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'23 Garden Offerings.

Old Ford

Well-known member
Hi all , im a newbie on here and just finding my feet.

Im an old boy , in poor health , been battling the Big C for a while now but fighting the good fight !
I only grow outdoors , both in the garden and GG , been at it for a long long time , more a fan of indica leaning cultivars but do run sat leaners in light dep as our summers in the UK can be pretty short lol Mostly wet but we do see good sunny spells. This year im struggling badly , healths dictating im on a half arsed grow but i am growing !!
I would be more angry with myself for not growing so im having a go , most of what i grow i give away as im more in it for the challenge than the reward . I dont smoke any more and mainly convert to oils / butters with what i keep.
I started lots off this year , passed numerous plants on as couldnt cope , now left with a few but happy with what i have albeit they are quite ropey due to me not being fit enough to lavish the love they deserve.
I grow in a home brew compost & hay medium , been dialling it in for years and this year im 4wks into light dep and only fed twice since germination , im not a fan of loading plants up with feed unless they show signs of needing it , rightly or wrongly less is more in my eyes. I do very well on this routine and generally produce good healthy well cooked plants without any real dramas. Im not chasing monster plants any more , too old for that now.
I need to sort through pics and get some on here of this years shit show lol.
At present i have the following in the garden -
RGSC Pink Cherry Pie , RGSC Pink DFG x Gelato x Do Si Dos
SeedStockers 2 of Panty Punch , Gelato 41 , Auto Mandarin Panties , Auto Gorilla Glue
Sagarmatha Purple PineCone , i did have Cali Train Wreck but got way too big and passed it on.
Dutch Passion Shaman , Auto Euforia
Sweet Seeds Auto Cream Mandarine
A few other Haze x Skunk varieties from a fellow grower and keen breeder.
Pics up shortly once i get them sorted out.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Welcome aboard the mothership Old Ford. That is quite a lineup of strains you've got going there. Sounds like you're an old hand at growing, so I'll be checking back here to see how your project unfolds as the coming weeks roll by.

Old Ford

Well-known member
A few pics of this years shit show , struggling with them but it is what it is , not fit enough to be on it but im growing and its putting a smile on the face. Some days im far from fit enough to tend them but the hay medium is keeping them pretty content ...for now.


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Old Ford

Well-known member
A few more -
a pink pheno of seedstocker Auto Mandarine Panties
an Orange HazeBerry Gum both pink pheno and non pink
a non pink SeedStocker Auto Mandarine Panties


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Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Those are some spectacularly beautiful bud shots. They remind me of the pictures that seed banks publish to advertise their strains. Man, what wouldn't I give to enjoy the freedom of growing my buds right at home in the garden like you do Old Ford.

Right now I've got a bunch of two-foot-high plants ready to go out under the sun, but to do that I've got to sneak out into the swamp, hack away at the jungle to open up last year's secret clearing, then lug in heavy bags of work castings followed by a few buckets of stanky fish to use as fertilizer, before the plants can get their outdoor start. And all that because growing some weed for personal use and NOT for sale could have me pokey-bound out here.

I can only hope and pray that prohibition ends in my neck of the woods so I can simply step out in my backyard and grow to my heart's content like you do. You have certainly mastered the art of growing top-shelf bud, Old Ford. My hat is off to ya.

Old Ford

Well-known member
Those are some spectacularly beautiful bud shots. They remind me of the pictures that seed banks publish to advertise their strains. Man, what wouldn't I give to enjoy the freedom of growing my buds right at home in the garden like you do Old Ford.

Right now I've got a bunch of two-foot-high plants ready to go out under the sun, but to do that I've got to sneak out into the swamp, hack away at the jungle to open up last year's secret clearing, then lug in heavy bags of work castings followed by a few buckets of stanky fish to use as fertilizer, before the plants can get their outdoor start. And all that because growing some weed for personal use and NOT for sale could have me pokey-bound out here.

I can only hope and pray that prohibition ends in my neck of the woods so I can simply step out in my backyard and grow to my heart's content like you do. You have certainly mastered the art of growing top-shelf bud, Old Ford. My hat is off to ya.
Thanks man , this year the plants are rough but its neglect by necessity !
I use a generic phone camera on auto as im struggling to see , just point and shoot lol
I hear you all too well on the risks of growing , i simply dont give a fuck ! Our Gov do it and make a fortune , i refuse to pay the silly fee;s they want for canna cards and then more money for a supply !
I ignore them, a MASSIVE one finger salute and get my grow on , i dont sell , i dont supply kids !! I grow to produce meds , the very same meds the the Gov want to sell me , my own is better lol and its free , happy to have my day in court and if im busted .... i will be back growing in the garden at the earliest opportunity !! Keep calm , ignore them and get your grow on :)


Well-known member
I also had a friend from the Netherlands (Wiet61 ) he was probably 64 years old, but I lost touch with him.... good man. I got a lot of seeds from him. He also complained of back pain, he was out of surgery.

Old Ford

Well-known member
How are we boys & girls ?

Im battling the shitty weather we have been blessed with !! Wet / windy / humid ... great eh lol

Well cooked autos still out in it, no dramas thank fuck !
Fems just showing their lady bits , fasts well into their swing , all busy busy folks.
A few of the plants dotted around the garden and the smell defence as dont want to upset the locals !
If you wanna know what something is just shout guys.


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Old Ford

Well-known member
That's all she wrote ! More soon just a few that caught the eye , sorry abut ropey quality pics , struggling to see well. Just put phone on auto and point & shoot lol

Autos coming down tomoz, fast happy and fems just showing their bits, regs just sexing and so far 1 for 1 ,with 1 more to show sex


Well-known member
Hi all , im a newbie on here and just finding my feet.

Im an old boy , in poor health , been battling the Big C for a while now but fighting the good fight !
I only grow outdoors , both in the garden and GG , been at it for a long long time , more a fan of indica leaning cultivars but do run sat leaners in light dep as our summers in the UK can be pretty short lol Mostly wet but we do see good sunny spells. This year im struggling badly , healths dictating im on a half arsed grow but i am growing !!
I would be more angry with myself for not growing so im having a go , most of what i grow i give away as im more in it for the challenge than the reward . I dont smoke any more and mainly convert to oils / butters with what i keep.
I started lots off this year , passed numerous plants on as couldnt cope , now left with a few but happy with what i have albeit they are quite ropey due to me not being fit enough to lavish the love they deserve.
I grow in a home brew compost & hay medium , been dialling it in for years and this year im 4wks into light dep and only fed twice since germination , im not a fan of loading plants up with feed unless they show signs of needing it , rightly or wrongly less is more in my eyes. I do very well on this routine and generally produce good healthy well cooked plants without any real dramas. Im not chasing monster plants any more , too old for that now.
I need to sort through pics and get some on here of this years shit show lol.
At present i have the following in the garden -
RGSC Pink Cherry Pie , RGSC Pink DFG x Gelato x Do Si Dos
SeedStockers 2 of Panty Punch , Gelato 41 , Auto Mandarin Panties , Auto Gorilla Glue
Sagarmatha Purple PineCone , i did have Cali Train Wreck but got way too big and passed it on.
Dutch Passion Shaman , Auto Euforia
Sweet Seeds Auto Cream Mandarine
A few other Haze x Skunk varieties from a fellow grower and keen breeder.
Pics up shortly once i get them sorted out.
the big C can really put a hurt on movement ,cemo put me on my back for aweek the first round ,all my body hair fell out kept 2/3of the beard and head hair lost over 60 lbs .fight hard man ,its not easy !

Old Ford

Well-known member
the big C can really put a hurt on movement ,cemo put me on my back for aweek the first round ,all my body hair fell out kept 2/3of the beard and head hair lost over 60 lbs .fight hard man ,its not easy !
Thanks for the love sir . Im not laying down to the fucker ! Fight it all the way , plants take me to a happier place , even though not in shape to be manhandling & plant bondage lol these plants are keeping the single grey cell busy and in positive mode .


Well-known member
Thanks for the love sir . Im not laying down to the fucker ! Fight it all the way , plants take me to a happier place , even though not in shape to be manhandling & plant bondage lol these plants are keeping the single grey cell busy and in positive mode .
i found the same thing, the garden takes the mind to other places that do'nt stress you near as much,not for everyone but mushrooms helped my headspace a hell of a lot ,sammy came right on time. i had gotten to a real dark spot dealing with chemo,i got to the point i couldn't pick up a 5 gal. bag of dirt,1 doc told me to get my things in order,that i had 16to 24 months left,after that i had to have a second opp ,new doc done some more test and over ruled what the old doc was trying for(to keep me on weekly chemo treatments )allways get a second doc, if you don't like your current doc!not every doctor has the best intrest for what is good for your body(I think my first doc wanted to pay off the house or his beemer)
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Well-known member
That's all she wrote ! More soon just a few that caught the eye , sorry abut ropey quality pics , struggling to see well. Just put phone on auto and point & shoot lol

Autos coming down tomoz, fast happy and fems just showing their bits, regs just sexing and so far 1 for 1 ,with 1 more to show sex
my autos have 3 or 4 weeks to go ,i have culled all males from the regs room is at 12/12 all the ladies are showing so its been, new shoes and worm castings, fermented plant juice and every thing else i can give 'em thats good!