Not sure if these are already posted...I know the sick plants guide has some photo's. I didn't scan these so can't accept full credit for the post... but for those of you who ask, "what is this causing my plants to look this way?" - look no further!
Haha.... now now, of course we do - any idea where it came from? Like I posted, I dont own a scanner.... but I do know these were found on the public world wide web - and being there was no watermark, copyright graphic or label for author/origin....figured my brothers/sisters here could certainly use it.
Thanks for all the props! Happy that I'm able to contribute!
i know the exact origin of these pics..its from the indoor grow bible by jorge cervantes...i have this boo in my bathroom..great reading and some good pics. never can have toomany diff pics of def...they all look dfferent to me heh.