Well Engineering kinda fucked me, they decided to switch the style of the purlins between last year and this year and bent me some half assed U thing out of galvanized to use with no pre-punched holes. They literally offered me a full refund and return freight due to the scale of this fuck up and lack of customer communication when making design changes. If I choose to keep the kits I will have to mark and drill somewhere in the ballpark of 2-3,000 holes in 14 ga galvanized. Not terribly heavy but just a huge amount of work, plus the $500/a week my lift is costing me that's not being used... plus the drill press for drilling the holes, the time to mark, it's at least 40+ man hours more labor with this kit.
I'm seriously considering sending it back and since MI Legalize announced enough signatures today, putting up a S-500 with plans for blacking out and heating it this winter.
Or I bite the bullet accept their "discount" for the added labor and make due with what I have...
Plus the crane guy screwed me! Had Monday scheduled and called at 10AM wondering where he was and he was setting a different job. Not off to a good start!