When I first saw the pic I immediately thought it was a ph issue... which it seems to be. Can't overwater 50-50 coco perlite....unless there are no drain holes in bottom of that pot.
GreenStreet said:I tell you what, normally I would let it go, but your smart remarks bug me to much. Have a pow wow with the other moderators and let them read the post before you call someone's advice dangerous. Let them read the post and respond to my advice. If they say my advice is dangerous, I will gladly apologize for my remarks. But until then, you should keep your mouth shut. I posted a method for cleaning coco for reuse and you wrote in one of your posts to it that you didn't realize you could reuse coco and your a moderator? And if you deny it, bump the thread and you can read your own post.
-VT- said:I wanted to add that the "wilting" or "droopy" leaves could also be a sign of lockout in coco....it's weird...in DWC, in my limited experience (I'm a novice), overferted plants showed a ramshorn...burnt tips....and if severe necrotic and burnt up leaves....but I have found another consistent indicator in my 50/50 coco/perlite setup.....droopy leaves and lockout
Sadly, I have locked out plants numerous times in coco and have pics and threads to back up my claim ....and when it happens in coco/perlite the leaves lose "turgor"....when I see any drooping I immediately suspect overfert lol...one night I read a post by Slickster and he/she pointed out droopy leaves' asscociation with lockout....hadn't read that before...
SUNSIMULATOR+ said:i want to know if you flushed out the coco before using it!! if not the coco has a ec that is so high it dosen;t show up on a ec meter!! i had to flush it out 6 times ti still have a ppm of 200,, after the 7th flush i got it down to were it wasen't reading on the meter!!
it is so important to flush the coco before use!! has high amounts or phos,, and pota,, and sodium! and the amounts are deadly to plants!!
plus to add i don;t use perlite in coco,, kinda like defeating the purpose,, i mean the coco 's best properties are that it's ablity to have great amounts of oxygen!! so perlite imo is not needed! coco kinda replaces the perlite ,, and whats so good about it is that it holds water and nutes!! (csi) properties .. is what the scale of a medium holds what amount of nutes ,, perlite has no (csi) ability! thats why ya can't just grow in perlite!! (ya could but) ,, but i think ppl need to just flush it more than anything ,, hope this post helped!
sorry about ya luck ,, BUT TO GAIN << ALSO MEANS TO LOSE FOR A LIL WHILE!
when ya get it worked out you will gain back what ya lost!!
Sorry for the previous posts, but I hate when people make smartass comments, especially when their misinformed and off topic.