Breaking Bad meets beaker brewed beans.......
Hario Coffee Syphon TCA-5
Google the above name, priced less than
$100 online and only $75.00 on Amazon - full of interesting coffee facts by a cute Japanese woman. Coffee and butter blew my mind, but wasen't so tasty in reality.
try making or buying some Tom & Jerry mix aka Tom & Jerry batter, fresh products will require being frozen, jarred products are safe @ room temps but would require refrig after opening.
Amazon sells the Trader Vics Hot Buttered Rum Batter, other shops sell the Trader Vics Tom & Jerry batter.
this is what you're looking for, mix with either bourbon, brandy or rum/spiced rum. Google Tom & Jerry Batter or Mix to start.
btw, this is a seasonal holiday item so buy now and store it for use over the winter, there will certainly be several extra varieties available in the next 2 months, Mrs. Bowen's is an excellent choice but spendy as it's only shipped express & frozen on Monday's&Tuesday's.......
This stuff is killer, had this for the first time a few years ago.
do you recall whether it was a homemade mix or a packaged product, a gal up here used to make the best T&J batter I'd ever tasted.
I'm ordering a case of the Trader Vics T&J Batter and giving that in lieu of the pies I usually give to friends, I'll add a small bottle of rum or brandy w/each; when I'd drop off pies I always gave a can of Redi-Whip gotta make sure the package is complete.
Wierd... not a single french press mentioned in the thread...
Also the darker roasts have less caffeine. The roasting burns it offs. The lighter roasts have more caffèine and better flavor. I like a French press then put in a thermos peace sdd
Nothing better than coffee and a j