yeah I agree, dont worry about pesticides, mine had a few bites here and there, I worried a little, but once they get bigger no probs at all.....
But....I would transplant those girls into larger pots and fill the new larger pots all the way up with a soil that is light and airy. Looks like one of those pots is less than half filled with soil.
Let them dry out a bit before watering each time.....all that will help your yield quite a bit
hey there blaziedave, sure man there are many options. but first what kinda bugs are we talking? Also it seems you are reluctant to treat the plant itself; which is quite understandable, but remember that most organic based applications ARE biodegradable leaving absolutely no residual effects. My favorite is a Garlic Barrier which you can make yourself, also try cayenne pepper sprays. Secondly, these sprays are good to use on the surrounding vegetation. it will help ward off insects from feeding in that general area. I do like sm90 tho, u might wanna look into that. smells citrusy and is organic....anyways for next year i would highly recommend this old school tactic of using nature as a defense. I did it this year with a bunch of 10 cent packs of chives and onions from the seed rack. I just tossed them all around and now i have huge onion and chive plants all inbetween my ladies. deer and insects dont like to feed on these so it actually helps alot.
i am still working on an organic defense against caterpillars, but for now you must fend for yourself man but for grasshoppers just up the anty on the garlic to double strength, they hate that..
Dig a hole and sink glass jars into the soil. Fill to the halfway point wit a mixture of 10 parts water to 1 part of molasses. The hoppers are drawn to the sweet smell of the molasses, they dive in and drown. Clean traps as needed.
You can try a caffeine spray. Brew coffee 5 to 10 times stronger. Cool and spray as is.
Or like i said try a pepper spray using jalapenos, habaneros or any HOT pepper to repel the ADULTS. Include some castile soap in with this.
Also, spray insecticidal soap mixed with beneficial nematodes directly on grasshoppers in the evening. gotta make sure its at night for full effect.
U might have heard of Diatomaceous earth applied as a dust can be an effective control. It will kill slugs cause it has razor sharp edges that penetrate the hoppers exoskeleton, dehydrating them and killing them. The same effect is had internally as they will also eat DE. Be sure to wear a mask when working with DE, you do not want to inhale it! Safety comes FIRST!
Some peeps use organic botanical products like pyrethrin to knock down nymphs in the first or second instar.
But i would not recommend dousing your surrounding area with poisons or anything like that. Only because someday you might grow there in the soil, or somone might grow food there for their kids and its good to be eco conscious in this craft. Hope i helped you a bit my friend. Stay safe and stay Green!
ya man i appreciate it ya i do know that the pots are like that i only had so much soil but i had to get them out of what they were in imma be fixing this soon. thx again.
Down there you will find catarpillars in the buds...
Thats about it,the only other thing is mold!!
RAINS can wash your buds off bad and cause molds
i have lost many a crops to rains and mold.
Just get some good Miracle gro potting soils man,buy it!
THose things are gonna fly ounce they get more dirt Dave!!!
Do the dish under the buckets idea too.....any tray dish?
You really dont need to use a collection dish,unless they dry out
to fast and you cant get to them like in guarrilla grows in the forest!
Post some pics after you transplant to more soil.......
SUcks hearing about you job situation down there?
Dont get down keep pushin,you MUST get some soil
and give them a good fighting chance,where all here
ROOTING for ya! what ever it takes man!
Look around use your head,borrow soil from an old lady
or just take it from someone's flower pots hahahahaha!
thats how i was any thing anyhow!!
DIdnt think they where that far yet??
Well they DONT stretch to much at all...
NOW i can see the NL in them for shure!!
Ok man,i got some pics of the easiest cloner you can
make right at home with 2 things bought,air pump
and a small light THATS IT HOME CLONER KIDS!!!
USe a regular cooking pot steal so it stays colder
than any plastic,or you can float ice in it too......
Check this man!
That light is a 27watt CFL bulb just right for a few clones!!!!!!
Show me your cloner BLAYZIE!
Simple as hell bro,notice on the tinfoil
how i mark them an ill have more in there soon!
THat little cloner can do a dozen clones easy....
Your plant should root fast,it has haze in it!!!!
The leaf is all HAZE in them but the bud structure
is looking like NL staying right where it stopped vegging
and thickening up not stretching more that 6 inches more!
Glad you got to cloning her,she is kinds fast on the budding!!!
Lets see your set up!
Never to late unless you have pulled off the fan
leafs,the biggest leafs need to be there to collect
enuff energy to revert back to veg growth.......
(depends on strains sometimes) but you got sativa there
and they usually root strong and quickly haha!
Let me see the cuttings your taking an shit?
Oh them air stones are to big maybe depending on pump?
Take a few pics of the clones and the bubbles in the water!
ill tell you if its bubbling enuff......and the bulbs,what do the bulbs
say they consume??..not light output but consumtion of energy??
Exsample: on the packs they may say 100watts of light but it only
consumes 32 watts of energy ok (WHY) because i need to know
how far to let you hang the light over clones so they wont burn......
SO check that on the bulbs,an maybe try an return the stones for smaller!!
Good going DAVE you'll be rooting soon!!!!!!!!!!
well the Cloning Room got busted at my friends house by his mom... So there are no more clones.. no where to really do them at im so upset about this now im back to what i was before.. except imma be able to try some of the bud thats on the moms that was on the 2 branches i was gonna clone off of so i guess that will be nice to see whats up... but FuK!2 plants a month away from being done. and no other seeds to bank on. Looks like i might have to go to bagseeds. DAMN.