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11/13 CFL flowering light cycle???


Active member
So, I'm browsing the boards when I come across THIS THREAD. Look at post #8 - DeadlyFoez states that with CFLs, it takes longer for the plants to settle into "sleep", during the dark cycle - he then goes into explanation of certain light wave lengths which are not given-off w/ CFLs - causing the plants to stay awake for an extra hour or 2 after dark.

Has anyone heard this theory? He suggests an 11/13 CFL flower cycle.

I read DeadlyFoez thread (in his signature - his automated grow cab)... wow, he certainly sounds like he knows what he's doing!!!



Active member
I2KanGrow said:
with CFLs, it takes longer for the plants to settle into "sleep", during the dark cycle - Thoughts????

settle into sleep eh??

I've been doing this quite a while and I've never heard of MJ plants sleeping.
many process occur during the dark cycle.

sounds like hogwash to me ...and from my experience if you do the 11/13 light cycle for the ENTIRE flower period you can shave about 1 week off the finish date, and yield about 25% less (pretty significant in my opinion)

this comes from personal experience w/ cuts from the same mother flowered after 3 weeks veg.

I see no reason why CFL's would be any different other than your gonna yield less than w/ hid's, but the results should be relative.

hope that helps


Active member
Hey Sunset... meant to get back to ya, but New Years, the family....

1st & Formost, Welcome & happy New Year!!

Yup, we certainly have budsign now - I'll post a picture tomorrow. I also decided to switch to 11/13 lighting, just for giggles. My biggest problem will be in choosing which buds to "sacrifice" for the overall good. I've been attending "The United Church of Red" - and Red_Greenery suggests 9 main colas/plant in a 2 plant rubbermaid: man-o-man, I have a pile more then that... so I just keep tuckin' & tyin' for now.

How 'bout you, you mentioned that you just flipped to 12/12.... Got Bud????? I invested in Female Seeds: Northern Light & White Widow - they've lived up to their name and are indeed, of the fair persuasion.

Good luck - here's to girls!!!!


Active member
Hi sweetie :wave: Happy New Year to ya! I say if you are following Red....you can't go wrong. I have taken a lot of his advice with most excellent results everytime.


Active member

Well, now I'm conflicted!!! I have nothing but time - no deadlines... and I can be patient. First and formost, I'm looking to maximize yield (and who isn't!! :joint: ), I don't want to mess w/ that!

I'm going to research some more, I'll leave them in 11/13 for now, until I can find either quality research proving or disproving, if I find nothing else - I'll revert back to 12/12 in a few days. Did you get a chance to check his signature thread... pretty sick, eh??


Active member
Happy New Year right back at ya, POMH!!!

What to do... what to do..... !

(It sure is fun, doing the research, though! :chin: )


Happy New Year!!! You're killing me with the United Church of Red. ROFLMAO!!!

11/13 that's a new one to me. That guy is really out there and is over analyzing everything. The lights cannot produce visible light after the power is turned off for 1 to 2 hours. I can't see where losing a hour of light and the growth that goes with it will help at all. If anything reducing the light cycle might trigger a hermie.

I'd stick to the tried and true on my first grow.


Active member
Hey RED!!!!

Happy New Year!

Actually, I waffled about a 1/2 hour ago, and put my timers back to 12/12 (I'm such a wimp!!).

Yeah, I was reading my own metaphor into the "time for plants to fall asleep" thing... I was thinking that, while the lights were actually on, perhaps CFL's didn't have that wavelength he describes HPS as having, so CFL's light behavior would be the equivalent of having a really strong cup of coffee in their wavelengths, and HPS lamps have that particular wavelength that acts kinda like a couple of Benedryl, keeping the plants really mellow (duuuuuude) throughout the "day"...

whew ... did I digress there??? :pointlaug

OK -Red, Question: WTF is ROFLMAO?????


Active member
ROFLMAO - rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off

Hmmmmmmm, strange.... intriguing, yet bizarre visualizations come to mind!!


Active member
Well, problem is, it doesn't really work. I have been using that as an excercise method and trust me I still have an ass :badday:



Active member
Keep your ass... nay, I say embrace your ass, for it makes it much easier to walk with!

Whoa - another weird visualization!!!! :moon: :wave:


Woops, took me a while to put it back on. Really, it came off!!! hahahaha

That's good that you're back on a normal flowering light cycle. Your plants are right on track and doing very well. The only time I'd mess with the light cycle is if I had one that wasn't going into flowering after a couple of weeks of 12/12.

That guy might have a good idea but there are lot's of factors that can affect the plant as well. The problem with stoners is that they overanalyze everthing to the nth degree. Stick to the basics and everything will turn out fine.


Active member
Red_Greenery said:
Woops, took me a while to put it back on. Really, it came off!!! hahahaha

That's good that you're back on a normal flowering light cycle.
Glad to hear you're one w/ yourself (snicker). I actually never went off of the 12/12 cycle - Yep - I got "saved" (snicker-snicker) just in time!!

Red_Greenery said:
The problem with stoners is that they overanalyze everthing to the nth degree.
Yeah, stoners, and anyone else who happens to have a few vacation days... I gotta get back to work so's that I don't continue to obsess - and really screw-up my grow!!!!


arghhh don't use the W*** word. I've still got one more week of vacation left.

I was planning on skiing the whole time. We're having a green Christmas and the only snow on the ski hill is man made. I've been out 3 times now and it poured rain last night. It's +2 C today and I just got back from taking my bike for a good ride around the neighbourhood.


Active member
Red_Greenery said:
We're having a green Christmas and the only snow on the ski hill is man made.
Same here - I can't remember not having a white Christmas since living where I now live. @ +2C, they can't even make snow!

Grim!! :badday:

Jam Master Jaco

I don't think CFLs are as efficient as a metal halide or hps light....but I wouldn't know. As for deadlyfoez....he mentions in his thread that he spent $3000 dollars on mistakes. For a small scale grower that is ridiculous, but what do I know? :2cents:


Active member
I've seen buds grown from a plant under a 4hrs on 4hrs off light cycle.

But I'd have to agree that needing 2 hours to fall asleep after CFL is hogwash too. Most strains you could flower under 13 on 11 off anyways and I'd bet 14/12 would work too, except maybe for the heavily leaning towards sativa strains.

Speaking of Club Red, I built a tub for a buddy of mine(sooo much more professional looking than mine :D ,) so I'll most likely be updating his progress too.

And I'd like to add that cfl may not be as efficient as hps but hps isn't as efficient as the sun is, yet all 3 work, and I can't just put the sun in my closet, or an hps in my current situation, so I make due, and have no problems what-so-ever growing quality smoke. Also I can put my growing buds on a cfl and all it's going to burn is the spot that's touching-- I can put them extremely close to the lights so they get more light before it dissipates, unlike my hps' which stay at least 8 inches away.
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