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14g for $75cad my friend bought


New member
i think this thread goes with one of the arguments against legalizing (anywhere esp. us) because even if it is legalized/taxed/whatever people will still be flying it in from all over trying to sell it tothe us.

buds in my area suck ass 50$1/8 (300-325$oz)for shitty wet sick grass smelling shit (NEVER USED TO BE LIKE THIS)

good buds are not found/grown around here(not anything comerical, i think. )
so when they come from other states it is expensive/priceless
60$1/8 up to 375$oz


$60 1/8 around here in maryland


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RooR HeaD

Thats some crazy prices for just a single 8th. thats why your best off in just buying a pound or a hp or at the least a qp. then youll only be paying around 280 a oz or cheaper if u buy more then a quap. and the good thing about that is you wont need to buy any weed for a couple months or so. me personally i think the best way to get weed is just grow your own. spend a couple gs on a nasty setup and in the long run it wil pay its self of if u plan on selling some. and then you could have any strain u want and you could say you created this yourself and thats a good felling. but most pics look pretty good.
peace guys
I guess im just lucky all strains are the same price and we could always find it!Heres a few pics for you guys!

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Registered Medical Patient
NY prices are ridiculous...thats why I left NY!!!!
Where I am, the prices are killer LOW, because SO many people here are growin the dank!!!When I buy, which is very rare these days, I pay 35 for an 1/8th, 70 for a 1/4, 150 for a 1/2 & 260 for a zip!!!!always cheap, always KILLER!!!dense, dank nugs, never kiffed, always cured perfectly..etc, etc....move to fuckin OR guys!!!!

uh huh herer

New member
Wow, some of the prices people have to pay are crazy! Of course it's not dirt cheap around here but certainly better than NY prices. Around here it's here to get anything really dank unless you know the right people, mostly just middies around. Thankfully many years back I was introduced to my the right people. Knowing the grower directly is a benefit. First I don't have to pay the $50- 1/8, $100- 1/4, $175- 1/2, $350- zipper, $1250- QP, those are going rates for this stuff, in fact I even heard of people paying $60+ 1/8. I can usually get the stuff for $250-275-zipper but why pay those prices when you can the clones and grown it yourself!!

EDIT: for some reason I can't post a picture but there are a few in my gallery?


Active member
Hey OP you are happy you were saving some money buying cheap, crappy Canadian weed....yes I have been there many times and the ONLY good weed was the stuff I had brought with me. Every time I vacation around Perth and Ottawa I am very popular at the bars and campgrounds because my weed is way better than anything they have seen all year.

You know why you made this post OP....you tried to poke some fun at us stupid Americans for paying expensive weed prices. We have extra money from paying half as much and even less than that for a gallon of gas the past 5 years and more. How stupid was that? Post up you gas receipts for the last 5 years. Add up gas, cigarettes (canadian prices are just STUPID) and weed and American weed smokers spend less than you on the three commodities. Then factor in that there is absolutely no comparison between the quality of American Cigarettes and American grown weed (yes we have lots of it) and it no contest. Even your more potent but ever so crappy tasting beer is inferior.

Every year I go fishing in Canada and every year I take cigarettes, beer and weed to share with my Canadian friends I have developed over the years. They count on tasting my American goodies because they know they are better and it is a treat and my way of thanking them for showing me around Canada.

Thanks for stopping in but it sucks to be you I guess.
And do not even try to mount a defense that your original post was not ontended to try and make us American smokers seem stupid. It was but it didn't work.
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New member
"Hey OP you are happy you were saving some money buying cheap, crappy Canadian weed....yes I have been there many times and the ONLY good weed was the stuff I had brought with me. Every time I vacation around Perth and Ottawa I am very popular at the bars and campgrounds because my weed is way better than anything they have seen all year.

You know why you made this post OP....you tried to poke some fun at us stupid Americans for paying expensive weed prices. We have extra money from paying half as much and even less than that for a gallon of gas the past 5 years and more. How stupid was that? Post up you gas receipts for the last 5 years. Add up gas, cigarettes (canadian prices are just STUPID) and weed and American weed smokers spend less than you on the three commodities. Then factor in that there is absolutely no comparison between the quality of American Cigarettes and American grown weed (yes we have lots of it) and it no contest. Even your more potent but ever so crappy tasting beer is inferior.

Every year I go fishing in Canada and every year I take cigarettes, beer and weed to share with my Canadian friends I have developed over the years. They count on tasting my American goodies because they know they are better and it is a treat and my way of thanking them for showing me around Canada.

Thanks for stopping in but it sucks to be you I guess.
And do not even try to mount a defense that your original post was not ontended to try and make us American smokers seem stupid. It was but it didn't work."

seems a little harsh but made me really laugh

RooR HeaD

RooR HeaD said:
Thats some crazy prices for just a single 8th. thats why your best off in just buying a pound or a hp or at the least a qp. then youll only be paying around 280 a oz or cheaper if u buy more then a quap. and the good thing about that is you wont need to buy any weed for a couple months or so. me personally i think the best way to get weed is just grow your own. spend a couple gs on a nasty setup and in the long run it wil pay its self of if u plan on selling some. and then you could have any strain u want and you could say you created this yourself and thats a good felling. but most pics look pretty good.
peace guys
I guess im just lucky all strains are the same price and we could always find it!Heres a few pics for you guys!


RooR HeaD

Ickis said:
Hey OP you are happy you were saving some money buying cheap, crappy Canadian weed....yes I have been there many times and the ONLY good weed was the stuff I had brought with me. Every time I vacation around Perth and Ottawa I am very popular at the bars and campgrounds because my weed is way better than anything they have seen all year.

You know why you made this post OP....you tried to poke some fun at us stupid Americans for paying expensive weed prices. We have extra money from paying half as much and even less than that for a gallon of gas the past 5 years and more. How stupid was that? Post up you gas receipts for the last 5 years. Add up gas, cigarettes (canadian prices are just STUPID) and weed and American weed smokers spend less than you on the three commodities. Then factor in that there is absolutely no comparison between the quality of American Cigarettes and American grown weed (yes we have lots of it) and it no contest. Even your more potent but ever so crappy tasting beer is inferior.

Every year I go fishing in Canada and every year I take cigarettes, beer and weed to share with my Canadian friends I have developed over the years. They count on tasting my American goodies because they know they are better and it is a treat and my way of thanking them for showing me around Canada.

Thanks for stopping in but it sucks to be you I guess.
And do not even try to mount a defense that your original post was not ontended to try and make us American smokers seem stupid. It was but it didn't work.
This is why us americans are hated by most peps cause of dumbass like this thinking his weed is better then everyones! your one of those peps that would say to his friend who just got back from the Cannabis cup in adam and brought back the winner of the cup and say its ok my shit is better! just man up bro ive been to Amsterdam and ive been to canada many times and ive smoked cali medical,vermont medical and colorado medical and you want to know the truth adam and canadas weed is better and cheaper then rs and im man enough to say it and ive smoken the OG KUSH 100 dollor 8ths and it wasnt better then anything i smoke in adam so what who cares!and ive looked at your plant pics and they are nice but they are not the best! so stop thinking your the king of marijuana cause your not and you never will be just enjoy the fact you grow great weed and your friends like it thats all you need and nothing could change that! maybe when your at joesmoes level we will bowe to you but till your growing weed like that or for the goverment shutup and enjoy the fact you grow good weed cause alot of peps dont get shit at your level and they never will so im sure they dont want to hear you brag about how great your outdoor weed is grown cause you want to know the funny thing i went to a dna genetics grow show and they all said for statsh weed grow indoor! you want to see what real plants look like walk in the sensi seed shop in adam!
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I had to laugh at that post by Ickis. Man we pay more cause we have a better social net than you. What is our population per capita vs. the size of Canada, somebody has to pay to keep it up, and that be us. It cost 160 billion and a few pennies for health care in 2007. Your government spent over 500 billion in 2007 on the military. They have spent over 40 billion so far this year on the war on drugs... who's paying more for what?


Fako Namo

New member
6400 elbows in Beantown, and they ask for five or ten ALL DAY LONG..............I am working on being able to pm, need more posts............


Canada What Beasters and Wet tree's with no smell

Canada What Beasters and Wet tree's with no smell

Staight out of Cali reppin it. Beat that come on lets see it, up close not in the dark son!!!! Thats what I thought!!


Wow thtas crazy. I remeber about 2 years ago the city I lived in was flooded with weed. could get 25 for an 1/8, 150 a oz. decent weed to

RooR HeaD

hey clark maybe next time you wont play around with the photo before you post it i could make all my bud look like that if i tweak a couple things in my picture gallery. hoesntly you are a dissapointment to all cause you have to photo shop your pics to look good see all of us dont!grow up how old are you prolly 15 i bet and you stole that pic too from DNA fact or fiction what do u guys think i know the real answere! and you want to know how i know thats not yours and to anyone who doesnt belive me look at clarks gallery and see his plant pics and tell me if you think he could produce a plant on the same level as the one he posted in this thread! cause he cant even bring up a plant from what i saw in his gallery!

to all you new york city guys your prices are crazy you just dont kow the right peps i picked this up a while a go when i visted my buddy at NYC for 325 a oz. and it was the last oz so i payed 25 extra it was suppost to be 3 flat!
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