grower, hard to say, bit of both I expect. Kush with notes of lemon, hash and other things that have faded in memory now, my kind of flavours because I'm not into sweet and fruity things.

Overall, I really enjoyed this sample, it didn't disappoint in any regard and in some aspects was outstanding. If i had to nitpick and find something to criticise it would be the flavour and smell, to people who are used to in your face stinks and super fruity tastes this bud might seem a little lacking in those regards, but to me, this is proper connoisseur level bud, the taste and smell are more subtle and smooth than in your face and I like that as I prefer a smooth, subtle and complex character. I imagine this would be very nice to smoke in a bong as the smoke isn't that expansive and the smoothness would make a large hit a breeze for even my tattered and worn out lungs.

Overall a solid 8.5 out of 10. If I had possessed an ounce of this I may well have rated it higher, I am a little reticent to go higher than 8.5 based on a single sample but would not quibble with someone else if they did rate it higher than 8.5 as I can completely see how this would be a bud that would remain highly enjoyable even if smoked constantly for days on end. They would be happy, smily, lazy days and you wouldn't get a lot of stuff done.

Hope that makes sense, and I think my memory is fairly accurate in it's recollection of this sample, once again, sorry i forgot to do a proper smoke report at the time, very likely the potency and enjoyable buzz of the sample played a large part in causing me to forget about the smoke report. Many thanks for this sample cheesy, it proved your buds smoke as good as the pics you posts suggest they might.


a little photo update day 29 12/12 the nightmare kush is filling up nice now and so is the bullshit blues . going to be a nice fat cola in 4 weeks time . its giving off a strong skunky smell with fruit in there too .
got a feeling she will go around 9 weeks ..

nightmare kush


group shot



Very interesting, the NMK looks like she enjoys LST much more than most Kush types do and the resin is always impressive.

That BSB looks like it's gonna yield good, wierdly it doesn't look very skunky, looks more like an Afghan to my eyes, the first shot of it, the bud closeup reminds me of the Purple Afghan at the same stage but without the colour. I agree, looks like a 9 weeker to me too.

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