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2012 Journal


Well I think now is a good time to start a new journal(it's been a while), the last of the Cindy99 clones and mother is now gone, but we'll get into all that in a minute. For now though let's have a look at the seed stocks.


Godberry(Godbud x Bubbleberry)
Double Strawberry Diesel(Strawberry Diesel x Strawberry Diesel){Strawberry Diesel = Kyle Kushman's Strawberry Cough clone x Sour Diesel IBL}
OG Kush x Herijuana
OG Kush bx1
Forbidden Fruit(Viper x Grapefruit)
Fruits n Berries(Godberry x Grapefruit)
Columbian x Biko
Mind Boggle F2 x Biko
Original T*Haze x Skunk 1
Blue Moon Rocks bx1
Menage a' Trois(Godbud x Dreamweaver & Arjans H x Cinnamon x DW)
Mind Boggle F2 x Biko
Red Eyed Bride
Pollen Chuck
Ny Purple Diesel(fem)
Violator Kush(fem)
818 HeadBand(fem)

Freebies(One seed only)
Critical Kush(fem)
Pineapple Chunk(fem)
Critical Mass 33
Blue Lemon Thai(fem)
Green Bud(fem)
Jamaican Dream(fem)
TNT Kush(fem)
Super Haze

Auto flowers(Freebies as well 1 bean only, going in the garden)
Flash Babylon(fem)
Afghan Kush Ryder(fem)
LA Diva
Auto Blue Mammoth

So those are the seeds I'm sifting through to find new moms.


Some of you may remember me, most of you will not, either way hello there. A little about me, hmmm, well I've been growin the herb for a while, 15 yrs give or take, I'm a licensed legal grower for about 2 years give or take. I prefer to garden indoors these days.

The Setup
Okay so what I'll be showing you is my 2'x4' grow tent
Using my 400w lumatec ballast
Hortilux 400w metal halide bulb
Super Sun 2 reflector
Currently using Sunshine Mix #4
Two 4" intake booster fans for intake
Sunleaves Windtunnel 4" Inline Exhaust Fan Vortex
Can filter 9000
7000 or 8000btu air conditioner(I can't remember)


Now that all that good stuff is out of the way let's talk plants. Just finished up with my cindy99 that had been running for a while, now that I got this new mom, she is Grand Daddy Purple x Blueberry. She turns quite purple, quite pungent with a little spice, she tastes great, and it takes a while before a tolerance is built up.


I'll be running her while the Double Strawberry Diesels(already sent off to the flower room to be sexed and flowered to pick the best of the bunch, still have one pack left), the 818 HeadBand and the Blackwater, that are still in this room, but we aren't going to focus too much on them atm since they will be leaving shortly as well to the flower room for the same purpose. I'll show you some pics of them though while they are still here. Oh and no worries you get to see flowering plants, not just vegging plants.

Well I think that's it for now, be back soon with an update.:tiphat:


Today I'll talk a little about the other plants in the box, first the blackwater. The description goes as such

First generation Mendo Purps x SFV OG Kush F3 [m]. This is named after one of Swerve's favorite songs. His goal on her is to achieve one of the darkest Purple OG Kushes there is.

Flowering time 8-9 weeks.

And should look like this

Plant 1
This first picture I had the F-stop set a little high(also I ripped part of the leaf off on accident)


Plant 2


So as you can see there is a difference between the two plants, I hope that I don't have to come back and throw the rest of these beans to find the pheno that matches the picture.


Also in here is the 818 headband it's description goes as such

This Award winning Strain( 2k11 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup Michigan 1st place Hybrid Category) This cross is my Original Sour Diesel cut which is known as AJ's cut aka Asshole Joe aka Weasel as in the first cut to come out of his room of the Famous Sour Diesel collection.. This is the precursor to ECSD. I took this cut and crossed to my SFV OG Kush IBL male.The off spring shows great structure and solid kolas with fuel sour kerosine funk.

Flower time will be 8-9 weeks Yields will be great 800+g m2

And should look something like this

I had two of these and both looked exactly the same, but the dog ate one while I wasn't paying attention(Her favorite time is trimming time, but when dad isn't looking anything will do)So I'm left with one.


I really wish I had the Double Strawberry Diesels to show you but I'll have a cut of each of them back in a few weeks, and I'll have them until the best of the bunch is picked.

Oh and another group shot


Active member
did i just grab the first seat?..

i remember you, hope you remember me :)

so clean here mate.. such refined skill. miss you SB :)


What up NZ, yeah looks that you did, of course I remember you, thanks for the kind words.

So after sifting through threads the grand daddy x blueberry is called grandberry, unfortunately I have to wait until his next grow to see his plants of this, anyhoo I'll be calling it that from now on. This is first time I've grown this plant but I have the lowdown on how it goes, it's a moderately slow vegger, it's a nute hog in veg, requiring nutes almost every watering once it's chewed through the orginal soil nutes, then it needs next to no nutes through the first half of flower and the back half it gets hungry again. Not sure how long I'll be running this, so how fine tuned I get it, I don't know.

Not much going on with the grandberry mom atm so I'll focus on the seedlings, they are much more fun to watch than me slowly walking the arms of the mom away from each other before I start topping her to give her her pom poms. So yeah

So the 818 headband. I'm liking her more every day, very even growth, tight nodes, and looks to be a very manageable plant in the future.



Okay so I can only put up 5 images per post, when did that start and what's the deal there? Oh well whatever, I'll just split up the posts then. Inconvenient

And the Blackwater. These plants are showing a little variance between each other but both are looking pretty nice, they are developing huge leaves, they are stretching a little more than I would like but I think it's due to the shear size of the leaves. Either way I feel pretty good about how she's going to turn out.

Plant 1


And just to show you how huge these leaves are already getting.

Plant 2


Till then


Smile Vs Cry
subscribed ..if you dont mind grower!!!

those project sound interesting, killer genetic inside bro..!!!
plants already lookin healthy green as hell!!
great job!

chief bigsmoke

Active member
Awesome seed vault bro!!! I would be super stoked to have so many wicked genetics. can't wait to follow your journal. big things ahead


I never mind the company killerweed, yeah should be some good stuff going on this year, this run though will have the most seed types at once I'll run, after this run the moms will be picked and it will go to one new seed type at a time, but I was tired of the cindy(don't get me wrong she was nice). So I got all ambitious like.

hey chief, yeah I enjoy just looking and pondering which strain I should run next. Myself I'm thinking after I have a look see at these three strains(headband, blackwater and double strawberry diesel) I might not need to throw some beans for a bit. I dunno. I was thinking maybe mindboggle f2 x biko, but in a week it'll probably be something different. I never know till I pull out the beans and throw some into a cup of water.

News about the GrandBerry mom, she chewed through the soils nutes a little faster than I thought she would, seeing as I'm keeping such little actual plant mass on her, She jumped straight into the later stages of Potassium deficiency. So I flushed out the soil to remove any possibility of high salinity buildup and future lockouts due to unbalanced nutrient levels. Then reset the nutrients with Growbig and Willard's Water. I usually only use the Willard's Water when cloning but I wanted to help the roots intake the fresh nutes as quickly as possible before the deficiency progresses.

I pulled out my herb notebook and made notations on when deficiency started showing , and judging by the degree of deficiency, when I think it started to run short of potassium, so that future clones will not run into the same issue and can be avoided. So from now on I'll be watering every other watering with a small dosage of nutes. Well let's have a look at her

In this picture you can see the interveinel yellowing and the burn spots a little bit. Also she is just about at the arm lengths that I'm looking for, probably will be able to tell on the side picture better.

So as you can see here, there really isn't that much plant mass, she looks kinda funny as is but she is about to have her arms pulled out away from center tied down and have a small plate placed on top of the arms until they begin to become wooded. I just want to wait until she recovers a little bit before to avoid any additional stress on the plant

Now let's take a little bit closer look at what's going on with the deficiency and with potassium, I'm sure most of you know but I'm ripped and want to ramble, so ramble I shall.

¹ Potassium helps combine sugars, starches, and carbohydrates, which is essential to their production and movement. I also is essential to growth by cell division. It increases the chlorophyll in the foliage and helps to regulate the stomata opening so plants make better use of the light and air. Potassium is essential in the accumulation and translocation of carbohydrates. It is necessary to make the proteins that augment the oil content. It also encourages strong root growth and is associated with disease resistance and water intake.

¹ Potassium-starved plants initially appear healthy. Deficient plants are susceptible to disease. Symptoms include the following: older leaves(first tips and margins, followed by whole leaves) develop spots, turn dark yellow, and die. Stems often become weak and sometimes brittle. Potassium deficiency causes the internal temperature of the foliage to climb and the protein cells to burn or degrade. Evaporation is normally highest on leaf edges, and that's where the burning takes place.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
tagged...i didnt even know this was up yo.ill be in here on the regular yo,love ur work.
tht cleaned up little bitch is already lookin extra sexy.
good to have ya back bro.


Hey T, thanks, I hope she turns out well.

I hope everyone had a good memorial day weekend, I spent mine camping, fishing and barbequing, was good fun.

Well the Headband and the Blackwater left on Friday to be flowered, I should be getting them back along with all the female Double Strawberry Diesels, atm it looks it might be all of them, One could hope. There isn't much variation to the pheno's of the DSD, two look identical, two others are similir to one another but a little different, one looks much more Indica then the others and one is looking much much more sativa then the rest, hoping for a good strawberry dominant pheno from that one. We'll see soon enough.:clock watch:

The GrandBerry's flush finally dried out to be watered on Friday as well, welll it was close enough, I watered with plain water, came back today and the deficiency had stopped progressing but was not recovering so watered with some Big Bloom, now that it's time to start getting her ready to make some babies for me I'll be transplanting her into a 5 gallon tomorrow, I'm debating whether to progress her into a 20 gallon container or cutting the bottom off the 5g and plopping her into a soil bed or maybe just add a few gallons and plop it into a second 5 gallon, I dunno, I still got about 2-3 weeks to decide as she grows into the 5 gallon.

Any way here is the last group shot that I took on Thursday

And a picture of the thermometer don't mind the humidity the sensor is outside the tent. The canopy temperature fluctuates between 74.5- 75.2F, so it stays pretty stable.


just tuning in and subscribed~! looking good so far man! sucks your dog ate one my dog is the same way after trimming my house is filled with splinters from chewed up stalks


Yeah chop I give her a fatty stalk and some sugar leaves at harvest(not too much though, she'll get sick) and there are splinters everywhere as well, she hates the smoke but loves the plant.


Okay, so broke out the training bucket, that I used to use for training my bushes, this will be useful in training the grandberry mother.

Plenty of drainage.

Also there are extra holes on the side of the bucket to ensure that enough oxygen can get in, I'm thinking about adding additional up the side of the bucket before the roots grow fully into the bucket. I dunno.

All around the top of the bucket there are multiple holes, for tying down branches. I drilled these holes as needed so they are not evenly spaced around the bucket

This bale got snagged and didn't get used up transplanting the plants that just left so am trying to use it up, I'll be using what's left of this bale for my Topsy Turvy tomato plant. I haven't used one of these things yet but I figured it's worth a try. I have others so if it doesn't work it's no big deal.

Here's the girl transplanted, you can kinda see that she isn't getting any worse but not any better either, it's okay the big bloom hasn't really kicked in yet and the transfer into fresh soil will surely help expedite her recovery. I didn't quite set the white balance right so the picture kinda came out more bluish but then this is pretty much what she looks like when you open the tent so yeah. Anyway, I'm leaving for the weekend tomorrow evening and when I get back on Sunday I'll tie her down.


Speaking of this weekend, I don't know what you guys are doing but a buddy and I chartered a boat to go White Sturgeon fishing Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We are allowed to bag one keeper a day between 41-54 inches, roughly 50 lbs. They will gut, clean, portion, package the meat and store it for us until we leave. I'm hoping to bag on at least two of the three days, but I'd be more than happy with a single keeper. Here's hoping for my catch to look like this though.

Picture courtesy of bonchovy.com ~ I am not in this photo ~

Just a side note on these fish, they can get up to 20 feet long and weigh up to 1500 lbs. These sized fish are illegal to keep, and if one of this size is hooked they will just cut the line as it would take several hours at least to just bring it to the boat, and tiring it in this fashion could kill it, which would be a shame in itself as a fish this size would be well over 50 yrs old more likely in it's 70's or 80's, crazy right. Well I think it is.


A little rainy but worth the almost triple digit weight worth of packaged dinosaur fish meat in the freezer chest next to what's left of my White Tail.

A buddy of mine is bringing me a Cheese cut that he calls exodus that he's had forever and a day, years and years. Not really sure if I want it or not, but I told him I'd take it all the same, hard to say no to something a strain whore has held onto for years. Him telling me that I'll need to upgrade my filtration was the real selling point, it should pair well with the DSD that wins out of the batch of DSD I got going now because wow do they reek to high heaven.

Anyway came home today and Grandberry was almost totally back to normal. Nice.


So time to stretch her out, that means time to break out my favorite training tool, twist ties. These things are great, easy to adjust and easy to add to the length of the training line.

Overall the height is even on the branches, was hard to get a picture showing just how even they are, but they pretty much are.

And from above, this spacing should be sufficient for the multiple heads she will have in the next couple of months.


About 5 hours later she had re-oriented

In a couple days once she pops on a new node or two the topping will begin, I figure about once every week and a half to two weeks I'll be able to top, so it'll go 3(current) to 6(in a couple days) to 12 to 24 to 48 tops... That's why I needed the different tops so far away from each other. I need to put a cover over the exposed soil to avoid the top soil drying too quickly, I'll probably just use a bucket lid.

So I'll update later this week, I should be getting everything back this week sometime, the DSD, 818 Headband, Blackwater and now the Cheese cut.


very nice bro, i like how they look i never have pruned before like that i bet they really like the airflow later on in life.. i always just end up with a demi moore bush. and i have to have fans everywhere to keep it flowing through the thickness...i think i'm gonna start doing this