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2018 outdoor central CA

Noonin NorCal

Active member
You can try putting up bird feeders around the garden, specially nectar for hummingbirds. I heard they go after caterpillars.

Last season i saw a small bird actually picking off a white moth in the air and ate it.

Keep your eye on bluejays though if you are feeding them sunflower seeds. Ive witnessed them stuffing them in my buds trying to hide them from other birds lol.

No joke either, this season I've pulled 2 whole sunflower seeds out of buds, and one that was already shucked/de shelled

Noonin NorCal

Active member
You can try putting up bird feeders around the garden, specially nectar for hummingbirds. I heard they go after caterpillars.

Last season i saw a small bird actually picking off a white moth in the air and ate it.

Keep your eye on bluejays though if you are feeding them sunflower seeds. Ive witnessed them stuffing them in my buds trying to hide them from other birds lol.

No joke either, this season I've pulled 2 whole sunflower seeds out of buds, and one that was already shucked/de shelled


Hook up a bug zapper. Zap all the moths from your neighborhood, no more eggs, no more cats.

Such a cheap and easy preventative technique, if you have electricity at the garden site its a no brainer imo. Try to hang it a bit away, draw the moths away and zap them. I drag 400' of extension cords to hook up 3x 1 acre zappers around our garden area, but I haven't lost over a single % to cats since I started the practice (maybe around 7 seasons hard to recall).

Oddly, for the first time ever we have had some aphids on our canna plants this year as well. Pruned them out a bit more, and most of them disappeared, don't think they like the sunlight so they thrive in over grown under canopy.

Crushn: Had a small handful of cultivars last year that just wouldn't finish. They went way later than normal and still were not done. Who knows, but I felt like it was a mother nature thing maybe. This year everything looks to be right on track.

Outdoor can throw you so many curve balls.

Nice garden and gl,


Hook up a bug zapper. Zap all the moths from your neighborhood, no more eggs, no more cats.

Such a cheap and easy preventative technique, if you have electricity at the garden site its a no brainer imo. Try to hang it a bit away, draw the moths away and zap them. I drag 400' of extension cords to hook up 3x 1 acre zappers around our garden area, but I haven't lost over a single % to cats since I started the practice (maybe around 7 seasons hard to recall).

Oddly, for the first time ever we have had some aphids on our canna plants this year as well. Pruned them out a bit more, and most of them disappeared, don't think they like the sunlight so they thrive in over grown under canopy.

Crushn: Had a small handful of cultivars last year that just wouldn't finish. They went way later than normal and still were not done. Who knows, but I felt like it was a mother nature thing maybe. This year everything looks to be right on track.

Outdoor can throw you so many curve balls.

Nice garden and gl,

Thats a great idea . Any blue bug light?

I just got done spraying captain jacks this morning. Hopefully it helps


Just sprayed captain jacks. Morning shots


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Noonin NorCal

Active member
Ive thought about the bug zapper then thought about some good bugs getting zapped. Running it during the day anything could end up getting fried in it.

Like wasps and real butterflies, or praying mantis lady bugs etc.

You can get predatory wasps, to late now i think they come in larvae and takes a bit for them to hatch

Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
Start putting up hummingbird feeders and throw birdseed in your yard.
Why not have nature do your dirty work?
This works especially well on larger plant numbers, as it gets tedious checking daily
Only downside is the blue jays will snap branches when they take off from them.


Thanks for the input guys.

I dont wanna make more bird come. They love sitting on the cages and shit all over the plants.

I really like the bug zapper idea besides the fact of killing the good bugs but i think ill give this a shot.

The 11 ft wide hard ball purp plant is just about ready. All the hairs are still white but the thc is 10 percent amber. I like 20 or so percent amber so few more days


Captain jacks didnt do shit. Caterpillars in Almost every nug. Im going to be forced to chop in next couple days.all the big nugs are fucked


Well-known member
Captain jacks didnt do shit.

Once you get a high level of infestation it doesn't matter what you spray on there, it's not going to do shit. Napalm maybe. Got to get them at the very beginning then keep at it every couple days.
Powdery mildew got a couple of my plants early and I can't shake it. Probably in the sap by now. I can spray and prevent it from spreading but it's not going to knock it out.


Once you get a high level of infestation it doesn't matter what you spray on there, it's not going to do shit. Napalm maybe. Got to get them at the very beginning then keep at it every couple days.
Powdery mildew got a couple of my plants early and I can't shake it. Probably in the sap by now. I can spray and prevent it from spreading but it's not going to knock it out.

Ye i kno. It sucks.

Im going to have to cut 5 plants.only 2 are ready. 3 have another couple weeks but those are the ones imfrsted with cats.


Here is my delema..... I wait for nugs to get bigger then the cats eat more and i lose more then the nugs are going to grow in next couple of weeks. So souunds like my only choice is to cut the plants that are infested and leave the ones barly budding to finish...


Harvest time!!!!!!

Caterpillars were in almost all top nugs. So i sacraficed the last week and cut a week early.loss of mold and cats would have cut my croo in half in a week. So it is what it is

First plant hanging. Left bottom half of plant to mature more


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