cheaper? ooops! Not! I was looking at the shipping price; duh.
How much compost (etc) did you use?
An air lift doubles(?) the dissolved O2 capacity of an air pump-water volume interface regardless of water return and breaking surface tension.
3.5 gallons I added
1 tbsp of finely ground kelp meal
3 tbsp of finely ground alfalfa meal
1 tbsp azomite
1 tbsp glacial dust
1/2 cup EWC
1 cup of compost
1 cup of composted leaf litter
I was spraying some mulch I put down, mainly.
OK, what are the important things we need to keep in mind when designing a brewer? I've love to hear more. I have read your section on making your own brewer on your page, well done. That definitely has been an inspiration.....scrappy
My page pretty much says it all. I can't think of anything to add here.
I just bought two 15 gallon tanks and bulkheads to try making my own 'cone bottoms' without the cone. I'm going to try an airlift with a smaller pump.
OK, what are the important things we need to keep in mind when designing a brewer? I've love to hear more. I have read your section on making your own brewer on your page, well done. That definitely has been an inspiration.....scrappy
Good to hear your a couple steps ahead of me MM, i've been kicking around the idea of trying to get an airdump into a smaller brewer (10-25G) for a couple weeks without much headway. I'm working on locating a cheap cone bucket before I start work on the air dump, keep me updated on how this project is going! I'm sure my design will borrow heavily from yours
By the way, have you still been experimenting using pyrophylite clay in brews? (feel free to post on my page if its not relevant to this thread)
Could you add it for the sake of the thread MM?
My idea with the 15 gallon tanks is to create another affordable brewer for market. (gotta eat).
Hi Von,
It really is way too much for me to write here (so I copied links below) but briefly the important issues are dissolved oxygen, agitation & circulation.
I also attached a paper (for the mathematics fanatics) on air lifts which seems to indicate (because of horrid language) that an air lift can increase the dissolved oxygen by 10 fold over a bubbler column.
What I have done by utilizing the air lift is create a 50 gallon bioreactor. The crux of this is simplifying this as has been done by Heady or designing an efficient diffusion chamber as has been done by me. I have filed a patent on this but kudos to those who can employ something similar for a homemade machine.
Von; I wonder if you can incorporate Heady Blunt's design into this one or....? or is it already a sticky? I could not find it.
here it is
Also, is there a reason 'Tea Article' is out of the stickies
I think I can merge the two together and make one thread. I will look into that tomorrow.
The Tea Article is now in the Library in the sticky area above. Jaykush and I thought it needed to be cleaned up. No worries it remains. I made an Announcement to let everyone know where all the stickies went.
Do you really want the two threads merged??
did u make the vortex or other design? & care to PM me on the details. If all goes well, i will likely get a new brewer built sometime in april.yup! ive made a few of those and gave them away DM. you can get those bottles for free somtimes at the water bottle places, the one here has a rack outside that they always load with free bottles. they have lots of uses.