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2024 Yekke Labs Thailand


Weed Cannasaur
Hey all

Current flowering plants:
Golden 2 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 13 - 15
Lemon 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Happy 2 - 3 - 4 - 9 - 11

Skunk 1 - 2 - 3 - 5
SGH 1 - 2 - 4 - 6
Doh 1 - 5

is 70L pots

Stretch is slowing, and im giving worm castings slurry with seaweed extract, and just seaweed extract.
Getting some palm ash ready, weather is very rainy lately so its delayed.

Not sure about further amendments, open to suggestions :)

Clones are looking better, some rooted and im starting hardening them to room humidity.
Opening the lids for 20 minutes today, tomorrow more etc.

Though Ill get clones for the next run, but Im getting paranoid about HLV. Cant find a trustful source with current tests.
Might just pop some more seeds and run with what I got

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Weed Cannasaur
Veg rooom:
Time to start planting the clones, I hope hardening goes smoothly.
They are planted in 4L pots, half filled, with reused soil from the 30L males.
By the end of the week I hope to finish planting the good clones.
Deadline for this vegging cycle is in 7-8 weeks, so it's starting to be the end of the time window for popping seeds. Currently Im thinking some more goldens, a pack of lucky dog - zephyr and maybe a few randoms for kicks


Flowering room:
Stretch mostly done, branches rearranged and palm ash (K supplement, raise pH) was given at 1-2 tablespoons per plant.
The first 30L tray looks sad, mostly yellow and some plants look like they could be culled before finishing this selection run.
Second tray is mostly tightly packed, happies are mostly very branchy.
Third tray looks great mostly, Golden9 being the slower one.
While plants look properly watered, Ive noticed by collection tank levels are rising a bit, and half as much as Im used to in the runoff tanks, so I put on a second watering per day. First is 30 min (1.5h after light on), second now is 10 min (middle of light on cycle).



Weed Cannasaur
Veg room:
Rooting is ok, some take much longer than others but cuts are not dying much so all good.
They all look really good a day after planting.
I might try to root in my used soil next.
There are 5 mothers for Lemon 7, and I believe thats enough to fill the next cycle in time.

Flower room:
Things are going fairly smoothly.
Smell is starting to show, with the lemons being the loudest.
Lemon 7 having a classic SLH smell leaning to amnesia like, and the best structure and development.
Lemon 6 got a way more sour and sharp lemon smell compared to the earthy and sweet Lemon 7 smell, with a touch behind on the bud size
All 5 Goldens did not give the smell I was looking for. Hope it will change.
Most skunks smell sweet, which is not what I was looking for. But one of them, I think 3, is not sweet, but rather a deep fast-food-joint-sewer smell.
One of the SGH smells great, a good complex mix of golden and SSSDH





Weed Cannasaur

Lemon 6 and 7 have similar structures, but smells are very different types of lemon. Lemon 7 is earthy very ripe lemon, which 6 is much more lime - fresh. I believe in terms of smell, 7 is more SSH, and 6 is more Lemon Skunk.
I always liked Lemon Skunk more.

Smells are starting to pop on all plants now, and it gets obvious when opening the door into the grow.

Temperatures are too high for my liking, and that is probably why the dehumidifier can not keep up. I will follow through with this cycle, and hope to quickly get the funds for a second AC.

Thanks for following if you read so far


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Weed Cannasaur
Gave the flowering room a food boost with half of their daily watering amount, before auto watering kicked in.
In dehu. water I added 0.5ml/L fish emulsion, 2ml/L guano and 2ml/L algae extract

The Lemons are definitely dominating the smell in the room


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