robertfaceplant what cultivars are you running?
hindu kush
"What kind of light are you running?"
"Some growers have reported having cultivars that go into almost full flowering mode under the 12-5.5 cycle."
pistols are very long
so where do i add light longer time?
I added 30 minutes onto my big light so 12.5-5-1.5-5.5 and another 30 onto my fluorescent. So far that is giving me enough pre-flowers to determine gender. Nothing alarming. Having long pistils is no big deal. That will also vary from cultivar to cultivar. Like people; some hairy, some not as much.
Why not just run a few CFL's during the lights out portion of the GLR? Seems it would be simple enough. Plants would take it as heavy clouds, or perhaps a storm. You would use a lot less energy using 3-4 cfl's for the other 12 hours than you would blazing a 1000 watter for an hour to keep them from flowering.
What's the point?