Would you be able to tell me or show in some pixs or diagraims to change a high bay light from 480v. to 120v. and also can you seperate the ballast from the light so I can use it in my 7' foot room my celling are not very tall . thank you for your time and your concideration.. CCREZDOG said:No No NO.
Look a kilowatt is a kilowatt,no matter how you slice it.
If you run a 1K HPS 24 hrs a day,you consume about 1.15 Kw/hr,no matter if you use 120v or 220/240v.
Here's The Bottom Line:
You save money on electricity DELIVEREY.
A 220v line costs 1/2 of what a 120v line does to deliever power to,that's where you save money.
For example:
1000w running at 120v =12 cents per KW hour for the POWER,and another
10 cents an hour for delievery of that power.
That = .22 cents/Kw hour
1000w running at 220v =12 cents per KW hour for the POWER,and another
five cents an hour for delievery of that power.
That = .17 cents/Kw hour
When you're running 12 or 24 hour cycles,those few cents add up to mucho dinero at bill time.
It doesn't reduce your power usage,it does decrease the 'power delievery charge' by 50%,and imo it's only worth it ONLY to run 2000w or,preferrably,more.
I've used Green Air's 220v timer with 3000w of HPS for years,it's a great piece of equipment,as long as you know how to hardwire into a box,or know somebody who does.
Don't fuck around with electricity if you're not proficient,I've seen people fly through the air and hit walls,fucking with power.
A kilowatt is always going to be used,per hour,by a 1KW light,there's no way around that-and btw,your ballast uses 100-200w/hour,as well.
All righty,I've said all there is to say..
All the Best!