Looks good to me, can't wait to see it in action. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but won't you still have around 16' in length after you add your back end?
2nd end wall covered in plastic and stapled in place.
and the two additional ribs added, as well as a 2" PVC center beam. this was not included in the cost in my original post. however it is needed in an environment of snow and heavy rains. the plans i am following did not have this beam originally. his hoophouse caved in. he rescued it and added the center beam. we have real heavy thunderstorms and even some snow so it was best for me to add it...
i knotched the end of each end of the 2 inch PVC so it would rest nicely on each end wall. not to mention the end walls are about 1.5" taller due to the way the pvc bends when screwed to wood vs. over rebar stakes in the ground.
here is how i knotched, fit and screwed the center beam on the end walls.
then screwed from the inside out and used bailing wire to secure the center beam
then in covered all joints in tape in preparation for the top sheet of plastic.
finally, i added ropes to provide more support for the plastic and to help it flap in the wind less. hopefully this will add to the life of the plastic...
The original plans called for 1 x 2's as the ribs. i choose to use 3/4" PVC.
However, i just now realized my PVC is on the outside of my hoop and the plans call for the 1 x 2's on the inside. So basically I could have some slight puddling during rain, but I really don't think it will be an issue.
However if if does become an issue I can move the PVC ribs to the inside of the hoop...