Good luck bro.. sorry for ur loss. But better now then in jail cuz someone got mad and wanted revenge... women are wild but cant blame them,(sorry mods)
Having a significant other that never gets jealous of the plants is a rare thing, when you find one hold on tight.
I so needed that.
Sad story that happens to many of us. A couple of questions come to my mind...
I confess that i had to ask these ones to myself at some point in the past
What are your views on your other-half criticism? Does she have a point?Not as far as the plants go but yeah I should be more attentive.
Were you neglecting your family life because of your plants?Not at all they hardly consumed 1-2 hours a day and more than paid for themselves considering the money I would pay to keep in equal supply. (The kid is always first in my mind)
Why did you trashed your grow?Seems a bit passive-agressive to me Dumbassity, fustration, anger that I work so much to provide for us and didn't feel like my efforts were appreciated. I also wanted to show my son that he is way more important than "dads plants".
Please don´t feel the need to answer me, i just wish to make you think about it.
I wish all the best for you and your family.
Peace and Light going on your direction.