I think you misunderstood me Rainman. I think it is embarrassing to have laws against a plant in the USA, not to be an American(I know a bad choice of wording in previous post). I don't agree with taking advantage of the truly sick just for prophit but I do agree with free enterprise. If it was legal than the unscrupoulous dealers would not make much money because you could get it and demand. I just think anyone going to jail over a weed that is harder to kill than to grow is ridiculous....for any reason. And I don't think I was alive in the 30's when these laws were made so it wasn't who I voted for that made these draconian laws. And I do know of 3 people who were charged with murder and was out in ..YES 7 years. So it does happen maybe not all of the time but I have personally witnessed it 3 times.