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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
That must be why so many US surgeons are Canadian... not to mention Hollywood people, and oil barons. Even the Kennedys made their cash from Canada. This guy is a moron.

The mans a pediatric neurosurgeon.......academic author and a recipient of the medal of freedom.......but yeah HES a moron :biggrin:


Well-known member
The mans a pediatric neurosurgeon.......academic author and a recipient of the medal of freedom.......but yeah HES a moron :biggrin:

2008 twinsies



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The mans a pediatric neurosurgeon.......academic author and a recipient of the medal of freedom.......but yeah HES a moron :biggrin:
If there is one thing I've learned while on this planet is that anybody with the letters DR after their name just means they spent a really long time studying one subject. It does not mean they are smart.

I've known plenty of really dumb doctors.


Well-known member

'ACTIONS NOT WORDS': UAW president withholds Biden endorsement​

and says this...

“Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers,” Fain said. “We can’t keep electing billionaires and millionaires that don’t have any understanding what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to get by and expecting them to solve the problems of the working class.”


Well-known member
“Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers,” Fain said. “We can’t keep electing billionaires and millionaires that don’t have any understanding what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to get by and expecting them to solve the problems of the working class.”

the federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. which is $15,080 per year before any withholding.

the average cost of raising a child in the US right now is $20,813 per year.

the wealthy are clueless about what poverty really means.

approximately half of the members of Congress are millionaires. and they are in both parties almost equally.


Kiss My Ring

Peter Schiff: This Story Will Have A Tragic Ending​

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Sep 18, 2023 - 08:15 AM
Via SchiffGold.com,
After the August CPI report showed price inflation heating up again thanks to rising gasoline prices, Peter Schiff appeared with Jesse Kelly on First TV to answer the question: are we heading? Peter said this story is going to have a tragic ending.

Peter opened the interview by pointing out that the current spate of price inflation had its origins in the 2008 financial crisis.
What the government did in response to that crisis – QE1, QE2, QE3 – all of that, plus what we did during COVID, that is the source of all this inflation. And it’s going to continue to get worse as long as we continue to run these massive deficits.”

Peter noted that the US government is currently running budget deficits averaging $2 trillion every year.
This is going to lead to much higher inflation in the future than what we’ve experienced in the past.”
Peter also said he thinks the decline in the CPI is over.
I think inflation is going to be a much bigger problem in 2024 than it was in 2023.”
Jesse said it seems like we’re in a death spiral. Peter agreed and said the spiral is even worse than you might think because increasing interest rates contribute to the rise in CPI.
Interest rates are a price. And it’s an important price for a lot of companies, just like labor, and rent, and raw materials, companies borrow money to conduct their business, to make capital investments, to expand. A lot of these companies have taken up debt over the years and now the cost of servicing that debt has risen sharply.”
Businesses will pass on these rising prices to consumers.
Meanwhile, consumers are making less money. Real incomes fell by 0.5% month-on-month in August. This continues a trend we saw last year when household incomes fell by 2.3%.
So, how does this story end?
The story is going to have a tragic ending, unfortunately. We’re going to have a dollar crisis and a sovereign debt crisis. The Fed is going to print money until the dollar collapses. I think that day of reckoning is at hand. I don’t know that it’s tomorrow, but it’s coming sometime soon.”
Peter noted the global move toward de-dollarization. Countries are looking for alternatives to the US dollar. That’s bad news for a US economy that depends on its ability to export its inflation to its trading partners.
As our trading partners move away from the dollar, the dollar is going to fall very fast. Prices are going to rise much faster than they have been. And at some point, it is going to spiral out of control — especially the debt. We have so much debt, and as the interest on the debt really rises, then it puts even more pressure on the Fed to print even more money to buy more bonds to put some kind of cap on how high interest rates go. It just accelerates the cycle. Because what’s driving everybody out of dollars and out of bonds is inflation. And if the Fed has to create even more inflation to stop interest rates from rising, it just creates an even more powerful incentive for everybody who owns Treasuries, or any dollar-denominated debt, to sell it. Then it pushes down the price, rates go up, the Fed has to print even more money, and it ends in a currency crisis. That’s where we’re headed.”
Peter said gold is the biggest threat to the dollar.
That’s what’s going to replace the dollar as the primary monetary reserve asset. The dollar replaced gold. So, gold is just going to take back that mantel.”
At one time, the world accepted dollars because they were backed by gold. They were just as good as gold. But that’s not the case anymore.
The dollar is just a piece of paper. So, I think the world is going to go back to real money as the basis for the monetary system and all of these fiat currencies will be legitimate currencies again because they will be backed by real money, which will be gold.”
A move back toward a gold standard would level the playing field globally, but it would be difficult for the US. It has become accustomed to issuing the world reserve currency.
That’s what enabled us to live beyond our means for all these decades. It’s what enabled these huge trade deficits. It allowed our economy to evolve in the way that it did so that we have this consumer-based spending economy that can’t really survive without the rest of the world propping it up. And that’s what’s going to stop. The world is not going to prop it up anymore because it’s going to move beyond the dollar.”
Peter said when that happens, the US will have to rebuild its economy from the bottom up. Americans will have to go back to saving and producing.


Kiss My Ring

Joe Biden Wishes Republicans ‘Lots of Luck’ with Impeachment Inquiry​

Rate Hike - Biden
Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP via Getty Images
Wendell Husebø18 Sep 2023172


President Joe Biden on Sunday wished the House Republicans “lots of luck” with their impeachment inquiry launched last week.
“Lots of luck,” Joe Biden replied to NBC News when questioned about the inquiry.
Biden claimed Thursday that Republicans want to impeach him because “they want to shut down the government.”
“I’m focused on the things the American people want me focused on,” he added.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opened the inquiry based on four pieces of evidence:
  1. House investigators found that Joe Biden lied about his involvement in the family business.
  2. Bank records show many payments were directed to Biden family members through shell companies.
  3. An FBI informant file alleges Joe Biden was bribed by a Ukrainian energy executive.
  4. Joe Biden “offered special treatment” to Hunter Biden amid his Justice Department’s tax probe into his son.
Since the launch of the inquiry, the White House, Democrats, and their allied media outlets pushed outright disinformation by claiming there is “no evidence” to support an inquiry into Joe Biden.
“That talking point didn’t come from the campaign. It came from the taxpayer-paid White House counsel directly to media outlets,” McCarthy told Breitbart News on Saturday. “So think of the fear they have, whether they’re going to be allowed to go before government or others when you have the White House counsel threatening them to say investigate Republicans, there’s nothing here.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
On Wednesday, the White House demanded media outlet executives provide negative coverage of the Biden impeachment inquiry, which it claims is “based on lies” and should “set off alarm bells.”
McCarthy also commented on a CNN fact-check article in which the network humiliated itself by admitting evidence put forth by McCarthy was true.
“CNN went and tried to fact-check me trying to say there wasn’t and even in their own fact check said everything I said was true. Yes, there is an allegation of bribery. Yes, they’re saying that he went to meetings and money changed [hands]. Yes, there were shell companies,” McCarthy said. “[If] you are an elected official and someone has brought you all this information, you have a constitutional obligation to find the answers to it. That doesn’t mean it’s impeachment. That means finding the answers.”
“Why are we afraid to get the answers to the American public?” he asked.
The next steps in the impeachment inquiry are to obtain Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank records, as well as conduct interviews with additional Biden associates, the House Oversight Committee signaled.
The White House would not speculate last week if Joe Biden would fully cooperate with the House’s impeachment inquiry.
“[I’m] certainly not going to speculate on what has been a baseless inquiry that the House Republicans can’t even really defend themselves,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a reporter.
A second reporter asked Jean-Pierre if she was confident that no incriminating evidence would surface against Joe Biden.
“What you see Republicans in Congress, right, [sic] they have spent all year investigating the president. That’s what they’ve spent all year doing and have turned up with no evidence. None,” Jean-Pierre claimed. “He [Joe Biden] didn’t do anything wrong.”


ICMag Donor
The billionaires or oligarchs are really something that should be despised in our country. Instead, many people worship them hoping a few crumbs will fall off the table their way. These people refuse to realize the power of such great concentrated wealth and how much it hurts them. 0.1% have more wealth than the bottom 50% and not paying any taxes puts more burden on the rest and takes allot of money off the table to cover the burden. There's a limited number of dollars and some people grabbed most of it.

Unfortunately, people having this wealth also have the power to buy politicians. It's cheaper than paying taxes and they get what they want. Take Chump for example. He created a huge tax break for the rich that cost the rest of us seven trillion in increased national debt. He was paid to do that.

The last 40 years has shifted 'conservatives' towards more charity for the rich. This has shrunk the middle class to the point where cars and houses have become unaffordable. Worse yet the lower class has been pushed to falling off the edge. The solution, Some bullshitter like Chump comes along and says he's going to make America great again. Unfortunately those following him are not able to connect the lines and see that Chump is the AH who sold them out and a huge part of the problem that they think they are trying to solve.


Kiss My Ring

UAW Boss Warns "Strikes Will Expand" Friday If Automakers Fail To Make "Substantial Progress" In Labor Talks​

by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023 - 05:25 AM

The head of United Auto Workers, Shawn Fain, has declared he will unleash additional strikes across manufacturing facilities of General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co., and Stellantis NV on Friday. This move is contingent on the three automakers not properly addressing the union's demands for a new four-year labor contract for its 146,000 members.
"Either the Big Three get down to business and work with us to make progress in negotiations, or more locals will be called on to stand up and go out on strike," UAW boss Fain said in a YouTube video published Monday evening.
Fain said, "We're not waiting around, and we're not messing around. So, noon on Friday, Sept. 22 is a new deadline."

The union said Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis have "failed to put fair contract offers on the table." A union representative told Bloomberg "no new offers" have come from the automakers "since the union made its latest proposals on Sept. 14, right before its strike began."
A Deutsche Bank note shows the automakers have offered around 20% pay hike increase over a new four-year labor contract. At the same time, the union demands 46%. This means talks between the union and automakers are still far apart.

UAW continued, "If the automakers fail to make progress in negotiations and bargain in good faith going forward, more locals will be called on to Stand Up and join the strike."
Here's an excerpt from Fain's remarks:
"We've been available 24/7 to bargain a deal that recognizes our members sacrifices and contributions to these record profits. Still the Big Three failed to get down to business.
That's why, last week, our brave union family at Wentzville Assembly, Toledo Assembly, and final assembly and paint departments at Michigan Assembly were called on to Stand Up and go out on strike. And that's exactly what they did.
Just as importantly, all the rest of you stayed on the job. That is the only way this strategy works. We're going to keep hitting the company where we need to, when we need to. And we're not going to keep waiting around forever while they drag this out.
I have been clear with the Big Three every step of the way. And I'm going to be crystal clear again right now. If we don't make serious progress by noon on Friday, Sept. 22, more locals will be called on to Stand Up and join the strike. That will mark more than a week since our first members walked out. And that will mark more than a week of the Big Three failing to make progress in negotiations toward reaching a deal that does right by our members.
Autoworkers have waited long enough to make things right at the Big Three. We're not waiting around, and we're not messing around. So, noon on Friday, Sept. 22 is a new deadline.
Either the Big Three get down to business and work with us to make progress in negotiations or more locals will be called on to Stand Up and go out on strike.
Between now and then, UAW members will keep organizing actions. Those on strike will remain on strike. And those on the job will keep monitoring for unilateral changes made by management, which are NOT allowed under an expired contract.
Keep organizing rallies. Keep organizing red shirt days. Keep up the energy and keep showing the companies that you are ready to join the strike if necessary.
This is our generation's defining moment.
So be ready to Stand Up."
Full video of Fain's remarks.

So, who is the winner after the dust settles? Well, it might not be all UAW members.
CNBC cited anonymous sources that warned the most recent contract proposal by Stellantis could lead to the closure of 18 US plants.
The plans would likely affect thousands of UAW members, shrink the automaker's North American footprint and create a new "modernized" parts and distribution network, which company and union leaders were at odds over, the sources said.
As we've pointed out numerous times, according to The Wall Street Journal, the winner is Elon Musk's Tesla Motors: "Whatever the UAW Strike Outcome, Elon Musk Has Already Won."

Trump Defends Auto Workers Against Biden’s Green Agenda: You’re ‘Being Sold Down the River’ to China​

TOPSHOT - Former US president and 2024 Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during the South Dakota Republican Party's Monumental Leaders rally at the Ice Arena at the Monument in Rapid City, South Dakota, September 8, 2023. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

John Binder15 Sep 2023

Former President Donald Trump is warning America’s auto workers that President Joe Biden’s green energy agenda will outsource their jobs to China as the United Auto Workers (UAW) goes on strike against General Motors (GM), Ford, and Stellantis.
As Breitbart News Economics Editor John Carney details, nearly 13,000 UAW members have started striking against three automakers as contract negotiations have yet to deliver assurances that Biden’s rapid push for Electric Vehicles (EVs) will not jeopardize their wages and jobs.

“The Biden administration has been pushing policies to electrify most new vehicles within a decade or so,” Carney writes. “That rush toward electric vehicles will mean a rapid decline in payrolls for autoworkers—even as the automakers enjoy Inflation Reduction Act subsidies.”

Trump, in an interview with CNBC, aligned himself with auto workers and warned them that the Biden administration, paired with UAW leadership, is not only not stopping China from gaining economic dominance over the EV industry but actively working to hand the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) full control of EV supply chains.
“The auto workers will not have any jobs … because all of these cars are going to be made in China. The electric cars, automatically, are going to be made in China,” Trump said:

“The auto workers are being sold down the river by their leadership, and their leadership should endorse Trump,” the Republican presidential frontrunner added. [Emphasis added]

Trump specifically criticized UAW president Shawn Fain. “I think he’s not doing a good job in representing his union, because he’s not going to have a union in three years from now. Those jobs are all going to be gone, because all of those electric cars are going to be made in China. That’s what’s happening,” Trump said. [Emphasis added]
The remarks come as auto workers out of Indiana told Politico they are fed up with Biden and his administration’s seemingly absent role in defending their jobs and wages.

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“I don’t know what he’s done,” one auto worker said of Biden:

“Ask him. I don’t think he knows what he’s done. Seriously. I’m not trying to be mean.” Quirk wasn’t freelancing: Fain and the union haven’t yet endorsed Biden’s reelection, throwing into doubt Biden’s standing in autoworker-heavy communities like his. [Emphasis added]

“They’re all full of shit,” Butler said. “We haven’t had a president in there for years, with the exception of Trump, that was really for the people, all the way back to the Reagan days.” [Emphasis added]
“Historically, man, if you didn’t vote Democrat years ago, and you were in the union, sometimes you got your ass kicked,” he said. “Democrats were for the working people. That shit has changed. I’m telling you what, the Democratic Party was not what it was 20, 30 years ago.” [Emphasis added]

Another auto worker called Biden “terrible” and said he “can’t remember his own name.”

Trump is among few Republicans defending auto workers against Biden’s green energy agenda, even as Breitbart News has reported that the rapid EV push without first establishing United States-based supply chains runs the risk of eliminating millions of American jobs.

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) is one of the lone voices alongside Trump.

This week, Vance accused the Biden administration of using the UAW negotiations to prop up his green energy agenda amid opposition from auto workers regarding key components.

“Bidenomics: We’ll ship 100 car factory jobs to China for every 10 we create in the United States,” Vance wrote on Twitter. “Then we’ll congratulate all the impoverished auto workers for being part of a ‘just transition.'”
