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15 products pulled from all stores in WA for undisclosed pesticides

Marijuana Producers, Processors, and Retailers
Bulletin No 16-03


Date: June 30, 2016
To: Marijuana Industry Members
Subject: 15 Products Contain Undisclosed Pesticide Ingredients

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has detected residues of one or more undisclosed pesticide ingredients in the following 15 products. Several of these products contain ingredients that are not allowed for use on marijuana, which could cause marijuana to fail the Washington State Department of Health pesticide testing requirements for compliant marijuana products. In addition, some of these ingredients could result in the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board confiscating and destroying marijuana if they are found on products in quantities above the recently adopted action levels.

The WSDA has issued statewide stop sale orders for these products, and these products are not allowed for use on marijuana in Washington until further notice.


Safergro Mildew Cure for Powdery Mildew Control, WA Reg. No. 68573-08004
SNS 217C All Natural Spider Mite Control Concentrate, WA Reg. No. 998660-10002


Humboldt Roots 0-0.25-0.25, WA Reg. No. 1916-0028
Olivia’s Cloning Gel .08-.15-.09, WA Reg. No. 1181-0002
Optic Foliar AT-AK 0.06-0-0.15, WA Reg. No. 2097-0007
Optic Foliar Overgrow 0.8-0.16-3.2, WA Reg. No. 2097-0005
Rock Resinator Heavy Yields 0-7-8, WA Reg. No. 2422-0006
Root 66 1-1-1, WA Reg. No. 1707-0014
The Hammer 10-25-15, WA Reg. No. 1827-0015

Unregistered Products:

Frost Protection Plus, unregistered product
NPK Mighty Wash, unregistered product
OG Rapid Flower + Hardener, unregistered fertilizer product
Optic Foliar Switch 0-0.02-2, unregistered fertilizer product
Pyyro K 0-3-7, unregistered fertilizer product
Vita Grow Thunder Boom, unregistered fertilizer product

The WSDA is updating the allowed pesticides list, and will be working with the registrants, manufacturers, and other agencies to resolve this issue. The PICOL database will be updated to reflect this change as soon as possible.

Action Required

Immediately discontinue use of these products and remove these products from the licensed premises.
Advise all processors to whom you have sold marijuana treated with these products that the marijuana may have been treated with an undisclosed pesticide.
Provide a notice about the possible use of the undisclosed pesticide to retailers who carry your products that may have been treated with these products.
Post the notice provided by the processor in a conspicuous location on your licensed premises.


For information regarding the registration of pesticides and fertilizers, please contact the WSDA Pesticide and Fertilizer Registration Section.
Phone: 360-902-2025

Email for pesticide registration: [email protected]

Email for fertilizer registration: [email protected]

For information regarding how to comply with the pesticide label, please contact the WSDA Pesticide Compliance Program.
Phone: 360-902-2040

Email: [email protected]

For any other questions, please contact your Liquor and Cannabis Board enforcement officer.


so basically what does this say to stop using those products? Seriously?? what did they test every damn product on the m,arket


Ripped since 1965
Just like Michigan is doing they are saying the pgrs in something like Humboldt Roots and Olivias Cloning Gel are pesticides. This is stupid and incorrect.


Active member
Question: are these restrictions legitimate? What do people think?

I think organic grows are important and should be enforced but is this just BS or is there something to it?
Not a permitted use in WA. Doesn't mean it's dangerous, just that it's undisclosed.

I'm pissed about SNS 217C and Mighty Wash. I've been sprayed in the face with both of those a few times. Back of the bottles said we didn't need safety gear and could apply right up until the chop date so I just wore sunglasses and a bandanna and applied as directed. Stynky is not a happy camper about those. I couldn't care less about the auxins.


Active member
Really weird that they found Paclo in a product meant for controlling mites... I wonder what that's about


ICMag Donor
One Colorado hydro store owner, a member here for a while was met with EPA inquiries because what he was selling wasn't properly labeled. He gave up, I think.......
Really weird that they found Paclo in a product meant for controlling mites... I wonder what that's about

I was wondering the same thing. Best assumption I can come up with is that the paclo helps plants recover faster and get back to fruiting after pest damage. Makes your pesticide look like it's working better even if it isn't. I can't think of another good explanation.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Really weird that they found Paclo in a product meant for controlling mites... I wonder what that's about

Like the N in many microbial inoculants, you have to give the rube a flashy show to get at their pocketbook. But see below comment.

Most of these results look like cross contamination/poor manufacturing proccess. 16 ppm pyrethrin wouldn't do shit.

It's not like everything was chock full of ivermectin.

I am all for third party testing and pulling back the smoke screen, but one product stands out there, and if you're surprised by banned substances in flower hardeners making claims only banned substances can provide, July 1 or 4 must be very loud confusing days you struggle to bark your way through.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is fucking ridiculous. I am so sick of the double standards put on the pot industry. When it was illegal they had all kinds of double standards about it too. Oh don't smoke pot it's dangerous, just have a drink.

Now that it's legal you have all these absurd state regulations, basically because of dumb fucking pseudo hippies and their stupid fucking pseudo science. They didn't want chemical pesticides. Now they don't even want safe organic pesticides. Yet they go to whole foods and buy food with all those pesticides and more. These people are so fucking stupid it hurts my head. Half of the chemical pesticides they bitch about are fucking harmless yet you hear them bitching about how it causes cancer. There is no proof any of that stuff on the list is harmful.

Of course the state excepts this bs pseudo science because it means they get to regulate legal pot to the point of strangulation.

Well, stupid pseudo hippies, enjoy your powdery mildew covered buds and spiders mites because that is what you are going to be smoking.

Wait what's that you dont want pm and mites either? Ok then have monsonto make a resistant gmo strain.

Wait you don't want that either?

Fuck you and cram it up your ass Washington state.

If Cali does this shit, I'm going black market again.


The only way I know of to best control the potency and consistency of a plant would be through cloning, so if you cant clone with gel to control consistency wouldn't something new like GMO seed be required to keep potency consistent and avert a public health disaster that would arise from the super dangerous uneven THC levels???

The government may have to save us with GMO just like they kept us safe from all those super dangerous sugar corn syrup fruit mint flavors that nearly caused a national health disaster with scourge of the dreaded E- CIGARETTE

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
We don't need gmo weed. We realistic views, and informed citizens, for reasonable requirements. You have half of citizens scared to death of the fda, and you have half the citizens scared to death of pesticides, and pests. Almost no one bases their opinion on facts or science. The majority of our country is made up of grown spoiled children herded around by fear propaganda tactics, that want to have their cake and eat it too. I won't cater to them. They can all kiss my ass.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
bugs/pm? = #nugrun time

Preventative spraying is required to have pest and/or mildew free buds because all places have their issues. Even if your indoor environment is perfect it's still possible to bring in pests or mildew. You have to do preventative spraying. In California indoor growing is an obsolete business model due to electricity prices. The amount of environment control you have to run costs more than top quality bud is worth. Same on the whole west coast.

The people doings this b.s. In Washington are purposely making growing standards next to impossible for the purpose of driving out small growers and gaining monopolies so they can then drive the price back up. They invested huge amounts of cash into obsolete and inefficient infrastructures that they are stuck with. The only way for them to do this is crush small growers. They know bud rot, molds, and pests are an issue up there. They know they can make the small growers fail if they make preventative issues un preventable with regulation, and hide it under the guise of consumer protection.

Meanwhile they will pay off officials and cheat until they are the only ones left. Then they will loosen regulations when they have monopolies and fuck consumers the other way.

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