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Hot Chocolate


The Herbal Gerbil
No-one has posted here so i'm going to start the ball rolling. Below is my recipe for Hash Chocolate. Tasty.


Cocoa Powder ( Cadbury's is my fav but replace as req. )
1-2 grams of Kif each person drinking.

How to.....

Mix 1-2 grams of KIF from your stash with some sugar. Enough to sweeten the final chocolate.

Use the cups to measure out enough milk for each person drinking. Undermeasure slightly as we will be adding stuff.
Add to the saucepan and begin warming gently. Keep stirring while you warm it.

Once gently simmering immediately add the sugar/kif mix ( you can add the sugar before the milk which prevents sticking even if your not stirring while warming ). Slowly add in the Chocolate powder to provide the strength you want and allow to simmer gently for at least 10-15 mins to allow the THC to dissolve properly.

Remove from the heat and pour straight into the cups.

Remember that eaten/drunk herb takes up to 2-3 hours before it works and lasts for a lot longer than smoked herb so go easy and make sure you dose safe!

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
NICE Vapour!

I'll add to this kitchen's recipe index as well. I'll appologize in advance for my long winded recipe post ahead. :)



The Herbal Gerbil

let's fill this place up with recipes for those who cant smoke or prefer not to. If we get enough we might even be able to make a cook book or something. If we keep it clear and concise and do it point by point we should be able to get people all over the world cooking up some wicked culinary masterpieces!


I was browsing down the titles and I see hot chocolate in the cooking section and IMMEADIATLY thought YUM!

I will be trying this sometime soon.

Thanks for the idea!

And maybe pepermint schnapps
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Why not put the kif or whatever you wanted to use into a tea bag, that way it soaks into the solution but doesnt become part of it (yuk) the tea bag I am sure is a selective permeable membrane for the transfer of THC through its concentration gradient into the milk-fat, specifically the milk-fat that THC is soluble in.

You could put it into different cups, in turn, till it was "wasted" then refill.

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
extinctx11 said:
Why not put the kif or whatever you wanted to use into a tea bag, that way it soaks into the solution but doesnt become part of it (yuk) the tea bag I am sure is a selective permeable membrane for the transfer of THC through its concentration gradient into the milk-fat, specifically the milk-fat that THC is soluble in.

You could put it into different cups, in turn, till it was "wasted" then refill.
great idea


Whoa horsey,,,
Back the truck up!!!!!

first you post
Big Bud Bear said:
i just made some, waiting for it to kick in

then, next day you post
Big Bud Bear said:
great idea
soooooooooo, how about a test drive report?

How much did ya use and was it good?


The only thing I would do different is use half n' half. #1 higher fat content, may mean an increase in potency or faster absorption into the material, I don't know the science but someone told me it attaches to lipids, and half 'n half has twice the lipids of whole milk. #2 Half 'n half is just excellent in Hot Cocoa, easy call for me :joint: but I need to practise that dosing shit you guys talk about because whenever I drink my infusions I knock out.

They always taste great though.

A good half 'n half mixture especially with kif tastes like liquid warm kush pie. mmmmm

As someone who has done this a couple times I can attest to the power of it and have been a victim of the usual story with edibles, over indulgence. 1-2 grams of kief will get you extremely baked, atleast it does me.

I really want to cook with a racey sativa, experiences?

Oh and as far as teabagging goes :muahaha: I just don't know about that one. I am sure it can work but I don't see the purpose, with raw buds the mixtures are still good to outstanding in both texture and taste. and not really gritty if you grind and prepare properly. With good starting material like kief it pretty much just dissolves away in my experience, not gritty or yucky or nasty or anything like that at all.
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Active member
just so happens im sittin on mass kieff right now..
my only question.. is it honestly worth dumping 2 g's of kieffff!!!
cas 2 g's of keiff will keep my high for a very long time when smoked properly!
although i would like to just get blazed as fuck off some hot coa coa!! haha


Active member
Sneakin, you should take a look at the difference in smoking, eating and vaporizing cannabis... Digesting it uses more MJ to effect you, but the effects last longer and are more of a relaxant and soother than smoking...


Active member
Smoke68 said:
Sneakin, you should take a look at the difference in smoking, eating and vaporizing cannabis... Digesting it uses more MJ to effect you, but the effects last longer and are more of a relaxant and soother than smoking...
well ive made brownies several times outa canabuter. and understand edible effects..
but just dumping kieff into hot co co with some milk doesnt seem like it would do all to much...
thats y i just wanted to no if it was actualy worth it


Active member
Fair enough sneakin. I myself would like to know how this goes. I was kinda curios if the drank effect is any different from the eaten effect... I would assume not, but assuming makes an ass out of u then me...

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
SolarT said:
Whoa horsey,,,
Back the truck up!!!!!

first you post

then, next day you post
soooooooooo, how about a test drive report?

How much did ya use and was it good?
i did'nt weigh out what i used, about a gram, i just simmered it in the milk and strained it with a cheesecloth