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1st Coco Grow ~YAY~

Well, today to an unexpected turn of events.
I changed the water in the reservoir, there were about a couple dozen dead gnats, so I wanted to clean it out before adding anything.
Ph’d water to 5.9 and this is what I added
PBP Grow (hydrogardens, soil & coco formula) @ 10ml/gal
Liquid Karma @ 5 ml/gal.
Hygrozyme @ 10 ml/gal
Cal Mag + @ 2.5 ml/gal.
Sweet @ 7 ml/gal.
and a fresh mosquito dunk

Gnat action has slowed down considerably

I sensed a little bit of a halt in growth and considered it may be time to get them transplanted, this kinda went with my feelings earlier in the day that it was about time to move on to 12/12 and wait for clones to consider scrogging. They are just gonna be too big for the closet if I let them go much longer. Thinking about turning the lights off tonight, whadia think? :chin:

I went ahead and transplanted them into 2 gallon pots, I hope it wasn’t too soon, but I just had a yucky feeling about keeping them as they were.

All but 2 plants are between 12-14 inches tall, the two little ones stand 9 & 10 inches.

The clones are rooting (I poker my finger inside to get a look) but the gnats got em pretty good and it’s obvious they are suffering from it. :frown:

I’m still searching for more detailed grow/usage on the koolbloom, I found the post in which Xtrakritical used it, but without knowing the details, I don’t want to rush into it without considering , um stuff, considering stuff, sound good? lol, I’m having a language brain fart. :redface:

Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Sorry about the lighting/focus on pics



Voluptuous Trichomes
Love the root shots....looks like ice cream cake :)
Good news on the gnats slowing down :yes:
I am not a big fan of vegging with Tap water, Cal/Mag+ and Sweet concurrently. I had success in the past vegging with Tap water, PBP, LK, & Sweet (had bad results trying that with CNS17)....
In coco, droopy leaves (in my shows) have historically been an indication of nute lockout, from either bad pH or overfert. I prefer turgid leaves (when they're standing....reaching for the light)....overfert can lead to locking out the roots....and reverse osmosis....when I see droopy leaves I start flushing....and come up with another regimen....the first sign is droopy leaves in my experience...and if unchecked lockout gets real ugly.....and costs time...which is money when you're using electricity :D

Here's some pictures of a locked out plant...

Your plants have been through a lot the past few days....I'd try not doing anything to 'em for a couple days....let em recover a tiny bit before bloom (just my :2cents: ) and consider abating the use of the Sweet or Cal/Mag+...it's a "one or the other" thing IMO with tap water....What makes city tap water risky is that for some folks it may fluctuate....causing issues....

Hopefully, someone will chime in on the KoolBloom...if not....read the label, go half strength, and see what happens :D

Your plants are looking good, my coco sista...
this is gonna be a fun bloomshow

Thanks VT, you’ve confirmed my 1st instinct, sweet + cal mag+ is a bit much, so why did I go ahead and mix it up you ask? I dunno… The dog made me do it. :fsu:
Okay, now to rectify the situation. I have only given it to them once so far, so now I have 2 options :confused:
A) Dump the res. eliminate the Cal Mag or
B) Keep it going, I used a fairly small amount of Cal Mag, when I top the res over the next week, eliminate adding any Cal Mag and Sweet, and just dump it after a week, vs. 10-14 days.
I’d like to keep the Sweet in my regimen regardless
I think the LK is causing a minor discoloration in my roots.
Gonna follow your advice and wait a couple days to start blooming, thank you.
I get nervous putting up pictures, I’m waiting for someone to shout, OMG they look like sh**, what did you do?! So thank you for the vote of confidence as well. :jump:
No one has any experience good or bad with Koolbloom? Please, pretty please…


Nice grow Bubble~.

I'm not sure about the koobloom, can you tell me what's in it?

I'm really liking the way you think. You think outside the box and so do I. And you tell us everything that's going on and that's a good thing. I tend to post in volume myself, lol.

As far as whether or not to dump your reservoir and remix, if money isn't too big an issue, I'd dump. If wasting the money for the nutes that are in the tank bothers you, use what you've got already mixed and just be ready to flush if you see any rectangular little faded places on your leaves. That's the beginning of a Cal-Mag+ problem and using Cal-Mag is the only really harmful thing I did to my plants. The fact that you're using tap water means that you don't need the supplemental Cal-Mag+. You mentioned a while back that you were sort of thinking about using RO water. If you used RO, you probably would need the Cal-Mag but if I were you, I would use a 50/50 mix of RO and tap water. I use the water that I get from my dehumidifier as my RO source and it more than keeps up with demand. I'm getting about 4-5 gallons of reclaimed water a day from the dehumidifier.

Sounds like you and I have the same brand dehumidifier (Whirlpool Gold) and I keep mine on automatic/continuous run. While I was at your stage of the grow 55% was OK with me but when the buds start beefing up, you'll want to keep it in the 40-45% range. That's what I get when I use the setting above but sometimes it dips down to 35%.

One more thing that has helped me keep the RH down is not watering any closer than 3 hours before lights out. That lets the room dry out a little and surface of the coco evaporate off the excess moisture before the plants get total darkness. Try to keep the night temps low for the ladies once they get into flower and that'll further ensure you get no mold.

:wave: Thanks for stopping by Mojo, I’ve been spying on your grow thread and let me tell ya, the way you speak, express yourself, type is very easy to understand, it’s makes things much easier for the beginner to understand, and that alone is much appreciated. To think you are fairly new to this just makes my head spin and I find it truly motivational. Grow on!!!

I’m with you on dumping the res. except I am gonna wait till tomorrow, gotta tidy up the area first.

Will put them into 12/12 tomorrow :woohoo:

I’ll start using the dehumidifier during lights on a few days after they go into 12/12, right now I only have to use it overnight, lately it’s been around 37% RH during the day. At night, when I have to seal the room up it climbs though, I didn’t have it set on continuous run, will change the settings now. Good thing to know about the feeding to close to lights out. Thank You

Ripening Formula (0-10-10)

• Forces abundant flowering.
• Facilitates ripening in annuals.
• Boosts production of essential oils and fragrances.
• Increases size and weight of fruits and flowers.
• Precisely formulated to enhance the performance of all types of nutrients.

How do I use Liquid KoolBloom?
Use Liquid KoolBloom along with your normal fertilizing program. For hydroponics and aeroponics, mix Liquid KoolBloom into reservoir or irrigation system to the desired ppm as indicated on lable. For soil and soil less media, mix 1/4 strength solution each watering or full strength every third watering.

When do I use Liquid KoolBloom?
Use KoolBloom in the second stage of the reproductive phase (fruiting/flowering) to the end of the plants production cycle.

What will Liquid KoolBloom do for my plants?
KoolBloom promotes abundant flowering and helps facilitate ripening in annual flowers and herbs.

Where will I see the results?
Results are seen as an increase in fruit and flower production.

Why should I use Liquid KoolBloom?
Use liquid KoolBloom if desired results are an increase of larger, heavier fruits and flowers.

^ From the GH website ^

I guess what I am looking for is to find out whether it actually has a positive influence in grows. Is it worth using? Have negative effects occurred as a result of using this. Worst case scenario, I don’t mind testing it out, I just have nothing to compare it to, having never grown anything before.

The clones that were rooting are no more. Common sense is telling me, realistically there is no room to veg them; I have no room for Moms, which by the way, I’m not looking for mamas out of this grow. The cuttings were not the picture of health (an unfamiliar task starting off with difficulties of its’ own). I think I just rushed to fast in thinking I NEED CLONES, when in fact I do not and should of really spent that energy in making the plants I currently have, as well as trying to make my grow space/usage optimal.

Today, I have to work on making a table. I have the planting tub sitting right on top of my res. and with all that water and weight of the plants, it’s gonna give out and if it doesn’t, I’ll end up with ulcers from worrying about it. I didn’t have to worry about that with the other res, so I didn’t anticipate it from the start. So, I’m off to buy some wood, some nails and one of them cute pink hammers. :ying:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Thanks for the info....

Thanks for the info....

on the KoolBloom....
I never run dehumidifers at lights on...plants need humidity for photosynthesis...especially during stretch.... :2cents:
So, I’m off to buy some wood, some nails and one of them cute pink hammers.

Good luck the rest of the way, B-licious :wave:



yeah thats the thing about humidity, you need it in certain stages. vegging plants for e.g.. love it when the rh is anywhere from 60% to 80% and even flowering plants will need at least 50% rh even 60% is ok in the first weeks of 12/12 it's only after about week 6 that you need to keep your rh below 60% ideally below 50%. although too little rh is safer then too much, so i understand when you want to be on the safe side with the rh.

when it comes to clones, they are absolutely dependent on high rh, clones need a dome to keep the rh between 80 and 90. root temps of 27° are ideal. it also helps to cut at least half of each leaf off. but like you say, you can save up the cloning course till you need it eh? :D

great job so far, i specially like the way you document everything. makes it fun and interesting.


I’m sooooooo sorry for abandoning my thread!!! I shattered my knee cap in a softball game and have not been able to walk down my stairs to my office. My girls, I ended up with 5 are alive, I really hacked them, so I’m lucky they are still hanging on. I stopped the grow nutes way to soon and they barely made it out of stretch before being completely depleted of nitrogen. They also exhibited some nute burn, had to flush twice in 1 week, the pesky fungus gnats have me bowing at their mercy, neem, fly strips, and 6 dunks later I am clueless as to getting rid of them. They are 32 days into flower today, not many fan leaves left due to me killing em off, but they are alive!!! Just wanted to pop in and give an update, I didn’t want anyone to think I was one of them “blower offer’ers”. Thanks to all who have helped me and listened to me during my limited grow. I will post some pics for the hec of it and start a new grow soon, until then I’ll be watching & chiming in on some of the new threads I’ve noticed.
Peace mamas & papas…
At least they are still alive :woohoo:

There is 1 Belladonna, 2 Kc-33xSkunk and 2 Bagseed

There is a huge difference in how much better the Belladonna and 1 of the KC33/Skunk handled the screw ups, the bagseed is just ass, but I won't give up on the little buggers, worst case scenario I'll donate it to friends when they are hard up.



Voluptuous Trichomes
Heck naw....don't give up on those ladies!!
Look....check this out...the goal is to grow some good smoke for less than the dealer is slangin' it for :D
Shit...you ahead of the game! My first few runs resulted in fat electricity bills..............

.............. and dead plants :biglaugh:

You got some sticky buds in there....how's the smell? :sasmokin:


Heady Connoisseur
yeah bro, you will have yourself some nice buds in a little while.

worst case scenario you could turn it all into bubble :joint:
VT ~ Thanks for stopping by and not giving up on me! :kissass:
As far as the smell goes, last week my daughter was in the car with me and we had driven by an area that had smelled like a skunk sprayed and she took a *sniff* and says “mommy, it smells likes your bedroom”! I was tickled and horrified at the same time. I’ve been doing everything to cover up the smell, I’ve combated the odor around the house and in the main living areas but my bedroom is a skunk haven. I tell anyone who approaches my bedroom a skunk sprayed the bushes when my windows were left open one night. I NEVER anticipated the smell to be this strong.

Umphrey ~ Thanks for chiming in. :wave: I am trying to stay positive and reminding myself that anything is better than what I’m smoking now and for the price! I had a friend give me a trash bag full of trim a year ago and I baked up a storm with it, I was eatin happy foods for 6 months, so I’m thinking, something will make something by the time I’m done. I’m thinking I better start reading up on making some bubble, I LOVE OPTIONS!

The one bag lady is just pitiful, there is not one bud bigger than an inch on her and she don’t have much green color left to her anywhere. Her top buds were literally burning away from heaven knows what, I picked one off and dissected it, there was no rot or anything funky inside. :frown:

I left some of the fan leaves on that had a hint of green left in them, simply because I thought by removing all the bad leaves would of left them naked and I was afraid it might shock them, I don’t know that this is true, was just trying to think of, well think of….stuff…for a lack of better words and my current brain fart.

3 of them clones I threw away refused to die after being in the trash for 3 days, so they are a few miles away growing in the ground. The big guy put me on a guilt trip for trying to kill them off and he does not even smoke!!! :crazy:

There is no feeling worse than watching things go haywire and not being able to ask for help, I didn’t have any clue what to do or what I was doing (kinda goin in blind) so I’m not sure what really went astray, hard to give details. So many mornings waking up to see that mess I wanted to just tear it all down, but then I figured at least this will be a full scale learning experience, I can’t stop now, I think I’m addicted!

In the morning I’m going to buy some sand, I’d like to smother the gnats to death. I feel like the women terminator, maybe I’ll even wear leather/metal gear to wal-mart to buy my weapon of choice…aquarium sand…I can do this!!!

Thank You for hanging around. :canabis:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Well, I'll never buy any mosquito dunks then...damn.
My suspicion is that you overferted....right before you went to bloom your plants looked locked out....I was acquiescent, but did make a post regarding this.
I would keep feeding them at very low PPM's and flush for a week during final phase.

Hey, I am proud of ya for keeping at it, and not being ashamed to post up....least you have some experience now and have shared it with us all (with documenting the grow and PICS)

I'm tired of folks in this coco forum making bullshit claims with no pics in their galleries....


There is no feeling worse than watching things go haywire and not being able to ask for help, I didn’t have any clue what to do or what I was doing (kinda goin in blind) so I’m not sure what really went astray, hard to give details. So many mornings waking up to see that mess I wanted to just tear it all down, but then I figured at least this will be a full scale learning experience, I can’t stop now, I think I’m addicted!

One day you are going to look back at this thread and just laugh your ass off! You have plenty of folks here willing to help ya out, just stick with it.. Things will only get better my friend! =]


Voluptuous Trichomes
Maybe she shoulda used Canna nutes instead

Maybe she shoulda used Canna nutes instead

Hey, B~licious, are you here? Did you get my PM?

I'll be back...
38, nope 39, I can read it once I get to 50, hehehe :wave:

I've been looking for as many new threads as possible that I have something to say to get to 50, dam it's not easy
I feel rude jumping in older threads, I'll never get forum etiquette figured out.

My latest discussion involves human urine, I learned a lot but I still say EWWWWWWWWWW



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
You need some gnatrol, sunshine.
and on the # of posting tip i feel your pain. i was scouring the forums to find any topic i could possibly have a valid opinion on to hit my 50. tokers den is good for a lot of useless rambling. see pretty much any topic there.
if you're in the bay and you still need that gnatrol when you hit the 50 limit, PM me and i can get you some (i bought way too much).

Peace, Love, and Coco
Hey Humble, :wave:
Thanks a bunch! I've been hearing good things about the gnatrol, but unfortunately no one local carries it, so I've been searching for alternatives. I ended up buying a prepaid VISA, so I put in an order for some online.
It's so funny trying to get the post count up, I find myself wrapped up in useless conversation, something I vowed not to do when I decided to start posting HAHAHA!!! Watching the private messages BLINKING is irritating!!!
You're a doll, thanks for stopping in!!! Peace...
Everything that could go wrong with my ladies, has officially gone wrong.
I only ended up with 2 girls that were not bag ladies. I thought I had 3 but I was wrong and upon rechecking the labels realized there were only 2. So, my only Belladonna ended up getting pollinated by the dumbass bag lady/hermie next to her. I punished the shemale real good today for poking her, I had to get out my frustration! I had a feeling for awhile she/he was looking a little shady, but let my desperation to keep her hanging on out way my common sense. So far it does not appear that the other 2 left were pollinated, but I can't tell for sure without really digging in. I am sooooooo kicking myself in the ass for tossing my clones. On a bit of a positive note, the Belladonna sure is sticky and stinky, too bad she is gonna have seeds... :badday:


Voluptuous Trichomes
I went through the same thing not long ago. My 1st seed runs I had never seen a male or hermie. I have now :D
All of these problems you've encountered will make you a better grower.
As for tossing the clones....I can say that Gypsy, Dutchgrown and those Seedbay cats get things done!! Fast, and stealthy shipping....
Seedbay is the shiznit :smoke: They make it happen...