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15x600 watt 48 bucket system


Active member

I TOTALLY remember this.... too funny... 400 sq ft... right between Nordstrums and The Gap I think it was...:nanana: They called it "a crop ranging in the millions"... Sorry for the random bump bro, but I figured I'd come show some love and respect in regards to the show. look forward to the next installment :joint:

that mall had a n-ordstrum n a G-ap in it? its been atleast 10 years since i been there, i thought it was a piece of shit at the time so figured it can only go down from there lol


Well-known member
I've paid 5-19 cents per KWH. That makes a huge difference in your pricing. I try to be as efficient as possible, and my 10kw room was roughly $700 a month while running 12 hours w air cooled hoods, AC, dehuey, in room scrubber in the middle of summer. That would be aBout 1/2 the ticket using 4kw 24/7 for a winter veg As no AC or chiller, dehuey etc. Is used in my CEA room except the dehuey towards the end. If you want to run more hoods and less power for cooling, perhaps a flip flop run internally or 2 separate rooms running 12 hours will help get you more out of gear. I'm flipping every 2 hours in the same room 6x a day with wide throw hoods like tubes, great whites, magnum xxxl's or mondos. 4kw runs an 8 light room where every other hood fires in a zig zag pattern giving me plenty of light, and plants tend to stretch towards the lights that are on, giving bushier plants w plenty of side shoots that would usually be snarf are growing golf balls and D batteries. Think of a light rail that goes front to back and side to side with half the cooling and ballast power. It's a bit more strenuous on the bulbs, but I can still get at least 3 full grows out of em. Trying to figure out a junction box that wires to another timer off the flip and get 2 rooms to run zig zagged the other 12 hours. That's 16 hoods run off 4 ballasts... Even a half on per hood would be 8lbs on 4kw.. Not that I think I won't get a p a hood minimum. things to consider..


Active member
The reason why I asked is because PG&E has a tier system that makes a little more of a pain to "do the facking math". Thought it would be just easier to ask. Didnt mean to intrude on someones security by asking.

My bad people. Ill just go over to this corner and stare at the wall now..


hey toohighmf I remember you at the AN forums.

Hella Fella

Anyone have any ideas/thoughts/insights to the new hi-tech meters they are installing?

they say with them electricity rates are cheaper @ night because they can now bill time-sensitive rates with the fancy meters,

I LIKE the idea of cheaper electricity, but I really dont like the idea of them BLATANTLY seeing a 10k+ jump for an even 12 hours, hmmmmmm

, discuss!


Active member
Anyone have any ideas/thoughts/insights to the new hi-tech meters they are installing?

they say with them electricity rates are cheaper @ night because they can now bill time-sensitive rates with the fancy meters,

I LIKE the idea of cheaper electricity, but I really dont like the idea of them BLATANTLY seeing a 10k+ jump for an even 12 hours, hmmmmmm

, discuss!


gott itt. I'm setting up something similar. I'm finding that with the 15 minutes on, the stock pump is way too slow for any large number of buckets. Did you sub in a larger pump? If so, which one? Did you sub in a larger drain pump too?

edit, just noticed you're flooding for 30 min.

Any tips on avoiding powdery mildew in a setup like this? It gets crowded in there which scares me.


Well-known member
A deheuy and lots of fans circulating the air in the room, and the canopy keeping your RH under 50% and you should be fine. Do you currently use AC? ACs help dry the room air too.


trimming is going to be very very long and tedious, hey what is a light bill on something like that if I may ask? Another question what kind of bill would you get from having 3 x 600 HPS 1 6 bulb t5 and say a 400 MH per month? The grow looks great! I love the Bubba's


dude, don't that have those stupid charts in the hydrofarm catalogs? You know your rate. Do the math! Keep this crap on topic.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
loving the massive canopy, 10lbs? no doubt thats about 3.3 oz a plant good work! the only thing i would do different is cut the massive canopy up into rows so you have access to all plants at all times. 5 rows of 3 with a nice 1.5 ft path between each row

gottt it

Active member
ya that room only went 1 round .. its been shut down for a very long time, working on some new shit tho - maybe ill post pics.. Be safe everyone!!


gott it, I can't remember if I asked but did you ever come to any conclusions about using 600's versus 1000's? Are 600's still your preference for this type of system and style?