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12 And 13-Year-Old Kids Turn In Dad For Marijuana Possession Say Police


weed fiend
Good point. Plus, we don't know whether pot was the only character aspect in the kids' minds. Remedy may have less to do with malady than meets the eye.
Kids in public schools are being indoctrinated by the government to think they are just being "Good Citizens" by doing shit like that. Absolutely NO regard for the welfare of the families or kids, just the Governments agenda.
I HATE the public school system.
What a crazy story. I was told the same thing as a child, "If you call the LEO's, might want to go dig a child sized whole in the back if you want a proper fueral."

My parents always taught us to be independent thinkers of outside influencses, even theirs. School knowledge was in the books not out of mouths. I would say maybe the parents dropped a ball on this with their children.

For some reason I have a sneaky suspicion these kids might have been facing some type of parental wrath so they snitched on pops before their punishment was passed down. Have fun taking "grown up pictures" with Unlce Chester in your new foster home kids...

Space Case

Well-known member
Thats why my kids will get home schooled! Gardening and Political Ethics & Trickery will be a part of their early curriculum!


dad shoud've done a better job keeping his herb hidden or at least had a conversation with those kids


Active member
after some thought, its, bit, difficult, imagining that these parents had a good relationship with their kids...

can not imagine these kids being very bright though or nice (unless the parents really sucked)


Active member
I'm also playing devil's advocate to an extent, so don't get too riled up, but ya'll (as in, the ICM community and the vehemently pro-cannabis community as a whole) take the "pot can do no harm" thing way too far on a regular basis. Sooner or later everybody's gotta realize that nothing is totally innocuous and this "movement" is never going to take hold and gain footing until its proponents start looking at the issues realistically and with a clear head.

Its taken me the last year or so when you blasted me on my nobody is to stoned to drive stance till now to relize you are a fucking retard. Weed is harmless fuck nuts. You may be a cop.
because anyone who uses weed would never take a hardline stance....Unless u are a cop. Drunk gives courage stoned gives caution.


Active member
I'm also playing devil's advocate to an extent, so don't get too riled up, but ya'll (as in, the ICM community and the vehemently pro-cannabis community as a whole) take the "pot can do no harm" thing way too far on a regular basis. Sooner or later everybody's gotta realize that nothing is totally innocuous and this "movement" is never going to take hold and gain footing until its proponents start looking at the issues realistically and with a clear head.
Honestly if you have ever really used cannabis what harm can it bring. you sound like a drug cop. my kid getting tied up with cannabis would be the last thing I cared about. I would actually rather he did that than pills or speed.
Its taken me the last year or so when you blasted me on my nobody is to stoned to drive stance till now to relize you are a fucking retard. Weed is harmless fuck nuts. You may be a cop.
because anyone who uses weed would never take a hardline stance....Unless u are a cop. Drunk gives courage stoned gives caution.

Anyone who uses weed would never take a hardline stance....WTF?!?!Obviously you also think nobody is ever too stoned to drive..again,WTF!?!?!.....How old are you??Fuck it,your obviously too stupid to argue with..CBF



Active member
Its taken me the last year or so when you blasted me on my nobody is to stoned to drive stance till now to relize you are a fucking retard. Weed is harmless fuck nuts. You may be a cop.
because anyone who uses weed would never take a hardline stance....Unless u are a cop. Drunk gives courage stoned gives caution.

Who in blue fuck declared you Mayor of Stonerville? Why in the world would you think that any one pot smoker would need to conform to your bullshit ideas about what makes a "real stoner"? My self-identity is not predicated upon the fact that I grow, consume, and have a deep appreciation for cannabis; my life is enhanced by pot, not dictated by it. In case you're a little too stoned to figure out what I'm saying there, my point is that all types of people smoke weed -- ultra conservatives, bleeding heart liberals, and all belief systems in between, political and otherwise. Put down the pipe for a second, douchebag, and consider the raging hypocrisy with which you are approaching me here.

On the one hand you talk about "taking hardline stances" (uh...yeah) and then go on to say that anyone who realistically approaches herb and sees BOTH SIDES of an issue such as this one, using logic rather than emotion to argue their point, must be a cop. Are you entirely fucking serious right now? This is what our community is reduced to -- when folks approach situations with a clear, reasoned head and realistic expectations, they are decried as cops because their opinion doesn't quite match the current bandwagon status quo? Give me a fucking break, you angsty, petulant child. Do yourself a favor and be on the lookout for a fucking clue. This is a harsh statement, but judging entirely by what you have posted you are honestly the worst kind of person. To put it in the form of an analogy, you're like a man who marches in the streets for gender equality and then goes home and beats his wife.

Honestly if you have ever really used cannabis what harm can it bring. you sound like a drug cop. my kid getting tied up with cannabis would be the last thing I cared about. I would actually rather he did that than pills or speed.

Well I guess that's where you and I differ. I would rather my kid not do ANY drugs because he is a fucking CHILD. The effect of pot use (and other drug use as well, including and perhaps especially prescription drugs) on developing minds is extremely well-documented and not exactly up for debate at this point. To not only not discourage your child from using mind-altering substances until he is emotionally, intellectually, and physiologically mature enough to do so, but to do the opposite and claim that it's okay "because it isn't pills or speed"? That borders on negligence, and I truly feel sorry for any children you have raised or plan to raise in the future.

JD you need to really think about the way u feel.

I would say the same to you, but then, I'm far more concerned with my own opinions and beliefs than those of other people. Maybe you could consider taking a page from my book in that regard.

Have a nice fucking day. :tiphat:
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Active member
Wow you guys must have some good shit out on the blue ridge, because the stuff we have here in michigan is harmless. You get high you get the munchies and maybe take a nap.... If that is the worst thing my kid gets into I would feel pretty lucky. Kids are kids and they are going to take drugs behind your back if you are not open and honest with them. I would rather my kids smoked my stuff than some ungodly cartel swag full of pestisides. now lets talk about what happens and it happens when parents are close minded about drugs with kids. It happens all the time . Kid gets drugs from shady dealer ends up getting something harder usually get turned out and knocked up by 16.
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Active member
Better yet lets talk about what happens when said kid gets busted buying weed from said dealer because you were sheltering him from weed. Talk to a high schooler or middle schooler they all have friends who smoke and they all get exposed to it.


kids are prob. all sad now they dont have a dad,,,,, got to think befor u act.. teach ur kids young... thats what my parents did...i didnt want to get taken away, and live with no parents


I just wanted to see where they were from. 0 surprise it's Utah. I love Mormons personally, but, that just fits. Mormons + nanny state=...

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