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2018 Hemp


Well-known member
Been a while since I posted here.

Like many folks I got absorbed into IG.

Anyway I took a break from THC aculticarion and grew a bunch of CBD aka Hemp.

It has it's own set of challenges and can be really intense.

But is also very rewarding.


Well-known member


New member
Wow. Impressive. With the recent change in the Farm Bill farmers in my area have started planting hemp this past year.. The farmer that planted some in my small town apparently had several plants stolen by some kid/ignorant person.

Since I can only grow outdoors right now, I have been worried about the potential for male hemp plants in the crop and hemp pollen finding it's way on to my plants.

The popularity of hemp farming makes me really consider looking in to a super stealth micro indoor setup, just not sure that I should take the risk because of my living situation.

What are issues you've encountered with hemp farming?


Active member
HL45 - Did it sell? Still much hemp in abundance from last years harvest. Nice job with your grow tho..

RockBlue - you must be in the same town as me, I heard the same story of stolen plants..

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