Babies getting flowered! Most is around 30cm, one beautiful plant (p1) is 15cm. I've been feeding them with a very low dosage of nutrient solution for about a week now (guano+general purpose fertilizer). By the way, i had to remove a female to have some space for the coming White Widows. Now there are three bagseed seedlings...
The babies have beautiful flowers now. The plant in the last picture had a tough time, forgotten at the cold window sill in a smokey room and all, it decided to take control... Only two left
I can say that these plants are not visibly worse than the ones which had grown with a month of vegetating. I don't know, i guess 12/12 is a very good option for a small SOG grow...
Thanks. 12/12 from seed is a very practical method indeed, and the yield seem to be more than enough when a proper sowing/harvesting schedule is used.
12/29/08 - Day 60
They're about 30-35cm long and have big buds. They show signs of Ca and/or N deficiency (lower leaves turning pale and die). The last two babies are supposed to be of White Widow strain, they are about a month old.
"...failed" how? Low yield, fallen off seedlings, hermaphrodites, or what? Maybe you should try having them go for a while under 18/6 fluorescents before forcing them to flower, i don't know.
1/4/09 - Day 66
Today i transplanted the plants into larger containers full of strictly organic matter. The mix is composed of peat moss, coir, humus, leonardite, perlite, vermiculite, sand, clay pebbles, dolomite lime, wood ash, dry molasses, home-made compost and sheep manure. Anxious to see what comes out of this
im currently on my first grow under 250w having probs with my bottom leaves turning yellow of my plant looks good though.........ill deff be stoping by...........peace
a buddy gave me some organic dirt he mixed for his outdoor crop and it was WAY to hot. i restarted my grow last week with new seedlings in a good mix of dirt me and a buddy mixed for our gardens indoor. so hopefully ill be on the right track again. im gonna veg this time 18/6.
I fed them with some fine dolomite lime, molasses and a low dosage of liquid organic fertilizer (contains concentrated molasses i guess). Hope this fixes things a bit. Thanks.
Weedman Herb,
Some plants stayed under 18/6 for about a week (bagseed plants), some sprouted directly under 13/11 (white widows). If possible, i try to keep them vegetate for a while (not more than 10-14 days though).
Hope things work fine for you. I believe, organics is the key to successful growing in any case. And i think you should mix your own soil, with your own judgement (considering the theory of course). See you around.
I wish I could keep things so spotless. Nice work man. I'm sure there's an obvious answer right in my face but what is the purpose of the 13/11 schedule compared to 12/12? I didn't see that discussed. Good luck in your future grows!
interesting project here man, curious to see what you yield with your light love the organic mix man, you got your organic nutrient regimines on key.. K+
i was wondering that too i know the dark times longer that 12 hrs
[11/13] can accelerate the budding cycle with minimal loss of aggregate sum of lumens/photons energy from photosynthesis
as expressed in bud weight.
juveewang007; Thanks. If you use the "space button" instead of "enter" in between the thumbnail links, the pictures get side by side.
ScrubNinja, Zolar; Nothing is so spotless at all, and i guess there is no obvious answer right in the face. The reason for 13/11 is just this: since i force them flower right away, i thought a little more time for photosynthesis would help. i don't know if this has any scientific grounds though
DonChron; Thanks a lot.
Hey dat, what's up?
1/15/09 - Day 77
Since these plants have been flowering for a while, i guess the yellowing of the leaves is not due to any actual nutrient problem and is just normal. I believe the harvest will be in a month. Here are the ladies:
nice thread...just wondering if you are simulating wind on those seedlings? i did not see any comments about a fan but that may help strengthen them up if you have not tried it.
great job.
i am gonna try this with about 50 bagseed mohocan...
what is the best final container size if you dont mind me asking.