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2022 Outdoor Gardening in the Northeast


Not Veteran
@OG_NoMan i’m curious what your thoughts are on this.

I am definitely not a huge fan of Goose although they aren't bad. I found the Trey sit in to be their best material/best jamming (though I definitely have a phish bias) and most other stuff tends to be the same IMO. We were listening/watching this Sunday by the pool with lots of phans and it was universally enjoyed 😁. They seem to be a love them or hate them band amongst the Phish community for some reason. I wouldn't travel for Goose like I do for Phish but if they are close I would definitely check them out live. Still thinking of hitting levitate festival which they will be playing. You should check out the band NEIGHBOR if you haven't heard of them yet. Really good IMO, can't wait for Mansfield then Bethal phish :rasta:.


ICMag Donor
It’s the very same thing that I personally was guilty of & experienced decades ago …(the resentment between Grateful Dead fans and Phish fans) I resented Phish so much because I thought they scooped up the remains of the Grateful Dead culture , but it was all in my own head and I’ve actually learned to love them …It was all through listening to the music I think r Phish fantastic & probably the best live band out there today it’s alive , current and exciting


ICMag Donor
It’s amazing how time passes even Phish are old if you watch the videos you can see sometimes how they struggle..But this just the nature of reality


Active member
Boy am I glad I grew up listening to Frank Zappa and the original touring crew that actually had phenomenal shows at Knickerbocker I can't wrap my head around Trey I can't wrap my head around all the folks that act like fish piss excellence been to the show seen the people I'm good not going to say anything disparaging other than the fact that when they came to Essex Junction all I saw were a bunch of tripping out little punk kids hating on one another over who had the best blotter and who has the best part it's like a high school popularity contest on out of control and now there's music around it have fun


Not Veteran

Personally I am happy every time I read a write up like yours as I know it's one less person trying for a ticket making it more likely I get the ticket I want 😉😁. Thanks for the knickerbocker memories also as I am from the area 😂🤣😂.


ICMag Donor
Also there are generational differences when I interact with people I always assume they are my peers and from my generation but generally that’s not the case few & far between


...como el Son...
I still wish we could meet in person my friend that may never happen who knows
(Joking): Be careful with what my Patrón wants, lest I show up any autumn in your Northeast to ask for a trimmigrant job....

(Sorry for the misogine of the video)

misogyny the video may contain).

Pd: My Patrón, I prefeer the old rum to that shit of Jaegerboom...
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Spent $xxx bucks on Happy Frog, Coast of Maine, Foxfarm, and some cowflop, to make a custom mix for final transplants in plot #1. Got my 20 gal fabric pots from Amazon, <with handles> so my 3-5 gal girls will be happily rejuvenated and ready to nucking fo guts..
Jack's bushing out and going into flower while still only couple feet tall. Same with Creme de la Creme.
Lesson learned this season: Don't fuck with autos. They take up Legal space for those of us that observe this, and flower too early, too small, and can greatly affect one's final harvest quantities. I'm actually giving away 2 autos, just not my Jack.
Never the Jack.
Will be sending P1, whose name I just may change to Alpha, pics out tomorrow.
Spent today setting up security, installing solar powered motion detection flood lights, Ring protection, and trail cams, diagramming everything for The Boss, and P2, or Beta.
People like to have a kick ass set-up from which they can sit in a chair with some serious control over there environment.
I'm working on pitching these remote M80 implants, that you can watch go off on your cams. Kinda sick.
Gonna be busy from now thru the end.
Personally, I don't buy into the Emerald Harvest thing. But some growers insist on spending buku $ on chemicals that have to be measured and added to watering system EVERY DAY. .. (not my thing but you pay the bills, your crop..) Also paying like $35 per alleged 30 gal bins which for some reason don't always fill a 25 gal fabric pot. ..
I guess my point here is, to each their own. Ya, ok, I get $ + a % of harvest, being my ass out there when the chopper lands. [Has happened before, diff job] and I don't complain, condemn, nor attempt control of another's design.
Suttle suggestions, sure, but I've learned that for the most part, plots are like someone's phone, laptop and underwear. You set it up the way you want, personalize accordingly, and only want specific hands touching your stuff.
N'uff said. Night all.
Oh shit. I thought I was in an outdoor grow thread for the northeast.
I sense I'm mistaken.
But since it seems to be the topic, I really never liked the Dead nor their Doppelganger wannabes, Phish.
Buncha non talents that use the drug culture to make them tolerable.
I did acid once and swore a frog was gonna be the next big thing but, ah, never happened.
Boy am I glad I grew up listening to Frank Zappa and the original touring crew that actually had phenomenal shows at Knickerbocker I can't wrap my head around Trey I can't wrap my head around all the folks that act like fish piss excellence been to the show seen the people I'm good not going to say anything disparaging other than the fact that when they came to Essex Junction all I saw were a bunch of tripping out little punk kids hating on one another over who had the best blotter and who has the best part it's like a high school popularity contest on out of control and now there's music around it have fun
Exactly. I can't name one Pish song. Thank Shiva.


Active member
What? You never seen 5 folks smashed out on nitrous fighting over a snapple bottle with a 20 strip on it? Aw man who needs a device lmaop rock on my farmers
Its good though steel pulse/frank zappa lovers and phish heads make the world go round im bettin


Not Veteran
Things are moving along slowly but surely. Been having to water because it never seems to rain and the new garden doesn't hold water yet like the old garden did. Spread some more bio alive and worm castings will water again later this afternoon when the plants are back in the shade.




Just got the shingles and siding left to do 😁
How bout I don't? Lol. Just because I don't like pish you wanna kick me off the thread? Not trying to disrespect or be a dick, was just saying, thread early says 2022 Gardening in the Northeast.
Maybe YOU should go to 'Anything Goes' to talk about psychedelics and concerts.. I came here to talk about growing in the Northeast, was just surprised how off topic things were. No worries though. I won't go off topic myself again here.
Morning Sun Kissed NE GARDEN PiC
Things are moving along slowly but surely. Been having to water because it never seems to rain and the new garden doesn't hold water yet like the old garden did. Spread some more bio alive and worm castings will water again later this afternoon when the plants are back in the shade.




Just got the shingles and siding left to do 😁
Looking beautiful! Very nice!