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20k Back in Coco - 6kw BOSS Blocks!


20kw dreams

Not much to say really. I'm going to copy and paste some stuff over here so I don't have to write to much.

Day 1

I've got 2 - 4' x 4' tables to the right - one full of Critical Mass, the other with 4 AK's, 4 Sage&Sour, and 8 Sour Diesels. 16 per table, or will be after I weed out a few of the smallest.

I've got 4 tables to the left - Full of SOUR D. These guys are only 9 to a table. I'm trying to work on getting my plant numbers down a bit to keep my numbers under the 99 plant federal sentencing guideline limit. 100+ is a steeper sentence. This is of course all medical, but why not just take that little step in case the Feds once again choose to ignore the vote of the very people they are sworn to protect.

As you can see, I pruned them Preeety Heavy.

All's good in poohville.

I vegged those guys for a week in the 3" Rockwool blocks, and another week iin the 6" or 8" coco blocks they are in, depending on strain

I actually tried to get Canna COGR Slabs for this run, but they couldn't get them to the shop in time. I ordered the ****ing things a month before I needed them. So, screw Canna. This is the second time Canna Corp of America hasn't been able to pull through for me.

I don't know what nutrients I'm going to use, but I'm thinking maybe I'll be switching back to PBP, or I might give Cutting edge a shot. I've talked with the guys over at Cutting Edge a few times, and they are really a very swell bunch. Very intelligent, no hype, and trustworthy. Canna is a PITA, not for the product itself, but the company. Advanced is full of shit, although their products are definitely top notch. Botanicare is a decent company from what I've gathered, but Cutting Edge are the good 'ol local boys. Foreign products are more energy intensive due to shipping as well.

I don't know, let me get some thoughts from thy viewers/fellow growers.

Peace out Guys & Gals

Here's what we're working towards
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20kw dreams

Room is 6kw, 4 on one, and 2 on the other. the 4 lights are on 1 rez, the 2 on another. I have fittings on the tables which lead to irrigation or just ebb&flood, depending on what I'm doing.

The 4kw side is cooled by in-line 8" fan to 8" air-cooled reflectors. The last hood is not ducted so it pulls air out of the room, as opposed to outside. The 2kw are pretty much the same, but everything is 6" There are 2 8" holes in the floor which are covered with filter to prevent bugs from getting in.

I built my tables from wood into the walls at 36" high. This was a little high I think now, but works well with bushmaster for height control.

I've got 2 RO units which give me 100+gal/day when I need it, as well as tasty drinking water These fill up 3 35gal rubbermaid tubs which are boxed into a wooden frame to prevent them from bowing.

I built a nice 60a sub-panel for all my lights, which is really key if you are doing anything more then 2kw or so. Each light has it's own 15a/120 breaker. I also have 8 other 15a circuits for fans, pumps, etc.

I do not use carbon scrubbers, which I have found aren't really necessary, but instead use an Ozone generator which blows at the opening to the 8" ducted reflectors. This way all the Ozone is sucked out of the room, mixed with the air in the 8" duct to break down the smelly organic particles and is blown into the attic where it can also mix with the air from the 2kw side.

Anything I didn't think of?

My beautiful tubs of RO water built nicely under my tables:smile: very proud of this one

Also very proud of theis beast. built it myself, and it actually worked! it can handle 80+amps, has seperate breakers for each light, plus 6 extra breakers for fans, pumps, flouro's, etc

Chicka-bow-wow....little flouro area. Got 2 shelves, each can fit 4 trays, all under a work bench.

This is an old shot, but it shows the duct nicely
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Active member

Hey buddy good to see you back and at it after all the bad luck on your previous run.

So the root rot is what really got you last time right? What steps are you taking to prevent that this time? How do you think it happened?

Your funny in how often you switch up mediums and nutes. Guess that's how you've learned so much.

The readygro slabs combined with Monkey Juice has been rockin for me. Thanx for the tip. Easily the best I've ever done with this setup. Growth is phenomenal. I won't be switching anytime soon I don't want to mess up a good thing.

O yah that HKxSK at SR-71 is an incredible strain. Big yield, fast veg, decent stretch, tons of crystals and aroma, finishes in 8-9 weeks only drawback really. Don't forget to give us a strain report!

Really sorry to hear about the outdoor. I really thought that type of shit wouldn't happen in the SC area, but I guess the sheriff's there are dicks just like the conservative countie's sheriffs. I'm really glad your not in jail or some ****ed up shit like that. My heart sank when I read that thread, but I was glad to see they haven't pressed charges yet or tried to put their hands on you. I'm praying for the best possible outcome for you.

Keep on keeping on...


20kw dreams

Hey Hennesey:wave: nice to see such a quick response. Enjoy. I'll try to keep it informative. I'll prob eb using the bushmaster/purple maxx/gravity line this round. Should be nice, as always.

Hey Meduser, It wasn't here, it was in San Luis Obispo County. I moved here from there, and had patients that lived down there, which was what that was. It's been 2 weeks now and still no charges pressed, so I', doubting they are going to. I wish they would though really, because if they don't, I have to give them some "reasonable" amount of time before I can counter with a civil suit, which will be months. If they press charges, they would get throw out at a preliminary hearing, and then I could file civil immediately.

I think the Root Rot thing had to do more then anything with not rooting out the cuttings good enough in the blocks before putting them into the system, then they just stayed too wet because I was trying to make sure the ready-gro was wet enough. That, or I just put them under the 1000's too soon, and really the root rot problem was due to the plants just getting stunted by too much light all at once...something. I know I was getting impatient, rushed, stressed out, and making poor decisions because of it.

So, I'm just going to make sure my 3" blocks are rooted out much better. They took perfect this time around in the coco. I had them vegging for a little over a week in under the flouro's, then moved them to the big blocks for another week all packed in together onto 2 tables, with the lights up as high as I could get them. Other then getting a slight Mg def right off the bat, they took great. After a foliar of CuttingEdge's "Mag-Amped" and some floralicious plus, they just took off. After a couple days into flower spread out 9 to a table, they are showing only signs of love and affection towards their 1000 watt partners.:smile:

Really the reason I wanted to stop using the ready-gro was because my backyard is full of perlite. After the sprinklers hit the planters full of my used ready-gro a few times, all the perlite floats to the top and it looks like shit. Logistically speaking, compressed coco is nice as well. Getting it into the house(I live in a condo) is alot easier then carrying those huge, floppy ass ready-gro slabs. The BOSS blocks come 24 to a small box.

The Boss Blocks are nice also because I can veg them out 36 to a table, then spread them out when it's time for flower or whatever. W/ the slabs, when you plant, that's it. there is no moving those things around really.

Yeah, I'm always switching things up. I don't know why...well...it's because I am in that constant search for perfection. I am getting close at least. The last 4 grows have been coco-readygro-readygro-coco. Nutrients I'm starting to think are really not that important, because the results always seem about the same really. I thought advanced were going to put everything else to shame, but yields weren't spectacular, like only a little over a lb or so. Alot of weight was lost from not pruning the AK properly, but I just don't buy it. Any company who's highest priced products also have a dilution rate of 2oz/gal is insane.

Nuff bout me though, what's goin on in your neck of the woods? Got any pics up?
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Active member
looks a tad sparse in the top pics...
hope they fill out for you.
atleast you have alot of room for airflow.
sour D is an excelent choice. wonderful smell/high.


Active member
I'm doing good just chillin...

All out of my PK buds from my last grow unfortunately, but I'm about to harvest some Ody and HK here anyday now. Thank god cuz things have been real dry in these parts lately. Luckily a buddy of mine found a bunch of crappy popcorn buds from last years outdoor and we were able to salvage it by making some killer oil. So the oil is getting us by!

I got to where I was watering 4x a day through most of the flower cycle. They seemed to really like it. I topped out at 1.6 EC with PK13/14 added in.

This is the healthiest crop I've ever grown. I've kept it simple only using the Monkey Juice, and PK13/14. When I was using Botanicare PBP I was always having some kind of issue here or there although crops were very healthy overall I hated chasing deficiencies.

I've also been foliaring with silica and Purple Maxx about once a week. I started using Penetrator with my foliar sprays and they are working a lot better.

I also experimented with 2 light foliar sprays in early flower of bushmaster. Didn't notice any effect though probably needed to do it more...


Active member
Hey I'm munching some brownies I made right now. I used 600 grams of fresh fans to a lil over a stick of butter. Then baked it into brownies. It doesn't seem too strong though. Ever made good butter out of fans before?

20kw dreams

@ DiggyHippy - They'll fill in. They would have filled the table in before the pruning. If they were clone and looked like that, I would've waited, but when they are already developed and growing, that light foliage can be deceiving.

@ Meduser- No, I actually just let a couple lbs of fan leaves mold up in a plastic bag. I've made Acetone extract with them though, and got an oz and 1/2 from like 10 5 gal buckets full of dried fan leaves.

I have a samples of "penetrator" and "liquid light" from Dutchmaster, but can't find them for the life of me. They're around here somewhere, prob under the couch or something. I'm supposed to be running it against my regular foliar of floralicious.

I haven't tried foliar feeding silica though. Maybe I will end up sticking with Monkey Juice, at least in flower. I can't say it didn't appear to be the bomb, but I didnt' see it in the yields. That AK I used it on was pretty all over the place though, so that may have been it. The "grow" seemed to give me alot of stretch in veg.

I'm surprised you didn't see anything with the BM foliar. It's definately not as pronounced as putting it in the rez, but you should see something. Was your ph on? You had surfactants and all that jazz?


Active member
Yah I noticed the silica didn't seem to do so well in the res and I was worried about it clogging drip lines. I've used it before as a foliar and it works really well.

On the DM website they say not to PH your foliar when using Penetrator even though the PH comes out around 9. This surprised me at first, but I think it's because the penetrator forces whatever your spraying in without the need for absorption. Besides it's better to spray your foliage with high PH water cuz it deters PM. The silica especially so. This foliar spray of Pmaxx and silica and Penetrator has been working great for me.

Ya know I only tried that BM foliar on 1 table and I'm not totally sure it didn't affect growth, maybe made them a lil more blockier. I only sprayed 2 times I bet if I did one or two more it really would have hit em. They didn't stop stretching at all after the spray so that's why I don't think it affected them much.

These fan leaf brownies are weak. I think I may give up on cannabutter made form fan leaves.

I have to say that MJ did me right so far. I mean I didn't even lose a leaf till about halfway through flower. They were super healthy. I haven't harvested yet so I can't say how the yield is gonna compare to Botanicare yet though. Let's just say I think my yield will be better than when I used LK, Sweet, Hygrozyme, Hydroguard, and all that other crap.
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Active member
I didn't use the MJ grow cuz of that stretch you had previously warned about. Instead I just used Bionova's coco veg. Worked fine for the 10 days I vegged. I switched to the MJ bloom right when I went to 12/12. This was the first time I worked with Ody and HK so I don't know how they usually stretch, but mine did seem to stretch alot thankfully they filled it in later on. The MJ seems to have a lot of N in it.

20kw dreams

Sup ShroomDr and Indy:wave: Baller is not the term I would use to descibe myself for damn sure. I grow all this weed, yet soon as I start to come up, I always have a bad run. I'm getting my next batch of clones nice and early though so the progression is smooth. This is going to be a nice run for sure. Everything is falling into place. Healthy clones, nice weather inside and out, and everything is nice and clean.

I didn't mention this wierd thing I did for these gals at the end of the last run. I overlapped the light cycles. When the last crop was a week away from finishing, I harvested the 2kw side. They were far from immature, but just early ripe, as opposed to late ripe. The real differences are the high is buzzier/racy/up, and the bouquet is more clean, as opposed to having a couchlock/lethargic high and a more solid earthy bouquet. Anyways, so I pulled the crop on that side and piled all those plants into 2 tables. I then flipped the whole room to 18/6 light cycle.

It sounds wierd, right? But I talked to a couple other experienced growers about the possible consequences, and this is what we figured. The only 2 things that could really happen would be: a) delayed finish, or b) hermi's.

Now the first option wasn't really a concern. Really, they could already be pulled and so no real damage done. This didn't end up happening, and they finished fine. If any of you have taken clones off of plants a couple weeks into flower, or tryed revegging, then you know that it takes a while for the plants to really start reverting back to veg once flower light cycle has started, even if they don't show signs of flowering when they are reverted back.

The second possible problem would have been hermis. After careful deliberation, we came to this conclusion: The chemical triggers which would trigger the hermi's would take a while. Unless the strain is very easy to hermi, you would have to give it a sustained amount of light stress. I took this to mean that the trigger would prob take a week or so before the hormones built up enough in the plant to trigger the formation of male flowers. Once triggered, it would take another week or so at least for the male flowers to develop. Then, if pollination occured, it would take at least another week for a seed to develop into something noticable.

Ultimately, my little theory is that it would be safe to flip the light back to veg, up to 10 days or so from finish, before you would get noticable negative results.

So I tried it 7 days before I harvested. The herb finished up fine, and there were no problems. Now, it was my ill plants that I tested, but the results were encouraging, and I will be trying it again at the end of this run.

Wow, that ended up to be a long post.

Night ya'll, I prob won't be back for a few days.


how powerful of a fan do you have to use to vent all those lights?


:-quote -Ultimately, my little theory is that it would be safe to flip the light back to veg, up to 10 days or so from finish, before you would get noticable negative results.
So I tried it 7 days before I harvested. The herb finished up fine, and there were no problems. Now, it was my ill plants that I tested, but the results were encouraging, and I will be trying it again at the end of this run.

i know where your coming from on this 20kw , i did this out of necessity a while ago with no negative effects and the buds certainly didnt mind the extra light :jump:

20kw dreams

Ball rolling....I can dig it...

@ Suckerreppellant - I've got an 8" elicent ducted to 8" air cooled hoods for the 4kw side, and an "air king" blower hooked up to 6" air cooled hoods on the other.

@ skin - Actually, I read one of the few research papers on growing cannabis, about the response of THC production to light levels. I don't remember exactly what the light levels were, but it was definately 12 hours light, and like 8 or 10 light. It turned out that there was like a 50% decreased in THC production with the reduced light levels. I took this also to mean, if the light was increased, then so would THC production.

I'll add it to my list of experiments I'll probably never have to resources to do correctly:smile:


Damn 20kw, nice to see ya doing it up, nice clean setup. Hope everything works out for you on this one. Nice info about the late flower light change too, interesting stuff.

And that shot, of the bud we have to look forward too, damn that is some crystallization and it looks like it has a while to go too =).

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