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2016 Down by the Bay


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Well if Silver stopping by....then I'll pull up a stool.....wish old "Fred" would show lol

Great job man, OBVIOUSLY preparation was done here.....


No fuckin' around here, we went and got scissor lift.

Starting on greenhouses today because my helper is taking the weekend off. It'll be the garage built by two and a half guys. Gonna get end walls taken off, hopefully get square, lines pulled and get the posts set.



Setting trusses today and cut a whole bunch of grass and buzzed up some trees this weekend. Back to big boy work.


Well Engineering kinda fucked me, they decided to switch the style of the purlins between last year and this year and bent me some half assed U thing out of galvanized to use with no pre-punched holes. They literally offered me a full refund and return freight due to the scale of this fuck up and lack of customer communication when making design changes. If I choose to keep the kits I will have to mark and drill somewhere in the ballpark of 2-3,000 holes in 14 ga galvanized. Not terribly heavy but just a huge amount of work, plus the $500/a week my lift is costing me that's not being used... plus the drill press for drilling the holes, the time to mark, it's at least 40+ man hours more labor with this kit.

I'm seriously considering sending it back and since MI Legalize announced enough signatures today, putting up a S-500 with plans for blacking out and heating it this winter.

Or I bite the bullet accept their "discount" for the added labor and make due with what I have...

Plus the crane guy screwed me! Had Monday scheduled and called at 10AM wondering where he was and he was setting a different job. Not off to a good start!

silver hawaiian

Active member
Well Engineering kinda fucked me, they decided to switch the style of the purlins between last year and this year and bent me some half assed U thing out of galvanized to use with no pre-punched holes. They literally offered me a full refund and return freight due to the scale of this fuck up and lack of customer communication when making design changes. If I choose to keep the kits I will have to mark and drill somewhere in the ballpark of 2-3,000 holes in 14 ga galvanized. Not terribly heavy but just a huge amount of work, plus the $500/a week my lift is costing me that's not being used... plus the drill press for drilling the holes, the time to mark, it's at least 40+ man hours more labor with this kit.

I'm seriously considering sending it back and since MI Legalize announced enough signatures today, putting up a S-500 with plans for blacking out and heating it this winter.

Or I bite the bullet accept their "discount" for the added labor and make due with what I have...

Plus the crane guy screwed me! Had Monday scheduled and called at 10AM wondering where he was and he was setting a different job. Not off to a good start!

What a pain in the dick. Sorry to hear about the headaches.

Thanks for the heads up on the MILegalize signatures, I've been scouring the web every few days for the past few weeks trying to find out what's up.


Man pain in the dick ain't even close to describing my piss off ed-ness...

$2000 screw up, $500 for lift not getting used, $500 for a drill press, and $1000 in labor.


hey sho i tried to add you to send you a pm have not been active on this forum in a while.

I just moved to michigan and probably am not to far from you... South of Gaylord but I will be running greenhouses similar to yours this year and after reading through your 4ksq ft thread. The greenhouses are 31 feet wide and 90 feet long. What size pots should we go with and what would be a good number we can do either 36 or 48 in each one.

And do you think it will be worth it to use 100gal pots for seeds that have just been started the last week or so. Seems like I am a little behind on getting things started but will probably be forced to take clones from indoor mothers. What would be a good strain for our location?

I have BlueDream GG#4 pre98bubba that im still thinking about taking cuts off of. For the ones that were just started from seed they are bred for outdoors(mostly Canadian genetics) so im not too worried about them. I just was wondering if the resources should be used to fill 100gal pots with our late start and running some from clone?


Last of my seeds will be here Friday, so no I don't think so. Im a supporter of a young plants "vigor", 100 gallons did me well. Cost wise 200+ is a bit prohibitive when you're talking about a $7-15,000 soil bill. Be glad you're close to Morgan Composting! I also say use remesh when they're small and train them into it, waste of time staking and bamboo'ing.

36 is pretty cool and it splits it up nicely under the law, what kinda houses are you running? Zimmerman uses dimensions like that just kinda curious.

For shits and giggles.. Casey Jones was started 5/19/15 and hit 12 feet tall. Jamaican Dream's were started same time and had potential for 3+ per plant in 100 gallons...

On with my story... FarmTek is gonna comp me big time and I'm gonna push through, too much invested to lose the square footage... Wish me luck!


Trusses get set Tuesday on the pole barn so that can get moving along again, 2/3rds of the holes for "ONE" greenhouses have been drilled. STUPID amount of work... I got a new drill press, band saw, $150 in bits to do this shit... but FarmTek says they're going to go good for my expenses.

We were averaging 6 minutes per purlin, marking and drilling 12 holes and screwing 8 self.

There's 72? purlins in each building, plus the ridge, which was also fucked, and I need to drill a bunch of holes and use a 2x3 galvanized

The IMPOSSIBLE ridge connection they expected me to do *scratching head*

My On-The-Fly Field Engineering, we need a 3/4" hole on the top to get a socket in to run the nut too the chevron!

And a shout out to Ethos!!! Thanks for the seeds!


They are both same in dimension and will open and close depending on temp.

I will try to run mostly seed stock but will still have to end up doing some clones...

Here is a picture of the GH still have to get it wired and supplies brought in. I dont want to high jack your thread just was wondering the number of 100 gal smart pots that would fit in each one without to much wasted space.

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