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1st timer. 250W metal halide closet...any tips?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
no wrong idea here man, for a bunch of potheads, we can be a pretty understanding group

Get some pics for us come monday


High noob33 yea it is normal that the roots gather at the edges.

The only way to judge if your plants need water is to make a mental note of how much the pot weights dry, anutha reason heavy clay pots are not practical. You water them only when all the moisture is gone from the plant and you can feel the lightness of the dry pot. Then you water the way i described and they will be happy.

Timetables are irrelevent and never stay in sync as the temp/humidity changes your plant will need more one day and less anutha, so you give it to her when she wants it, not when your chart tells you it's time.

I water everyday and have even had occasion to water twice in one day but my plants are never overwatered. :rasta:

Your soil looks more like bark than soil, you need to buy some good potting siol not the cheap stuff it really is worth the extra 5 or 10 bucks and get 40% perlite in your soil mix to keep it light and airy. If ya got the cash buy a little vermiculite as well but ya don't need it.

Don't do anything now but when she is healthy prob about 10 daze you will need the good soil mix and a plastic pot that will give you about 2.5cm or 1.5"
for new soil around the edges and double that on the bottom, don't pack the soil tap the edges of the pot and even out the top, then water very carefully, slowly and evenly totally saturating the medium without packing the soil while you water. After 10 min throw away excess water and wait if ya can afford it some canna rhizo?¿? is a great root stimulator to use the first water of transplant.

FarOut :rasta:


hey guys. we're still looking droopy over here.

lots of information comin my way and i really appreciate it. id like to touch on a few things now.

1. farout....youre right about the clay pots. i have a strong feeling that theyre absorbing alot of water. youre also right about the weight issue. the difference in weight between dry soil and saturated soil is minimal due to the heavy nature of the pot. so its hard to tell when she needs water by using the "lifting the pot" method.

2. i went to the hydroponics store yesterday afternoon and picked up a bag of foxfarm soil and a 3 gallon plastic pot....the lightest one they had. i didnt get any perlite but i can go back for that. the hippie girl there explained transplanting to me (she basically said what you said, farout). i would love to transplant right now....but ill wait. its just that i think the soil i have (scotts potting soil) is used up and worthless. i want to get my baby out of there asap. i hope she starts looking better soon so i can get on with the transplant.

3. i wonder if shes sad. i know that sounds stupid....but up until this past week, she had 4 other plants in there with her. just so happens they all showed male preflowers so i got rid of them. now she is all alone in the closet.

4. this overwater/underwater thing is driving me bananas. i read that a sign of overwatering is when the leaves are curled under and firm.....which is what mine are displaying. but it cant be. before every watering i have always checked the top 2-3 inches of soil and also checked the bottom of the soil by sticking my finger in the drain hole. i never watered when ANY of that was moist. then i read that signs of underwatering are leaves hanging lifelessly....and theyre not doing that, so....i dont know. im starting to think that watering isnt the issue.

5. with that said.....i watered this morning with a little epsom salt and 1/4 strength foxfarm growbig. i did it just like you said, farout. so, we'll see.

ill post some pics in a little while. thanks for the advice, all

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
They do looks overwatered

In my experience, underwatered plants tend to respond almost immediately to a feeding/ watering, from droppy leaves, to a somewhat healthy plant.

I am not sure what to tell ya here, maybe see if you can transplant that thing into the plastic pot, to help you in the future.

Any clay pot I have every used only has one drainage hole, that leaves a whole lot of bottom, that can stay very wet. This could be your issue, and depnding on how tightly packed your soil is, it could be very wet down there. Try and pull the plant out and take a look, possibly shake of whatever is loose and try repotting her in a dry soil? That perhaps will help ya.


She looks good the pale green is new growth and don't worry about the curling as long as you let it dry out good before you water her next time she will come round soon :D

imo the 3gal is too big now, you should have one transplant between the one you have now and the 3 gal. 1 or 1.5 would be best right now.

To make yourself feel better look at those photos i posted the early one looks worse than yours, 2 weeks later she is lookin great and you shoud see her now and i only just transplanted to a 6.5 liter i think that's just over 1 gal. she will get flipped to 12/12 and finish in that pot, n give me 5 or 6 OZ's of Dank :D :rasta: :D

Don't be in a hurry and keep postin photos if ya not sure :rasta:

This plant is in a 6.5 liter square pot and started just like yours.

FarOut :rasta:


hey guys. been really busy the past few days

anyway. i started thinking about what else it could other than watering. i was looking at the curling leaves and to me it seemed, by the way they were curling, that they were shying away from something or trying to protect themselves. suddenly i realized that i never actually took the temperature at the canopy itself. i had the thermometer on the wall at the height of the plant. so i put it on the topsoil and the temp increased ten degrees F. so instead of running at 76 degrees....ive been going at basically 86 degrees....24 hrs a day. somedays even hotter.

i raised the lamp like 4 inches and the leaves are starting to uncurl. i think they were heat stressed.

i have to go back to work....but ill be back on later

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
wow, normally leaves start to kind of bend upwards at heat stress, as the plant starts to take moisture from those leaves

But I hope that was your issue, fingers crossed for ya man




hey all. i was driving myself crazy thinking about what could be wrong with my plant. the more i looked on the web, the more my head spun. so i decided to stay away for a few days and just let my plant do its thing and hope that it would work itself out of whatever its issue was.

since last week i have transplanted into the 3 gallon, extremely light, plastic pot. i used foxfarm light soil. i watered it once on tuesday, then using the "judge the weight of the pot" technique, i watered it again on sunday (yesterday). im happy to say that shes back to normal. the curling has stopped....the yellow or light green around the edges of the leaves has also stopped. growth speed has picked up. all new growth is in good shape. here are some pics that i took this morning. thanks for helping, guys.

the first pic is from last saturday. one week ago. the next three are from this morning



nobody cares about the noob anymore :(

question.....i just got my elec. bill. the bill skyrocketed. i expected it to go up....but its a little excessive. if i switch from 24 hr lights to 18/6....will this cause a problem? if i can save 6 hrs a day i would probably save alot of coin


hey all. just figured id pop by and give you all an update and upload some new pics. things are going very well over here. im up to about 15 tops right now....all from LST training. i was thinking about leaving it like that, and just letting it grow for a while before i flower.

here are the pics. let me know what you guys think.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hmmm how much did your electric bill go? All my stuff I run adds between 30 to 5o bucks a month depending on what stage I am am at.
you could drop them to 18 hours without any issues

I would grow that plant out a bit, let it really fill the pot with roots and get nice and strong, remember that it will probably double in size when you switch to 12/12

and I still care about the noob


hey all. the noob is back in full effect! its been a while since ive posted. i had some camera trouble about a month ago.....which is why i havent uploaded any pics in the past month. but im happy to say that ive gotten a new one. ill give you guys some updates and pictures.

ive been breezing along ever since i transplanted into the lighter, 3 gallon pot, with foxfarm soil. i found out that the root of the previous problem that plagued me for about 3 weeks was, in fact, underwatering. i cant explain how i know this.....just that i was able to figure this out by learning my plants behavioral patterns.

i began this little project of mine near the end of january. i vegged her out for about 2 and a half months. this thing turned into a bush.....with about 25 colas. LST worked out great for me. i think the end result will be much better than if i had let the thing grow straight up, with no training.

i picked up a 250W hps lamp....and am now 25 days into flowering. crystals started forming about 4-5 days ago and the amount is increasing every day. some of the bigger leaves near the bottom started yellowing....so i came on here to find out why. i found out that apparently you should still feed with grow nutrients for the first couple of weeks of flowering....and i didnt do that. i stopped the grow nutes as soon as i switched over to 12/12 and started with the foxfarm big bloom. the next time i fed, i gave it a dose of the grow big. i think everything is ok.

anyway here are some pics. im sorry that theyre so crappy. it looks like hps lamps and cameras do not really like eachother. the next batch i take will be under regular light. remember, this is ONE plant

comments? questions?



That is an awesome plant...so many budsites. Fuck. Colas galore.

Nice buds as well.

Good luck, man.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yeah I am here

Plants are looking pretty good, you have some tops growing alright, looks like she is gonna produce some quality bud noob