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14g for $75cad my friend bought


MJ Melodies said:
But people here are NOT interested in names they just want some "dank." :confused:

yeah its cool to get dif kinds, but in the end they all get you blunted so its no big deal after you sample a few kinds.




hgl said:
Hey! Just want to show you an 14g my friends bought...
14g for $75 Canadian...

When I see $300 an oz at NYC... :badday: Sad for you!! Glad to have those prices here...!!!


Very nice bag for that amount. I wish there was more peeps like that. :joint:


Hi unicorn

Hi unicorn

unicorn said:
rite on man...nothing like growing your grass...peace

white widow x bogglegum

That wwxbg looks likes it going to be a real bad ass gal. Very healthy in its appearance. Great job there.


75 a half isnt bad,if its perferable smoke.After seeing the prices some of you pay,im glad im at where im at around here we pay 5$ a gram,30 an 1/8 60 a half and for most its 120 a z.Its all local outdoor bud,but no1 could tell you what the strain is unless you go to another city.Even tho the prices around here are pretty good,its still outrageous to pay 120 a z for bud they didnt pay for.


yeah, cali clinic herb is expensive...but we can grow it ourselfs and then its free. I can smoke a joint in my living room with the curtains open, do it all the time.


GZA said:
yeah, cali clinic herb is expensive...but we can grow it ourselfs and then its free. I can smoke a joint in my living room with the curtains open, do it all the time.
I lawl :pointlaug


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
in the uk for the dank shit your looking at 50$
40$ for the standard shit indica


dr.greenthumbs said:
75 a half isnt bad,if its perferable smoke.After seeing the prices some of you pay,im glad im at where im at around here we pay 5$ a gram,30 an 1/8 60 a half and for most its 120 a z.Its all local outdoor bud,but no1 could tell you what the strain is unless you go to another city.Even tho the prices around here are pretty good,its still outrageous to pay 120 a z for bud they didnt pay for.

So your saying its 5 a g and 30 an eigth? thats strange....

Canada is the cheapest place by far and your gonna find good quality if you know where to go. The most I've been asked to pay for an OZ is 210. That was Blueberry x Bubbakush grown from a friend who breeds. Other then that, 180 a zip tops. The risk is a lot less in Canada so you gotta take that in to consideration. They treat growing like murder in America. FUCKING CRAZY



Here in Fr, the majority of streets weeds come from NL. Those weeds are sold in majority with a gramme price base. So they are thus generaly out of price.
Ad it is without counting that they are also often of a quality quite lower than their sisters who we well know of the same strain...

Generaly, the basic-price is around 10 euros / gramme (but dont believe get some diesel's or really good kush...)
But that the street price, if you know some fellas price are more around 5 to 8 euros / gramme.

For the homegrowns weeds, that's quite different. Some sold like streets dealers, with a gramm price who can get lower according to the quantity which you want, and some sold pre-filled bags, with generaly a better quality/quantity.

For an oz of good homegrown weed, well trim & cure, should be spent 150/200 euros depend on the strain/quality.

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Active member
Hey guys! How are you? I am very supprise this thread is not dead yet ahah!

I start again but this times with HASH ? What you guys pay for it?

Look at this, I got 14g of this shit for only $80 CAD... and sometimes the hash is way better than the one on the picture! When it's cheap I pay the 14g only $70 CAD...! Very happy not to be in the United State!!! goooshhhh!!!

Cya and peace! :wave:



Active member
bluebublelove said:
hows that hash smoke?
Well it taste pretty well and I have a nice buz... my buddy say that the hash doesn't get them high but it work for me and that's what I want! ahah

I'll post other hash picture that taste fruity as hell... that I paid $50 for 7g...

Hoam Groan

Skunkster said:
i pay 55 a 1/4 ounce for white widow, seems to be grown pretty good too, decent sized nugs.

$55 USD?? for a quarter of WW? If you meant usd, I'd sure like to move to where you're at bro.
"kush" can run up to 550 a zip round here.

LUI is like 70 an 1/8th

Most of the time "good" bud as in beasters or comersh is 350 a zip tho.

Pretty high considering the amount of people who grow around here.



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